Section R9-6-388. Varicella (Chickenpox)  

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  • A.      Case control measures:

    1.        An administrator of a school or child care establishment, either personally or through a representative, shall exclude a varicella case from the school or child care establishment and from school- or child-care-establish- ment-sponsored events until lesions are dry and crusted.

    2.        An administrator of a health care institution, either per- sonally or through a representative, shall isolate and implement airborne precautions for a varicella case until the case is no longer infectious.

    3.        A local health agency shall:

    a.        Conduct an epidemiologic investigation of each reported case of death due to varicella infection; and

    b.        For each reported case of death due to varicella infection, submit to the Department, as specified in Article 2, Table 4, the information required under R9-6-206(D).

    B.       Contact control measures:

    1.        When a varicella case has been at a school or child care establishment, the administrator of the school or child care establishment, either personally or through a repre- sentative, shall:

    a.        Consult with the local health agency to determine who shall be excluded and how long each individual shall be excluded from the school or child care establishment, and

    b.        Comply with the local health agency’s recommenda- tions for exclusion.

    2.        A local health agency shall determine which contacts of a varicella case will be:

    a.        Excluded from a school or child care establishment, and

    b.        Advised to obtain an immunization against varicella.

Historical Note

New Section made by final rulemaking at 10 A.A.R. 3559, effective October 2, 2004 (Supp. 04-3). Former R9- 6-388 renumbered to R9-6-303; new R9-6-388 renum- bered from R9-6-382 and amended by final rulemaking at 14 A.A.R. 1502, effective April 1, 2008 (Supp. 08-2).