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Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
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Title 7. EDUCATION |
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Section R7-2-612. Career and Technical Education Teaching Certif- icates
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A. Except as noted, all certificates are subject to the general certi- fication provisions in R7-2-607, and the renewal requirements in R7-2-619.
B. A provisional career and technical education certificate shall be extended once for three years upon completion of one half the required semester hours of courses for the standard career and technical education certificate in the same career and tech- nical education area.
C. For purposes of this rule, the following definitions apply:
1. “Agriculture” means agriculture, agriculture operations, and related sciences; natural resources and conservation; environmental design; landscape architecture; agricul- tural biological engineering; forest engineering, biologi- cal and biomedical sciences; parks, recreation and leisure facilities management; geological and earth sciences/geo- sciences; veterinary/animal health technician/veterinary assistant; environmental health; and veterinary medicine as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165), U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Code 01, which is incor- porated by reference and on file with the Arizona Depart- ment of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Arizona Depart- ment of Education located at 1535 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jes- sup, MD 20794-1398.
2. “Business and Marketing” means computer and informa- tion sciences and support services; accounting and com- puter information services; business/commerce, general; business administration, management and operations; accounting; business operations support and assistant ser- vices; business/corporate communications; business/ managerial economics; entrepreneurial and small busi- ness operations; finance and financial management ser- vices; hospitality administration/management; human resources management and services; international busi- ness; management information systems and services; management sciences and quantitative methods; market- ing; real estate; taxation; insurance; general sales, mer- chandising and related marketing operations; specialized sales, merchandising and marketing operations; and busi- ness, management, marketing and related support ser- vices, other as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165), U.S. Depart- ment of Education, National Center for Education Statis- tics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Code 52, which is incorporated by reference and on file with the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference con- tains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Ari- zona Department of Education, located at 1535 W. Jeffer- son Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398.
3. “Education and Training” means all occupational areas of secondary education and teaching; junior high/intermedi- ate/middle school education and teaching; elementary education and teaching; kindergarten/preschool education and teaching; early childhood education and teaching; adult education and teaching; and special education as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165) U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Code 13, which is incor- porated by reference and on file with the Arizona Depart- ment of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Arizona Depart- ment of Education located at 1535 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jes- sup, MD 20794-1398.
4. “Family and Consumer Sciences” means culinary arts; kindergarten/preschool education and teaching; early childhood education and teaching; family and consumer sciences/human sciences; nutrition sciences; interior design; hospitality administration/management; fashion merchandising; fashion modeling; apparel and accesso- ries marketing operations; tourism and travel services marketing operations; tourism promotion operations; and hospitality and recreation marketing operations as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165) U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Code 19, which is incor- porated by reference and on file with the Arizona Depart- ment of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Arizona Depart- ment of Education, located at 1535 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jes- sup, MD 20794-1398.
5. “Health Careers” means exercise physiology; kinesiology and exercise science; medical/clinical assistant; clinical/ medical laboratory assistant; pharmacy technician/assis- tant; medical radiologic technology/science-radiation therapist; radiologic technology/science-radiographer; physician assistant; athletic training/trainer; clinical/med- ical laboratory technician; clinical laboratory science/ medical technology/technologist; phlebotomy/phleboto- mist; medicine; nursing/registered nurse; osteopathic medicine/osteopathy; pharmacy; physical therapy/thera- pist; and kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165) U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Code 51, which is incorporated by reference and on file with the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Arizona Department of Educa- tion located at 1535 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of
Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794- 1398.
6. “Industrial and Emerging Technologies” means audiovi- sual communications technologies/technicians; graphic communications; cosmetology and personal grooming services; electrical engineering technologies/technicians; electromechanical instrumentation and maintenance tech- nologies/technicians; environmental control technolo- gies/technicians; industrial production technologies/ technicians; quality control and safety technologies/tech- nicians; mechanical engineering related technologies/ technicians; mining and petroleum technologies/techni- cians; construction engineering technologies; engineer- ing-related technologies; computer engineering technologies/technicians; drafting/design engineering technologies/technicians; security and protective ser- vices; mason/masonry; carpenters; electrical and power transmission installers; building/construction finishing, management and inspection; electrical/electronics main- tenance and repair technology; heating, air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration maintenance technology/ technician; heavy/industrial equipment maintenance tech- nologies; precision systems maintenance and repair tech- nologies; vehicle maintenance and repair technologies; precision metal working; construction/heavy equipment/ earthmoving equipment operation; design and visual communications, general; commercial and advertising art; industrial design; commercial photography; and visual performing arts as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165)
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Edu- cation Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Codes 10, 12, 15, 41, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50, which is incorporated by reference and on file with the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference con- tains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Ari- zona Department of Education located at 1535 W. Jeffer- son Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398.
