Section R11-1-1201. Grizzlies kept in good repair
Section R11-1-1202. Upon entering work area check for hazards
Section R11-1-1203. Transformer stations to be enclosed
Section R11-1-1204. Use of grizzlies
Section R11-1-1205. Carrying material on shoulder
Section R11-1-1206. Ventilation procedures in case of mine fire
Section R11-1-1207. Roof bolting in unstable ground
Section R11-1-1208. Winze or raise in direct line with haulage drift
Section R11-1-1209. Access to unattended underground mine open- ings
Section R11-1-1210. Loading and drilling at same time
Section R11-1-1211. Chute tapping
Section R11-1-1212. Repealed
Section R11-1-1213. Taking “short cuts”
Section R11-1-1214. Throwing tools or material down a manway
Section R11-1-1215. Scaling or barring-down
Section R11-1-1216. Removing bits from drill steel
Section R11-1-1217. Dangerous places fenced
Section R11-1-1218. Collars of open draw holes kept free
Section R11-1-1219. Removing men to safe places before blasting
Section R11-1-1220. Renumbered
Section R11-1-1221. Repealed
Section R11-1-1222. Headlight, reflector or tail light on trains
Section R11-1-1223. Workmen shall never walk alongside any moving train
Section R11-1-1224. Train speed when passing men in drifts
Section R11-1-1225. Repealed
Section R11-1-1226. Impaired overhead clearance
Section R11-1-1227. Train shall be pulled
Section R11-1-1228. Plugging of the trolley locomotives or battery motors
Section R11-1-1229. While car is in motion
Section R11-1-1230. No one shall climb over cars while moving
Section R11-1-1231. Pulling plugs on Mancha battery motors
Section R11-1-1232. Men working in haulage drifts
Section R11-1-1233. Operating a motor while out of the cab
Section R11-1-1234. Men pulling chutes in safe location
Section R11-1-1235. A motor man shall receive a signal from his swamper or loader before moving train
Section R11-1-1236. Cars shall not be coupled or uncoupled by hand
Section R11-1-1237. Transportation of tools, materials and equipment on top of motors and locomotives
Section R11-1-1238. Speed of mantrips