Section R9-6-704. Standards for Documentary Proof of Immunity  

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  • A.      An individual may establish proof of a child’s immunity to a disease listed in R9-6-702(A)(1) by one of the following:

    1.        An immunization record that contains:

    a.        The child’s name;

    b.        The child’s date of birth;

    c.        The type of vaccine administered;

    d.        The month and year of each immunization, other than MMR, for a child who received an immuniza- tion before January 1, 2003;

    e.        The month, day, and year of MMR immunization for a child who received an immunization before Janu- ary 1, 2003;

    f.         The month, day, and year of each immunization for a child who received an immunization on or after Jan- uary 1, 2003; and

    g.        The name of the individual administering the vac- cine or the name of the entity that the individual administering the vaccine represents;

    2.        Laboratory evidence of immunity;

    3.        An Arizona school immunization record that includes:

    a.        The child’s name;

    b.        The child’s date of birth;

    c.        The grade of the child on the date of enrollment;

    d.        Whether the child is male or female;

    e.        The type of vaccine administered;

    f.         The month and year of each immunization, other than MMR, for a child who received an immuniza- tion before January 1, 2003;

    g.        The month, day, and year of MMR immunization for a child who received an immunization before Janu- ary 1, 2003; and

    h.        The month, day, and year of each immunization for a child who received an immunization on or after Jan- uary 1, 2003;

    4.        A school immunization record from another state;

    5.        An electronic version of the child’s immunization record containing the information in subsection (A)(1)(a) through (f) generated by an immunization registry, and signed and dated by any of the following:

    a.        A local health officer,

    b.        A school administrator,

    c.        A child care administrator,

    d.        A WIC administrator,

    e.        An immunization registry administrator or immuni- zation registry administrator’s designee; or

    f.         A physician, physician’s designee, practical nurse, or registered nurse;

    6.        An electronic version of the child’s immunization record generated by a school, signed and dated by the school administrator or the school administrator’s designee, and containing the information in subsection (A)(1)(a) through (f); or

    7.        A statement of immunity as described in subsection (B).

    B.       A physician, the physician’s designee, practical nurse, or reg- istered nurse may sign a statement of immunity stating that a child is immune to a disease, but shall not sign a statement of immunity to measles or rubella without obtaining serologic evidence of immunity.

Historical Note

Adopted effective January 28, 1987 (Supp. 87-1). Former Section R9-6-704 renumbered to Section R9-6-304, new Section R9-6-704 renumbered from R9-6-504 and amended effective October 19, 1993 (Supp. 93-4). For- mer Section R9-6-704 renumbered to R9-6-705; new Section R9-6-704 renumbered from R9-6-703 and amended by final rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 4274, effective September 16, 2002 (Supp. 02-3). Amended by final

rulemaking at 11 A.A.R. 2283, effective June 7, 2005

(Supp. 05-2).