7. “Occupational Area” means employment in any of the areas identified in subsections (C)(1) through (6) relating to Agriculture, Business and Marketing, Education and Training, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Careers, or Industrial and Emerging Technologies.
8. “Professional Knowledge” means the art of teaching including the knowledge and skills necessary for instruc- tional planning, delivery and evaluation in a career and technical education setting.
9. “Subject Knowledge” means the information, under- standing and skills specific to the broad occupational area.
10. “Verified Work Experience” means written documenta- tion from a current or former supervisor for paid or unpaid work, a current school superintendent, or the Department of Education Career and Technical Education Programmatic State Supervisor indicating that an appli- cant for a career and technical education certificate per- formed work in a business or industry setting related to the program to be taught as identified in subsections (C)(1) through (6).
D. Provisional Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate
- Agriculture – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for three years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree in agriculture or related sciences:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in agriculture from an accredited institution,
(2) Thirty semester hours of courses in agri- culture, and
(3) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in an agriculture occupa- tional area.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or an Arizona CTE teaching certifi- cate in another content area:
(1) A valid Arizona provisional or standard teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;
(2) One year of the most recent teacher evalu- ation(s) approved by a certificated admin- istrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a PreK-12 school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona teaching certifi- cate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;
(3) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical education methods or con- tent in agriculture; and
(4) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in an agriculture occupa- tional area.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional: Six thousand clock hours of verified work experience in an agriculture occupational area.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state: A valid teaching certificate in career and technical agriculture education from another state.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in an agriculture education teacher preparation program:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in an agriculture education teacher prepara- tion program from an accredited institu- tion, and
(2) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in an agriculture occupa- tional area.
3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers, before the extension of the provisional career and techni- cal education certificate - Agriculture. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who submit verification of one of the following:
a. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Submit the original score report at time of application,
b. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District
Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
c. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
E. Standard Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate - Agriculture – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree in agriculture or related sciences:
(1) Qualification under Option A for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge, to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion, or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture. Eighteen semes- ter hours may be obtained through Depart- ment-CTE approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certified administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a second- ary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona provisional CTE teaching certificate - Agriculture exhibit- ing satisfactory performance in the class- room.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or an Arizona CTE teaching certifi- cate in another content area:
(1) Qualification under Option B for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agri- culture exhibiting satisfactory perfor- mance in the classroom;
(3) Twelve semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include:
(a) Nine semester hours of courses in agriculture subject knowledge; and
(b) Three semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: princi- ples/philosophy of career and techni- cal education, operation of a career and technical student organization,
methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technol- ogy, educational philosophy, instruc- tional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certifi- cate - Agriculture. Twelve semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved profes- sional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(4) An additional 240 clock hours of verified work experience in an agriculture occupa- tional area. Hours may have been accumu- lated before obtaining the provisional certification.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional:
(1) Qualification under Option C for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agri- culture exhibiting satisfactory perfor- mance in the classroom; and
(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional design/meth- odology, assessment/evaluation, instruc- tional technology, educational philosophy, or classroom management. Fifteen semes- ter hours may be obtained through Depart- ment-CTE approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state:
(1) Qualification under Option D for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture; and
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agri- culture exhibiting satisfactory perfor- mance in the classroom.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in an agriculture education teacher preparation program:
(1) Qualification under Option E for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge, to include any of the
following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion, or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture. Eighteen semes- ter hours may be obtained through Depart- ment-CTE approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certified administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a second- ary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agricul- ture exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.
