Section R9-6-332. Gonorrhea  

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  • A.      Case control measures:

    1.        The Department shall review each gonorrhea case report for completeness, accuracy, and need for follow-up.

    2.        For the prevention of gonorrheal ophthalmia, a physician, physician assistant, registered nurse practitioner, or mid- wife attending the birth of an infant in this state shall treat the eyes of the infant immediately after the birth with one of the following, unless treatment is refused by the parent or guardian:

    a.        Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment 0.5%, or

    b.        Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment 1%.

    3.        A local health agency shall comply with the requirements specified in R9-6-1103 concerning treatment and health education for a gonorrhea case that seeks treatment from the local health agency.

    B.       Contact control measures: If an individual who may have been exposed to gonorrhea through sexual contact with a gonorrhea case seeks treatment for symptoms of gonorrhea from a local health agency, the local health agency shall comply with the requirements specified in R9-6-1103 concerning treatment and health education for the individual.

Historical Note

Renumbered from R9-6-725 and amended effective Octo- ber 19, 1993 (Supp. 93-4). Former Section R9-6-332 renumbered to R9-6-335; new Section R9-6-332 renum- bered from R9-6-329 effective April 4, 1997 (Supp. 97-2).

Former R9-6-332 repealed; new R9-6-332 renumbered from R9-6-334 and amended by final rulemaking at 10

A.A.R. 3559, effective October 2, 2004 (Supp. 04-3). Former R9-6-332 renumbered to R9-6-334; new R9-6-

332 renumbered from R9-6-330 and amended by final rulemaking at 14 A.A.R. 1502, effective April 1, 2008

(Supp. 08-2).