Section R12-1-1401. Registration of Nonionizing Radiation Sources and Service Providers
Section R12-1-1402. Definitions
Section R12-1-1403. General Safety Provisions and Exemptions
Section R12-1-1404. Radio Frequency Equipment
Section R12-1-1405. Radio Frequency Radiation: Maximum Permissi- ble Exposure
Section R12-1-1406. Radio Frequency Hazard Caution Signs, Symbols, Labeling, and Posting
Section R12-1-1407. Microwave Ovens
Section R12-1-1408. Reporting of Radio Frequency Radiation Inci- dents
Section R12-1-1409. Medical Surveillance for Workers Who May Be Exposed to Radio Frequency Radiation
Section R12-1-1410. Radio Frequency Compliance Measurements
Section R12-1-1411. Repealed
Section R12-1-1412. Tanning Operations
Section R12-1-1413. Tanning Equipment Standards
Section R12-1-1414. Tanning Equipment Operators
Section R12-1-1415. Tanning Facility Warning Signs
Section R12-1-1416. Reporting of Tanning Injuries
Section R12-1-1417. Repealed
Section R12-1-1418. High Intensity Mercury Vapor Discharge (HID) Lamps
Section R12-1-1419. Reserved
Section R12-1-1420. Reserved
Section R12-1-1421. Laser Safety
Section R12-1-1422. Laser Protective Devices
Section R12-1-1423. Laser Prohibitions
Section R12-1-1424. Repealed
Section R12-1-1425. Laser Product Classification
Section R12-1-1426. Laser and Collateral Radiation Exposure Limits
Section R12-1-1427. Laser Caution Signs, Symbols, and Labels
Section R12-1-1428. Repealed
Section R12-1-1429. Posting of Laser Facilities
Section R12-1-1430. Repealed
Section R12-1-1431. Repealed
Section R12-1-1432. Repealed
Section R12-1-1433. Laser Use Areas that are Controlled
Section R12-1-1434. Laser Safety Officer (LSO)
Section R12-1-1435. Laser Protective Eyewear
Section R12-1-1436. Reporting Laser Incidents
Section R12-1-1437. Special Lasers
Section R12-1-1438. Hair Reduction and Other Cosmetic Procedures Using Laser and Intense Pulsed Light
Section R12-1-1438.01. Certification and Revocation of Laser Techni- cian Certificate
Section R12-1-1439. Laser and IPL Laser Technician and Laser Safety Training Programs
Section R12-1-1440. Medical Lasers
Section R12-1-1441. Laser Light Shows and Demonstrations
Section R12-1-1442. Measurements and Calculations to Determine MPE Limits for Lasers
Section R12-1-1443. Laser Compliance Measurement Instruments
Section R12-1-1444. Laser Classification Measurements
Appendix A. Radio Frequency Devices (Include, but are not limited to, the following)
Appendix B. Application Information
Appendix C. Hair Removal and Other Cosmetic Laser or IPL Operator Training Program
Appendix D. Laser Operator and Laser Safety Officer Train- ing