c. A passing score on the professional knowledge por- tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who sub- mit verification of one of the following:
i. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Sub- mit the original score report at time of applica- tion,
ii. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
iii. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
F. Provisional Career and Technical Education “CTE” Certificate
- Business and Marketing – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for three years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree business or mar- keting:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in business or marketing from an accredited institution,
(2) Thirty semester hours of courses in busi- ness or marketing, and
(3) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in a business or market- ing occupational area.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or an Arizona CTE teaching certifi- cate in another content area:
(1) A valid Arizona provisional or standard
teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;
(2) One of the most recent teacher evalua- tion(s) approved by a certificated adminis- trator, or the administrator’s designee, in a Pre-K-12 school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona teaching certifi- cate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;
(3) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical education methods or con- tent in business or marketing; and
(4) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in a business or market- ing occupational area.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional: Six thousand clock hours of verified work experience in a business or marketing occupa- tional area.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state: A valid teaching certificate in business education, marketing education, career and technical busi- ness education or career and technical market- ing education from another state.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in business or marketing education teacher preparation pro- gram:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in a business or marketing education teacher preparation program from an accredited institution, and
(2) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in a business or market- ing occupational area.
3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers before the extension of the provisional career and techni- cal education certificate - Business and Marketing. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who submit verification of one of the follow- ing:
a. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Submit the original score report at time of application,
b. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
c. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
G. Standard Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate - Business and Marketing – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree in business and marketing:
(1) Qualification under Option A for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing; and
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion, or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing. Eighteen semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved pro- fessional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluations approved by a certified administrator, or the admin- istrator’s designee, in a secondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona provisional CTE teaching certificate - Business and Marketing exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or Arizona CTE teaching certificate in another area:
(1) Qualification under Option B for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Busi- ness and Marketing exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;
(3) Twelve semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include:
(a) Nine semester hours of courses in business or marketing subject knowl- edge; and
(b) Three semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: princi- ples/philosophy of career and techni- cal education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technol- ogy, classroom management, educa- tional philosophy, instructional design/methodology, or assessment/ evaluation. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certifi- cate - Business and Marketing. Twelve semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE
approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(4) An additional 240 clock hours of verified work experience in a business or market- ing occupational area. Hours may have been accumulated before obtaining the provisional certification.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional:
(1) Qualification under Option C for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Busi- ness and Marketing exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom; and
(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional design/meth- odology, assessment/evaluation, instruc- tional technology, educational philosophy, or classroom management. Fifteen semes- ter hours may be obtained through Depart- ment-CTE approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state:
(1) Qualification under Option D for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing; and
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Busi- ness and Marketing exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in a business or marketing education teacher preparation pro- gram:
(1) Qualification under Option E for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge, to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion, or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the
provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing. Eighteen semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved pro- fessional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certified administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a second- ary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing exhibiting satisfactory per- formance in the classroom.
c. A passing score on the professional knowledge por- tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who sub- mit verification of one of the following:
i. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Sub- mit the original score report at time of applica- tion,
ii. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
iii. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
H. Provisional Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate
- Family and Consumer Sciences – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for three years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree in family and consumer sciences:
(1) A bachelor’s degree or more advanced degree in family and consumer sciences from an accredited institution,
(2) Thirty semester hours of courses in family and consumer sciences, and
(3) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in a family and consumer sciences occupational area.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or an Arizona CTE teaching certifi- cate in another content area:
(1) A valid Arizona provisional or standard teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;
(2) One year of the most recent teacher evalu- ation(s) approved by a certificated admin- istrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a PreK-12 school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona teaching certifi- cate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;
(3) Three semester hours of courses in career
and technical education methods or con- tent in family and consumer sciences; and
(4) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in a family and consumer sciences occupational area.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional: Six thousand clock hours of verified work experience in a family and consumer sciences occupational area.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state: A valid teaching certificate in career and technical family and consumer sciences education from another state.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in family and consumer sciences education teacher prepara- tion program:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in a family and consumer sciences education teacher preparation program from an accredited institution, and
(2) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in a family and consumer sciences occupational area.
