Section R13-5-317. Performance Evaluations

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  • A.      Establishing a performance evaluation program. The Council shall adopt and an agency shall administer a performance eval- uation program. The program shall include a rating system that informs the agency head and the employee of the employee’s relative level of performance. The evaluation program shall include training on how to achieve and maintain standard per- formance and how to improve performance.

    B.       Performance evaluation manual. The Council shall provide a manual that provides clear and concise guidelines for objec- tively measuring and reporting employee performance. Only the Council may authorize a revision of the manual. Each

    employee shall receive a copy of the manual, which includes evaluation procedures and forms.

    C.      Frequency of evaluation. A supervisor shall evaluate and give each permanent-status employee a written performance evalu- ation at least one time in each 12 month period. A supervisor shall evaluate a probationary employee at least one time in each six-month period.

    D.      Effect of failure to evaluate. If an employee’s supervisor fails to evaluate the employee, or fails to evaluate the employee by the end of the rating period, the employee shall be given no less than a standard evaluation for that period.

    E.       Grieving an evaluation. An employee who receives a less than standard rating may file a grievance with the agency head. If the grievance is denied by the agency head, the employee may grieve to the Council any overall rating that:

    1.        Is less than standard,

    2.        Would cause a reduction in pay, or

    3.        Would  result  in   withholding  or  postponing  a  salary adjustment.

Historical Note

New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R.

2090, effective May 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-2).