Section R18-2-1401. Definitions
Section R18-2-1402. Applicability
Section R18-2-1403. Priority
Section R18-2-1404. Frequency of Conformity Determinations
Section R18-2-1405. Consultation
Section R18-2-1406. Content of Transportation Plans
Section R18-2-1407. Relationship of Transportation Plan and TIP Conformity with the NEPA Process
Section R18-2-1408. Fiscal Constraints for Transportation Plans and TIPs
Section R18-2-1409. Criteria and Procedures for Determining Confor- mity of Transportation Plans, Programs, and Projects: General
Table 1. Conformity Criteria
Section R18-2-1410. Criteria and Procedures: Latest Planning Assumptions
Section R18-2-1411. Criteria and Procedures: Latest Emissions Model
Section R18-2-1412. Criteria and Procedures: Consultation
Section R18-2-1413. Criteria and Procedures: Timely Implementation of TCMs
Section R18-2-1414. Criteria and Procedures: Currently Conforming Transportation Plan and TIP
Section R18-2-1415. Criteria and Procedures: Projects from a Plan and TIP
Section R18-2-1416. Criteria and Procedures: Localized CO and PM10 Violations (Hot Spots)
Section R18-2-1417. Criteria and Procedures: Compliance with PM10 Control Measures
Section R18-2-1418. Criteria and Procedures: Motor Vehicle Emis- sions Budget (Transportation Plan)
Section R18-2-1419. Criteria and Procedures: Motor Vehicle Emis- sions Budget (TIP)
Section R18-2-1420. Criteria and Procedures: Motor Vehicle Emis- sions Budget (Project Not from a Plan and TIP)
Section R18-2-1421. Criteria and Procedures: Localized CO Viola- tions (Hot Spots) in the Interim and Transitional Periods
Section R18-2-1422. Criteria and Procedures: Interim and Transi- tional Period Reductions in Ozone and CO Areas (Transporta- tion Plan)
Section R18-2-1423. Criteria and Procedures: Interim Period Reduc- tions in Ozone and CO Areas (TIP)
Section R18-2-1424. Criteria and Procedures: Interim Period Reduc- tions for Ozone and CO Areas (Project Not from a Plan and TIP)
Section R18-2-1425. Criteria and Procedures: Interim Period Reduc- tions for PM10 and NO2 Areas (Transportation Plan)
Section R18-2-1426. Criteria and Procedures: Interim Period Reduc- tions for PM10 and NO2 Areas (TIP)
Section R18-2-1427. Criteria and Procedures: Interim Period Reduc- tions for PM10 and NO2 Areas (Project Not from a Plan and TIP)
Section R18-2-1428. Transition from the Interim Period to the Control Strategy Period
Section R18-2-1429. Requirements for Adoption or Approval of Proj- ects by Recipients of Funds Designated under 23 U.S.C. or the Federal Transit Act
Section R18-2-1430. Procedures for Determining Regional Transpor- tation-related Emissions
Section R18-2-1431. Procedures for Determining Localized CO and PM10 Concentrations (Hot-spot Analysis)
Section R18-2-1432. Using the Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget in the Applicable Implementation Plan or Implementation Plan Sub- mission
Section R18-2-1433. Enforceability of Design Concept and Scope and Project-level Mitigation and Control Measures
Section R18-2-1434. Exempt Projects
Table 2 Exempt Projects
Section R18-2-1435. Projects Exempt from Regional Emissions Analy- ses
Table 3
Section R18-2-1436. Special Provisions for Nonattainment Areas Which are Not Required to Demonstrate Reasonable Further Progress and Attainment
Section R18-2-1437. Reserved
Section R18-2-1438. General Conformity for Federal Actions