3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers before the extension of the provisional career and techni- cal education certificate - Family and Consumer Sci- ences. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who submit verification of one of the following:
a. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Submit the original score report at time of application,
b. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
c. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
I. Standard Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree in family and consumer sciences:
(1) Qualification under Option A for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sci- ences;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/
development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sci- ences. Eighteen semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved professional development. Fif- teen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluations approved by a certified administrator, or the admin- istrator’s designee, in a secondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona provisional CTE teaching certificate - Family and Consumer Sci- ences exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or Arizona CTE teaching certificate in another area:
(1) Qualification under Option B for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sci- ences;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Fam- ily and Consumer Sciences exhibiting sat- isfactory performance in the classroom;
(3) Twelve semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include:
(a) Nine semester hours of courses in family and consumer sciences subject knowledge; and
(b) Three semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: princi- ples/philosophy of career and techni- cal education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technol- ogy, educational philosophy, instruc- tional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certifi- cate - Family and Consumer Sci- ences. Twelve semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(4) An additional 240 clock hours of verified work experience in a family and consumer sciences occupational area. Hours may have been accumulated before obtaining the provisional certification.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional:
(1) Qualification under Option C for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sci- ences;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Fam- ily and Consumer Sciences exhibiting sat- isfactory performance in the classroom; and
(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional design/meth- odology, assessment/evaluation, instruc- tional technology, educational philosophy, or classroom management. Fifteen semes- ter hours may be obtained through Depart- ment-CTE approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state:
(1) Qualification under Option D for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sci- ences; and
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Fam- ily and Consumer Sciences exhibiting sat- isfactory performance in the classroom.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in family and consumer sciences education teacher prepara- tion program:
(1) Qualification under Option E for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sci- ences;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sci- ences. Eighteen semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE
approved professional development. Fif- teen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certified administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a second- ary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences exhibiting satis- factory performance in the classroom.
c. A passing score on the professional knowledge por- tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who sub- mit verification of one of the following:
i. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Sub- mit the original score report at time of applica- tion,
ii. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
iii. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
J. Provisional Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate
- Health Careers – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for three years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree in health careers:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in a biological science, health science, physi- cal science, or nursing from an accredited institution;
(2) Thirty semester hours of courses in health careers; and
(3) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in a health careers occu- pational area.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or an Arizona CTE teaching certifi- cate in another content area:
(1) A valid provisional or standard teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;
(2) One year of the most recent teacher evalu- ation(s) approved by a certificated admin- istrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a PreK-12 school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona teaching certifi- cate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;
(3) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical education methods or con- tent in health careers; and
(4) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience a health careers occupa-
tional area.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional: Six thousand clock hours of verified work experience in a health career occupational area.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state: A valid teaching certificate in career and technical health careers education from another state.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in health careers education teacher preparation program:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in a health careers education teacher prepara- tion program from an accredited institu- tion, and
(2) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in a health careers occu- pational area.
3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers before the extension of the provisional career and techni- cal education certificate - Health Careers. The Profes- sional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who submit verification of one of the follow- ing:
a. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Submit the original score report at time of application,
b. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
c. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
K. Standard Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate - Health Careers – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree in health careers:
(1) Qualification under Option A for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers. Eighteen semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved professional
development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers exhibiting satisfactory per- formance in the classroom.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or an Arizona CTE teaching certifi- cate in another content area:
(1) Qualification under Option B for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate – Health Careers;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers exhibiting satisfactory per- formance in the classroom;
(3) Twelve semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include:
(a) Nine semester hours of courses in health careers subject knowledge; and
(b) Three semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: princi- ples/philosophy of career and techni- cal education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technol- ogy, educational philosophy, instruc- tional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certifi- cate - Health Careers. Twelve semes- ter hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved profes- sional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(4) An additional 240 hours of verified work experience in a health careers occupa- tional area.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional:
(1) Qualification under Option C for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate – Health Careers;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers exhibiting satisfactory per- formance in the classroom; and
(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the
following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional design/meth- odology, assessment/evaluation, instruc- tional technology, educational philosophy, or classroom management. Fifteen semes- ter hours may be obtained through Depart- ment-CTE approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state:
(1) Qualification under Option D for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers; and
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers exhibiting satisfactory per- formance in the classroom.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in health careers education teacher preparation program:
(1) Qualification under Option E for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers. Eighteen semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certified administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a second- ary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers exhibiting satisfactory perfor- mance in the classroom.
