Section R20-5-662. Manner of Service  

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  • Service of any document upon any party may be made by personal delivery of, or by mailing, a copy of the document to the last known address of the party. The person serving the document shall certify to the manner and the date of the service.

Historical Note

Adopted as an emergency effective October 29, 1980, pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1003, valid for only 90 days (Supp. 80-5). Former Section R4-13-664 adopted as an emergency effective October 29, 1980, renumbered and adopted as Section R4-13-662 effective March 2, 1981 (Supp. 81-2). R20-5-662 recodified from R4-13-662 (Supp. 95-1).