Section R20-5-601. The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Construction, 29 CFR 1926
Section R20-5-601.01. Fall Protection for Residential Construction
Section R20-5-602. The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry, 29 CFR 1910
Section R20-5-602.01. Subpart T, Commercial Diving Operations
Section R20-5-603. The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928
Section R20-5-604. Rules of Agency Practice and Procedure concern- ing OSHA Access to Employee Medical Records, 29 CFR 1913
Section R20-5-605. Hoes for Weeding or Thinning Crops
Section R20-5-606. State Definition of Terms Used in Adopting Fed- eral Standards Pursuant to R20-5-601, R20-5-602, R20-5-603 and R20-5-604
Section R20-5-607. Expired
Section R20-5-608. Definitions
Section R20-5-609. Posting of Notice: Availability of the Act, Regula- tions and Applicable Standards
Section R20-5-610. Authority for Inspection
Section R20-5-611. Objection to Inspection
Section R20-5-612. Entry Not a Waiver
Section R20-5-613. Advance Notice of Inspections
Section R20-5-614. Conduct of Inspections
Section R20-5-615. Representatives of Employers and Employees
Section R20-5-616. Trade Secrets
Section R20-5-617. Consultation with Employees
Section R20-5-618. Complaints by Employees
Section R20-5-619. Inspection Not Warranted; Informal Review
Section R20-5-620. Expired
Section R20-5-621. Citations: Notices of De Minimis Violations
Section R20-5-622. Proposed Penalties
Section R20-5-623. Posting of Citations
Section R20-5-624. Employer and Employee Contests before the Hearing Division
Section R20-5-625. Failure to Correct a Violation for Which a Cita- tion Has Been Issued
Section R20-5-626. Informal Conferences
Section R20-5-627. Abatement Verification
Appendix A. Sample Abatement - Certification Letter (Non- mandatory)
Appendix B. Sample Abatement Plan or Progress Report (Nonmandatory)
Section R20-5-628. Safe Transportation of Compressed Air or Other Gases
Section R20-5-629. The Occupational Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting Requirements, 29 CFR 1904
Section R20-5-630. Repealed
Appendix C. Sample Warning Tag (Nonmandatory)
Section R20-5-631. Repealed
Section R20-5-632. Repealed
Section R20-5-633. Repealed
Section R20-5-640. Repealed
Section R20-5-634. Repealed
Section R20-5-635. Repealed
Section R20-5-636. Repealed
Section R20-5-637. Repealed
Section R20-5-638. Repealed
Section R20-5-639. Repealed
Section R20-5-641. Repealed
Section R20-5-642. Repealed
Section R20-5-643. Repealed
Section R20-5-644. Repealed
Section R20-5-645. Repealed
Section R20-5-646. Emergency Expired
Section R20-5-647. Reserved
Section R20-5-648. Reserved
Section R20-5-649. Reserved
Section R20-5-650. Definitions
Section R20-5-651. Petitions for Amendments
Section R20-5-652. Effects of Variances
Section R20-5-653. Public Notice of a Granted Variance
Section R20-5-654. Form of Documents; Subscription; Copies
Section R20-5-655. Variances
Section R20-5-656. Variances under A.R.S. § 23-412
Section R20-5-657. Renewal of Rules or Orders: Federal Multi-state Variances
Section R20-5-658. Action on Applications
Section R20-5-659. Request for Hearings on Petition
Section R20-5-660. Consolidation of Proceedings
Section R20-5-661. Notice of Hearing
Section R20-5-662. Manner of Service
Section R20-5-663. Industrial Commission; Powers and Duties
Section R20-5-664. Prehearing Conferences
Section R20-5-665. Consent Findings and Rules or Orders
Section R20-5-666. Discovery
Section R20-5-667. Hearings
Section R20-5-668. Decisions of the Commission
Section R20-5-669. Judicial Review
Section R20-5-670. Field Sanitation
Section R20-5-671. Reserved
Section R20-5-672. Reserved
Section R20-5-673. Reserved
Section R20-5-674. Emergency expired
Section R20-5-675. Reserved
Section R20-5-676. Reserved
Section R20-5-677. Reserved
Section R20-5-678. Reserved
Section R20-5-679. Reserved
Section R20-5-680. Protected Activity
Section R20-5-681. Elements of a Violation of A.R.S. § 23-425
Section R20-5-682. Procedure