c. A passing score on the professional knowledge por- tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who sub- mit verification of one of the following:
i. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Sub-
mit the original score report at time of applica- tion,
ii. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
iii. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
L. Provisional Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate
- Industrial and Emerging Technologies – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for three years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree in industrial or emerging technologies:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in Industrial Arts or Industrial Technology Education or emerging technology areas from an accredited institution,
(2) Thirty semester hours of courses in indus- trial or emerging technologies, and
(3) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in an industrial or emerg- ing technology occupational area.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or an Arizona CTE teaching certifi- cate in another content area:
(1) A valid Arizona provisional or standard teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;
(2) One year of the most recent teacher evalu- ation(s) approved by a certificated admin- istrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a PreK-12 school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona teaching certifi- cate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;
(3) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical education methods or con- tent in an industrial or emerging technol- ogy occupational area; and
(4) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in an industrial or emerg- ing technology occupational area.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional: Six thousand clock hours of verified work experience in an industrial or emerging tech- nology occupational area.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state: A valid teaching certificate in career and technical industrial arts education, career and technical industrial technology education or emerging technologies from another state.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in industrial and emerging technologies education teacher preparation program:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in an industrial or emerging technologies
education teacher preparation program from an accredited institution, and
(2) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in an industrial or emerg- ing technologies occupational area.
3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers before the extension of the provisional career and techni- cal education certificate - Industrial and Emerging Tech- nologies. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who submit verification of one of the following:
a. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Submit the original score report at time of application;
b. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application; or
c. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
M. Standard Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate - Industrial and Emerging Technologies – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree in industrial or emerging technologies:
(1) Qualification under Option A for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Industrial and Emerging Tech- nologies Careers;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial and Emerging Tech- nologies. Fifteen semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved professional development. Fif- teen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluations approved by a certified administrator, or the admin- istrator’s designee, in a secondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona provisional CTE teaching certificate - Industrial and Emerging Tech- nology exhibiting satisfactory perfor-
mance in the classroom.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or an Arizona CTE teaching certifi- cate in another content area:
(1) Qualification under Option B for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Industrial and Emerging Tech- nologies;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Indus- trial and Emerging Technologies exhibit- ing satisfactory performance in the classroom;
(3) Twelve semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include:
(a) Nine semester hours of courses in Industrial and Emerging Technolo- gies subject knowledge; and
(b) Three semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: princi- ples/philosophy of career and techni- cal education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technol- ogy, educational philosophy, instruc- tional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certifi- cate - Industrial and Emerging Tech- nologies. Twelve semester hours may be obtained through Department- CTE approved professional develop- ment. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(4) An additional 240 clock hours of verified work experience in an industrial or emerg- ing technologies occupational area. Hours may have been accumulated before obtaining the provisional certification.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional:
(1) Qualification under Option C for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Industrial and Emerging Tech- nologies;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Indus- trial and Emerging Technologies exhibit- ing satisfactory performance in the classroom; and
(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation
of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional design/meth- odology, assessment/evaluation, instruc- tional technology, educational philosophy, or classroom management. Fifteen semes- ter hours may be obtained through Depart- ment-CTE approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state:
(1) Qualification under Option D for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Industrial and Emerging Tech- nologies; and
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Indus- trial and Emerging Technologies exhibit- ing satisfactory performance in the classroom.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in industrial or emerging technologies education teacher preparation program:
(1) Qualification under Option E for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Industrial and Emerging Tech- nologies;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial and Emerging Tech- nologies. Eighteen semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved professional development. Fif- teen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certified administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a second- ary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial and Emerging Technologies exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.
c. A passing score on the professional knowledge por- tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who sub- mit verification of one of the following:
i. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Sub- mit the original score report at time of applica- tion,
ii. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
iii. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
N. Provisional Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate
- Education and Training – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for three years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in education or training field from an accred- ited institution,
(2) Thirty semester hours of courses in educa- tion or training, and
(3) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in an education or train- ing occupational area.
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or an Arizona CTE teaching certifi- cate in another content area:
(1) A valid Arizona teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;
(2) One year of the most recent teacher evalu- ations conducted by a certificated admin- istrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a PreK-12 school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona teaching certifi- cate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;
(3) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical education methods or con- tent in education and training; and
(4) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified work experience in an education or train- ing occupational area.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional: Six thousand clock hours of verified work experience in an education or training occupa- tional area.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state: A valid teaching certificate in career and technical education or an education or training area from another state.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in education or training teacher preparation program:
(1) A bachelor’s or more advanced degree in an education or training teacher prepara- tion program from an accredited institu- tion, and
(2) Two hundred forty clock hours of verified
work experience in an education or train- ing occupational area.
