Section R13-5-316. Probation  

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  • A.      Initial probation. An employee shall serve an initial probation- ary period of 12 months. Time spent in a special limited term position does not count toward the initial probation in an officer classification.

    B.       Promotional probation. An employee shall serve a promo- tional probationary period of 12 months.

    C.      Effects of reclassification on probation. The probationary sta- tus of an employee reclassified as a result of a classification and compensation maintenance review under R13-5-201(H) is as follows:

    1.        A permanent status employee shall not be required to serve a new probationary period if the employee contin- ues to perform the same duties previously performed in the reclassified position.

    2.        A probationary employee shall continue to serve the pro- bationary period.

    D.      Effect of military service on probation. If a probationer is called into active military service and returns to the agency and satisfactorily completes probation, the employee’s person- nel record shall show that the employee achieved permanent status on the date the employee would have completed proba- tion if military service had not intervened.

    E.       Extension of probation. An agency head may extend an employee’s probationary period by adding a period equal to the time the employee was absent from work or when the employee’s performance was below standard. If the probation- ary period is extended, the manager shall notify the employee of the extension before the end of the probationary period.

    F.       Satisfying probation. A probationer who achieves a standard or higher performance evaluation by the end of the probation- ary period shall obtain permanent status in the appointed clas- sification.

    G.      Permanent status by default. An employee shall achieve per- manent status by default if the employee’s manager either fails to extend or reject the probationary period prior to the last day of the employee’s probation.

    H.      Rejection of a probationer. An agency head may, at any time during the probationary period, reject a probationer without cause and without the right to Council review.

    I.        Effect of rejection of initial probationer. If an employee is rejected during initial probation the employee shall be sepa- rated from the agency.

    J.        Effect of rejection of promotional probationer. If a regular employee is rejected during promotional probation or proba- tion for a different but equal classification, the agency head shall reappoint the employee to a vacant position in the employee’s former classification or an equal position for which the employee is qualified. If there is no vacancy in an appropriate classification, the agency head may temporarily assign the employee until a vacancy is available.

    K.      Notice of rejection of probation. An agency shall notify a rejected probationer as follows:

    1.        The employee’s manager shall prepare a notice, stating the effective date of the rejection. The manager shall ensure that this date is no later than the last day of the probationary period.

    2.        The employee’s manager shall obtain the agency head’s signature on the notice of rejection.

    3.        The employee’s manager shall serve the probationer with the notice, either in person or by mail, on or before the effective date of rejection.

    4.        The employee’s manager shall submit a copy of the rejec- tion notice to the business manager within 20 days after the notice is served.

    L.       Review of rejection of promotional probation. Within 20 days after the employee’s manager delivers or mails the notice, a rejected promotional probationer may file a written request with the Council for review of the rejection. The Council may review the procedures utilized by the agency to assure confor- mity with Council rules and statutes.

    M.     Withdrawal of rejection. At any time before the Council acts on a probationer’s rejection, the agency head may withdraw the notice of rejection and restore the employee to the previous position or another position for which the employee is quali- fied.

    N.      Probation for a returning employee. If a separated employee is reinstated to a classification previously held with permanent status, the agency head may require the employee to serve a probationary period. If a separated employee is recalled or reinstated into a classification different from any classification previously held with permanent status, the employee shall serve a probationary period. If an employee is separated from an agency while serving an initial probation, the employee shall be required to serve  an initial  probation upon being recalled or reinstated.

    O.      Probation not required. If an employee is recalled or reap- pointed within two years after undergoing a reduction-in- force, the employee shall not be required to serve a probation- ary period if reappointed to the same classification previously held with permanent status. An employee shall not be required to serve another probationary period if the employee is:

    1.        Reinstated by the Council, or

    2.        Reassigned or demoted by the agency head into a classifi- cation previously held by the employee.

    P.       Probation for a special limited term employee. An employee in a special limited term position pending completion of require- ments for the classification of officer shall serve an initial pro- bation throughout the duration of the special limited term appointment. An employee promoted to officer from a special limited term position shall serve a one-year initial probation in the officer classification.

Historical Note

New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 2090, effective May 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-2). Amended by

final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 4495, effective November 7,

2000 (Supp. 00-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 7

A.A.R. 5373, effective November 6, 2001 (Supp. 01-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 1619, effective

July 5, 2003 (Supp. 03-2).