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Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
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Title 7. EDUCATION |
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Section R7-2-611. Special Education Teaching Certificates
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A. Except as noted, all certificates are subject to the general certi- fication provisions in R7-2-607 and the renewal requirements in R7-2-619. An Early Childhood Special Education certifi- cate as described in this Section is not required for individuals who hold the Early Childhood endorsement as described in R7-2-615 in combination with an Arizona cross-categorical, specialized special education, or severe and profound teaching certificate as described in this Section. An Early Childhood Special Education certificate as described in this Section is not required for individuals who hold the Early Childhood Teach- ing Certificate as described in R7-2-608 in combination with an Arizona cross-categorical, specialized special education, or severe and profound teaching certificate as described in this Section.
B. Terms used in this Section are defined in A.R.S. § 15-761.
C. Provisional Cross-Categorical Special Education Certificate - grades K through 12 for applications received through Decem- ber 31, 2015, and Provisional Mild-Moderate Disabilities Spe- cial Education Certificate grades K through 12 for applications received on and after January 1, 2016.
1. The certificate is valid for three years and is not renew- able but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).
2. The holder is qualified to teach students with mild to moderate autism, intellectual disabilities, traumatic brain injury, emotional disability, specific learning disability, orthopedic impairments and/or other health impairments.
3. The requirements are:
a. A bachelor’s degree,
b. One of the following:
i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in special education from an accredited institu- tion, which included courses in the instruction and behavior management of students with mild-moderate disabilities; or
ii. A valid mild-moderate special education certif- icate from another state; or
iii. Semester hours of education courses as fol- lows:
(1) For applications received through Decem- ber 31, 2015: Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the stan- dards described in R7-2-602, including 21 semester hours of special education courses and eight semester hours of practi- cum with students representing at least three of the five disability areas. Special education courses shall include survey of exceptional students; teaching methodolo- gies and strategies for students with dis- abilities; foundations course in mild to moderate mental retardation intellectual disabilities, learning disability, emotional
disabilities, and physical/health impair- ment; and diagnosis and assessment of mild disabilities. Two years of verified teaching experience in special education in grades K through 12 may substitute for the eight semester hours of practicum; or
(2) For applications received on and after Jan- uary 1, 2016: Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the stan- dards described in R7-2-602, including 37 semester hours of special education courses which shall include:
(a) Foundations of special education;
(b) Legal aspects;
(c) Effective collaboration and commu- nication practices;
(d) Research-based instruction in math;
(e) Research-based instruction in English language arts;
(f) Classroom management and behavior analysis;
(g) Assessment and eligibility;
(h) Language development and disor- ders;
(i) Electives; and a minimum of eight semester hours of practicum with stu- dents with mild-moderate disabili- ties. Two years of verified teaching experience in mild-moderate special education in grades K through 12 may substitute for the eight semester hours of practicum.
c. A passing score on the professional knowledge por- tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment,
d. A passing score on the special education portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, and
e. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety.
D. Standard Cross-Categorical Special Education Certificate - grades K through 12 for applications received through Decem- ber 31, 2015, and Standard Mild-Moderate Disabilities Special Education Certificate grades K through 12 for applications received on and after January 1, 2016.
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The holder is qualified to teach students with mild to moderate autism, intellectual disabilities, traumatic brain injury, emotional disability, specific learning disability, orthopedic impairments and/or other health impairments.
3. The requirements are:
a. A provisional cross-categorical Special Education certificate or mild-moderate disabilities special edu- cation certificate;
b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment. If a per- formance portion of the Proficiency Assessment has not been adopted by the Board, two years of verified full-time teaching experience may be used to fulfill this requirement; and
c. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety.
E. Provisional Specialized Special Education Certificate - grades K through 12.
1. The certificate is valid for three years and is not renew- able but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).
2. No new applications for a Provisional Specialized Special Education Certificate will be accepted after December 31, 2015.
3. The holder is qualified to teach students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disability, specific learning disabil- ity, orthopedic impairments or other health impairments, as specified on the certificate.
4. The requirements are:
a. A bachelor’s degree,
b. One of the following:
i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in the specified area of special education from an accredited institution; or
ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-602, including 21 semester hours of special education courses and eight semester hours of practicum in the designated area of disability. Special education courses shall include survey of exceptional students, teach- ing methodologies for students with disabili- ties, foundations of instruction in the designated area of disability, and diagnosis and assessment of disabilities. Two years of veri- fied teaching experience in the area of disabil- ity in grades K through 12 may be substituted for the eight semester hours of practicum; or
iii. A valid special education certificate in the specified area from another state.
c. A passing score on the professional knowledge por- tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment,
d. A passing score on the specified disability special education portion of the Arizona Teacher Profi- ciency Assessment, and
e. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety.
F. Standard Specialized Special Education Certificate – grades K through 12.
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The holder is qualified to teach students with intellectual disabilities, emotional disability, specific learning disabil- ity, orthopedic impairments or other health impairments, as specified on the certificate.
