Section R13-1-103. Procedures For Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutors’ Offices to Forward Dispositions of Criminal Pro- ceedings to the Central State Repository  

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  • A.       A law enforcement agency and prosecutor office shall submit a completed Disposition Report form for crimes specified in

    A.R.S. § 41-1750(C) to the Department’s Central State Repos- itory as outlined in A.R.S. § 41-1750.

    B.       The law enforcement agency that prepares the Disposition Report form shall complete the information in blocks #1 through 16 on the Disposition Report form as shown in Exhibit A for the arrest charges filed by the agency.

    1.        The law enforcement agency that prepares the Disposi- tion Report form shall forward the form to the appropriate prosecutor’s office. If the arresting agency makes a deci- sion not to pursue criminal charges, the arresting agency shall complete blocks #1 through #16 and blocks #18, 25, and 26, and submit the completed form to the Depart- ment’s Central State Repository.

    2.        The Department’s Central State Repository shall update the criminal history record with the disposition report information.

    C.       The prosecutor’s office shall verify the arrest charges listed on the Disposition Report form by the law enforcement agency, and add or amend the arrest charges listed by completing blocks #10 and 17, if applicable. The prosecutor’s office shall reflect a decision to terminate one or all of the arrest charges on the Disposition Report form by completing all of the appli- cable blocks on the form.

    1.        For criminal charges filed with a court by the prosecutor, the prosecutor shall verify or complete information in blocks #10 through 16 and block #17, if applicable, on the Disposition Report form and forward the form to the appropriate court as required by Arizona Rule of Crimi- nal Procedure 37.2.

    2.        If the prosecutor decides not to file with the court one or more of the arrest charges listed on the Disposition Report form, the prosecutor shall complete blocks #18, 25, and 26. The prosecutor shall forward the completed Disposition Report form to the Central State Repository, and the prosecutor shall forward a photocopy of the form to the appropriate court, if one or more charges are being filed with the court. The Central State Repository shall update the criminal history record to indicate the disposi- tion for arrest charges not filed by the prosecutor.

    D.       Agencies may submit disposition information electronically to the Department instead of in paper form if the agency enforces quality control measures and follows the electronic disposition format provided by the Department.

Historical Note

Former rule 2. Section expired under A.R.S. § 41- 1056(E) at 9 A.A.R. 5477, effective October 31, 2003 (Supp. 03-4). Formerly Section R13-1-03; renumbered under A.R.S. § 41-1011(C) to comply with the numbering system prescribed by the Office of the Secretary of State (Supp. 03-4). New Section made by final rulemaking at 11 A.A.R. 1550, effective June 4, 2005 (Supp. 05-2).