3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers before the extension of the provisional career and techni- cal education certificate - Education and Training. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who submit verification of one of the follow- ing:
a. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Submit the original score report at time of application,
b. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
c. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
O. Standard Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certificate - Education and Training – grades K through 12
1. The certificate is valid for six years.
2. The requirements are:
a. A valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Ari- zona Department of Public Safety, and
b. One of the following options:
i. Option A – Bachelor’s degree in education and training:
(1) Qualification under Option A for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Education and Training;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Education and Training. Eigh- teen semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved pro- fessional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluations approved by a certified administrator, or the admin- istrator’s designee, in a CTE school set- ting and issued during the term of the Arizona provisional CTE teaching certifi- cate - Education and Training exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;
ii. Option B – Valid non-CTE Arizona teaching certificate or Arizona teaching certificate in another content area:
(1) Qualification under Option B for the pro- visional career and technical education
certificate - Education and Training;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Edu- cation and Training exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;
(3) Twelve semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include:
(a) Nine semester hours of courses in education and training subject knowl- edge; and
(b) Three semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: princi- ples/philosophy of career and techni- cal education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technol- ogy, educational philosophy, instruc- tional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certifi- cate - Education and Training. Twelve semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved professional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(4) An additional 240 clock hours of verified work experience in an education and train- ing occupational area. Hours may have been accumulated before obtaining the provisional certification.
iii. Option C – Business and industry professional:
(1) Qualification under Option C for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Education and Training;
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Edu- cation and Training exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom; and
(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional design/meth- odology, assessment/evaluation, instruc- tional technology, educational philosophy, or career and technical education class- room management. Fifteen semester hours may be obtained through Department- CTE approved professional development.
Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour.
iv. Option D – Valid teaching certificate in career and technical education from another state:
(1) Qualification under Option D for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Education and Training; and
(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a sec- ondary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Edu- cation and Training exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.
v. Option E – Bachelor’s degree in education and training teacher preparation program:
(1) Qualification under Option E for the pro- visional career and technical education certificate - Education and Training;
(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in pro- fessional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organiza- tion, methods of teaching career and tech- nical education, curriculum design/ development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evalua- tion or classroom management. Hours may be obtained prior to issuance of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Education and Training. Eigh- teen semester hours may be obtained through Department-CTE approved pro- fessional development. Fifteen clock hours equals one semester hour; and
(3) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certified administrator, or the administrator’s designee, in a second- ary CTE school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Education and Training exhibiting satisfactory per- formance in the classroom.
c. A passing score on the Professional Knowledge por- tion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers. The Professional Knowledge assessment shall be waived for applicants who sub- mit verification of one of the following:
i. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken within the past seven years. Sub- mit the original score report at time of applica- tion,
ii. A passing score on a comparable Professional Knowledge examination from another state or agency taken more than seven years ago and five years of full-time teaching experience within the past seven years. Submit the original score report and a letter on official letterhead from the District Superintendent or Personnel Director to verify teaching experience at time of application, or
iii. A current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
Historical Note
Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4).
Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 1132, effective March 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-1). Section R7-2-612 amended by emergency rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8
A.A.R. 2562, effective May 23, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-2). May 23, 2002 emergency rulemaking renewed under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 5132, effec- tive November 19, 2002 (Supp. 02-4). Amended by final
rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 1605, effective May 5, 2003 (Supp. 03-2). Amended by final rulemaking at 11 A.A.R. 1885, effective June 26, 2005 (Supp. 05-2). Amended by
exempt rulemaking at 15 A.A.R. 1292, effective June 26,
2006 (Supp. 09-1). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 15
A.A.R. 1893, effective September 25, 2006 (Supp. 09-2). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 15 A.A.R. 2086,
effective May 19, 2008 (Supp. 09-3). Former R7-2-612 recodified to R7-2-613 at 15 A.A.R. 2146, effective August 25, 2008 (Supp. 09-4). New Section made by exempt rulemaking at 15 A.A.R. 2143, effective August 25, 2008 (Supp. 09-4). Former R7-2-612 recodified to R7-2-613; new R7-2-612 recodified from R7-2-611 at 16
A.A.R. 68, effective December 8, 2008 (Supp. 10-1). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 16 A.A.R. 102, effec- tive May 1, 2009 (Supp. 10-1). Amended by final exempt rulemaking at 21 A.A.R. 2063, effective August 26, 2013
(Supp. 15-3).