3. The requirements are:
a. A provisional Special Education certificate;
b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment. If a per- formance portion of the Proficiency Assessment has not been adopted by the Board, two years of verified full-time teaching experience may be used to fulfill this requirement; and
c. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety.
G. Provisional Severely and Profoundly Disabled Certificate – grades K through 12.
1. The certificate is valid for three years and is not renew- able but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).
2. The holder is qualified to teach students with severe and profound disabilities.
3. The requirements are:
a. A bachelor’s degree,
b. One of the following:
i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in severely and profoundly disabled education from an accredited institution; or
ii. A valid severe and profound special education certificate from another state; or
iii. Semester hours of education courses as fol- lows:
(1) For applications received through Decem- ber 31, 2015: Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the knowl- edge and skills described in R7-2-602, including 21 semester hours of special education courses and eight semester hours of practicum. Special education courses shall include survey of excep- tional students, teaching methodologies for students with severe and profound dis- abilities, foundations of instruction of stu- dents with severe and profound disabilities, and diagnostic and assessment procedures for students with severe and profound disabilities. Two years of veri- fied teaching experience with students in grades PreK-12 who are severely and pro- foundly disabled may be substituted for the eight semester hours of practicum; or
(2) For applications received on and after Jan- uary 1, 2016: Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the stan- dards described in R7-2-602, including 37 semester hours of special education courses which shall include:
(a) Foundations low incidence disabili- ties;
(b) Legal aspects;
(c) Effective collaboration and commu- nication practices;
(d) Adaptive communication;
(e) Instructional strategies across the curriculum;
(f) Classroom management and behavior analysis;
(g) Assessment and eligibility;
(h) Electives; and a minimum of eight semester hours of practicum with stu- dents with severe and profound dis- abilities. Two years of verified teaching experience in special educa- tion in grades K through 12 who have severe and profound disabilities may substitute for the eight semester hours of practicum.
c. A passing score on the professional knowledge por- tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment,
d. A passing score on the severely and profoundly dis- abled special education portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, and
e. A valid fingerprint card issued by the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
H. Standard Severely and Profoundly Disabled Certificate – grades K through 12.
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The holder is qualified to teach students with severe and profound disabilities.
3. The requirements are:
a. A provisional severely and profoundly disabled cer- tificate;
b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment. If a per-
formance portion of the Proficiency Assessment has
ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses
not been adopted by the Board, two years of verified
which teach the knowledge and skills described
full-time teaching experience may be used to fulfill
in R7-2-602, including 21 semester hours of
this requirement; and
special education courses for the visually
c. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari-
impaired and eight semester hours of practi-
zona Department of Public Safety.
cum. Special education courses shall include
Provisional Hearing Impaired Certificate – birth through grade
survey of exceptional students, teaching meth-
odologies for students with visual impairment,
1. The certificate is valid for three years and is not renew-
foundations of instruction of students with
able but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or
visual impairment, and diagnostic and assess-
ment procedures for the visually impaired. Two
2. The requirements are:
years of verified teaching experience in the area
a. A bachelor’s degree,
of visually impaired in grades PreK-12 may be
b. One of the following:
substituted for the eight semester hours of
i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in
practicum; or
hearing impaired education from an accredited
iii. A valid visually impaired special education cer-
institution; or
tificate from another state.
ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses
A passing score on the professional knowledge por-
which teach the knowledge and skills described
tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment,
in R7-2-602, including 21 semester hours of
A passing score on the visually impaired special
special education courses for the hearing
education portion of the Arizona Teacher Profi-
impaired and eight semester hours of practi-
ciency Assessment, and
cum. Special education courses shall include
Demonstration of competency in Braille through one
survey of exceptional students, teaching meth-
of the following:
odologies for students with hearing impair-
i. A passing score on the original version of the
ment, foundations of instruction of students
National Library of Congress certification
with hearing impairment, and diagnostic and
exam, or
assessment procedures for the hearing
ii. A valid certificate for a literary Braille tran-
impaired. Two years of verified teaching expe-
scriber issued by the National Library of Con-
rience in the area of hearing impaired in grades
gress, or
PreK-12 may be substituted for the eight
iii. A passing score on a Braille exam administered
semester hours of practicum; or
by another state, or
iii. A valid hearing impaired certificate from
iv. A passing score on the Braille exam developed
another state.
and administered by the University of Arizona.
c. A passing score on the professional knowledge por-
Individuals who take this test and are not stu-
tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment,
dents at the University of Arizona may be
d. A passing score on the hearing impaired special edu-
assessed a fee.
cation portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency
A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari-
Assessment, and
zona Department of Public Safety.
e. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety.
