Table 1. Small Entity Fees1

Latest version.

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  • Small Businesses Not Engaged in Manufacturing and Small Not-for- profit Organizations (Gross Annual Receipts, three-year average):

    >$6.5 million                          Pay the fee listed in R12-1-1306

    $350,000 to $6.5 million        $2,200

    <$350,000                                 $500

    Manufacturing Entities that Have an Annual Average of 500 Employ- ees or Less:

    >500 employees                      Pay the fee listed in R12-1-1306

    35 to 500 employees               $2,200

    <35 employees                        $500

    Small Government Jurisdictions (including publicly supported educa- tional institutions) (Population in Jurisdiction):

    >50,000                                    Pay the fee listed in R12-1-1306

    20,000 to 50,000                    $2,200

    <20,000                                    $500

    Educational Institutions that Are Not State or Publicly Supported, and Have 500 Employees or Less:

    >500 employees                      Pay the fee listed in R12-1-1306

    35 to 500 employees               $2,200

    <35 employees                        $500

    1.         A licensee who seeks to establish status as a small entity for the purpose of paying the annual fees required under R12-1- 1304 as shown in R12-1-1306 must file a certification state- ment with the Agency each year. The licensee must file the required certification on Agency Form 333 for each license under which it was billed. Agency Form 333 can be accessed through the Agency web site at For licensees who cannot access the Agency web site, Agency Form 333 may be obtained by writing to the Agency or by telephoning the Agency at (602) 255-4845, or by e-mailing the Agency at

Historical Note

New Table made by exempt rulemaking at 14 A.A.R. 4243, effective November 17, 2008 (Supp. 08-4).