J. Standard Hearing Impaired Certificate – birth through grade 12.
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A provisional hearing impaired certificate;
b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment. If a per- formance portion of the Proficiency Assessment has not been adopted by the Board, two years of verified full-time teaching experience may be used to fulfill this requirement; and
c. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety.
K. Provisional Visually Impaired Certificate – birth through grade 12.
1. The certificate is valid for three years and is not renew- able but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).
2. The requirements are:
a. A bachelor’s degree,
b. One of the following:
i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in visual impairment from an accredited institu- tion; or
L. Standard Visually Impaired Certificate – birth through grade 12.
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A provisional visually impaired certificate;
b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment. If a per- formance portion of the Proficiency Assessment has not been adopted by the Board, two years of verified full-time teaching experience may be used to fulfill this requirement; and
c. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety.
M. Provisional Early Childhood Special Education Certificate – birth through 5 years for applications received through December 31, 2015, and birth through age 8 or grade 3 for applications received on and after January1, 2016.
1. The certificate is valid for three years and is not renew- able but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).
2. The requirements are:
a. A bachelor’s degree,
b. One of the following:
i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in early childhood special education from an accredited institution; or
ii. A valid early childhood special education cer- tificate from another state; or
iii. Early childhood education coursework and practicum experience which teaches the knowl- edge and skills described in R7-2-602 and includes the following:
(1) For applications received through Decem- ber 31, 2015: Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the stan- dards described in R7-2-602, including child development and learning, language development, social and emotional devel- opment, curriculum development and implementation, and assessment and eval- uation, early childhood special education, and eight semester hours of practicum in early childhood special education. Two years of verified teaching experience in the area of early childhood special educa- tion may be substituted for the eight semester hours of practicum; or
(2) For applications received on and after Jan- uary 1, 2016:
(a) Thirty-seven semester hours of early childhood education courses which teach the standards described in R7- 2-602, to include all of the following areas of study:
(i) Foundations early childhood education and special education;
(ii) Behavioral interventions for children with an without disabil- ities;
(iii) Characteristics and quality prac- tices for typical and atypical behaviors of young children;
(iv) Typical and atypical child growth and development, including health, safety and nutrition with an emphasis on special health care needs for children birth through grade 3;
(v) Child, family, cultural and com- munity relationships including community organizations that support and assist children with disabilities and their families;
(vi) Developmentally appropriate instructional and inclusive methodologies for teaching social and emotional develop- ment, language arts, math, sci- ence, social studies, the arts and diagnosis and remediation of learning difficulties;
(vii) Early language and literacy development including commu- nication methods in early child- hood education/special education;
(viii) Assessment and evaluation for early childhood special educa- tion to include observing, assessing, monitoring and reporting on the progress of young children; and
(b) A minimum of eight semester hours of practicum, including:
(i) A minimum of four semester hours in a supervised field expe- rience, practicum, internship or student teaching setting serving children with identified special needs birth through preschool or one year of full-time teaching experience with children identi- fied with specials needs birth through preschool, and
(ii) A minimum of four semester hours in a supervised student teaching setting serving children with identified special needs in kindergarten through grade 3 or one year of full time teaching experience with children identi- fied with special needs kinder- garten through grade 3.
c. A passing score on the professional knowledge por- tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment,
d. A passing score on the early childhood special edu- cation portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, and
e. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety.
N. Standard Early Childhood Special Education Certificate - birth through 5 years for applications received through December 31, 2015, and birth through age 8 or grade 3 for applications received on and after January 1, 2016.
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. Requirements are:
a. A provisional early childhood Special Education certificate;
b. Passing score on the performance portion of the Ari- zona Teacher Proficiency Assessment. If a perfor- mance portion of the Proficiency Assessment has not been adopted by the Board, two years of verified full-time teaching experience may be used to fulfill this requirement; and
c. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety.
Historical Note
Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4).
Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 1132, effective March 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-1). Amended by emergency
rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 5139, effective November 19, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-4). Emergency rulemaking renewed under
A.R.S. § 41-1026(D) at 9 A.A.R. 1547, effective April 29, 2003 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 03-2). Emer- gency rulemaking repealed under A.R.S. § 41-1026(E) and permanent R7-2-611 amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 3950, effective October 21, 2003 (Supp. 03-3).
Former R7-2-611 recodified to R7-2-612; new R7-2-611 recodified from R7-2-610 at 16 A.A.R. 68, effective December 8, 2008 (Supp. 10-1). R7-2-611 “Prekindergar- ten” corrected to “PreK” at request of the Board, Office File No. M09-444, filed November 24, 2009 (Supp. 10-
1). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 16 A.A.R. 119,
effective September 21, 2009 (Supp. 10-2). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 16 A.A.R. 235, effective December 7, 2009 (Supp. 10-3). Amended by exempt rulemaking at
16 A.A.R. 1249, effective May 24, 2010 (Supp. 10-4).
Amended by final exempt rulemaking at 21 A.A.R. 2056, effective December 2, 2013 (Supp. 15-3).