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Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
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Section R9-6-206. Local Health Agency Responsibilities Regarding Communicable Disease Reports
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A. The Department shall supply each local health agency with forms to be used by:
1. A health care provider required to report when making a written report required under R9-6-202(A) and Table 1;
2. An administrator of a health care institution or correc- tional facility when making a written report required under R9-6-202(B) and Table 1; and
3. An administrator of a school, child care establishment, or shelter when making a written report required under R9- 6-203(A) and Table 2.
B. A local health agency shall distribute copies of the Depart- ment-provided forms specified in subsection (A) as needed to health care providers required to report and administrators of health care institutions, correctional facilities, schools, child care establishments, and shelters.
C. Except as specified in Table 4 and Article 3, a local health agency shall provide to the Department the information con- tained in each report of a case, suspect case, or occurrence received by the local health agency under R9-6-202 or R9-6-
203, including any report of disease in a nonresident of the jurisdiction who is or has been diagnosed or treated in the jurisdiction, within five working days after receipt and shall specify:
1. Which of the following best describes the individual identified in each report:
a. The individual meets the case definition for a case of the specific disease,
b. The individual is a suspect case,
c. The individual does not meet the case definition for a case or suspect case of the specific disease, or
d. The local health agency has not yet determined the status of the disease in the individual; and
2. The status of the epidemiologic investigation for each report.
D. Except as specified in Table 4 and Article 3, a local health agency shall submit to the Department a written or electronic report, in a format specified by the Department, of an epidemi- ologic investigation conducted by the local health agency:
1. In response to a report of a case, suspect case, or occur- rence:
a. Submitted under R9-6-202 or R9-6-203, or
b. About which the local health agency was notified by the Department;
2. Within 30 calendar days after receiving the report submit- ted under R9-6-202 or R9-6-203 or notification by the Department;
3. If an epidemiologic investigation is required for the reported disease under Article 3; and
4. Including in the report of the epidemiologic investigation:
a. The information described in:
i. R9-6-202(C) for a report submitted under R9- 6-202,
ii. R9-6-203(B) for a report submitted under R9- 6-203, or
iii. R9-6-202(C) for a report about which the Department notified the local health agency;
b. A description of all laboratory or other test results, performed in addition to the laboratory tests described in R9-6-202(C) and contributing to the diagnosis;
c. A description of the case’s symptoms of the disease and other signs that may be observed that indicate that the individual may have the disease, if applica- ble;
d. A classification of the case according to the case definition;
e. A description of the condition or status of the case at the end of the epidemiologic investigation;
f. A description of the case’s specific risk factors for acquiring the disease or other epidemiologic evi- dence of how the case acquired the infection that resulted in the disease;
g. A description of how the local health agency pro- vided or arranged for the case to receive health edu- cation about the nature of the disease and how to prevent transmission or limit disease progression;
h. A description of the case’s specific risk factors for
d. Identification of each type of laboratory test com-
transmitting the disease considered by the local
health agency when conducting an assessment of
e. A description of the laboratory test results, including
quantitative results if available;
i. A description of the control measures used by the
f. If an autopsy was completed, the autopsy results;
local health agency to reduce the spread of the dis-
g. A hypothesis or conclusion as to the cause of death;
ease; and
j. The date the report of the case, suspect case, or
h. Specific recommendations for preventing future
occurrence was submitted or the Department noti-
deaths, if applicable.
fied the local health agency.
Except as specified in Table 4 and Article 3, for each instance
For each reported case or suspect case of unexplained death
when the local health agency receives a report or reports indi-
with a history of fever, the local health agency for the jurisdic-
cating an outbreak or possible outbreak, the local health
tion in which the death occurred shall:
agency shall:
1. Within one working day after receiving a report of unex-
1. Within one working day after receiving the report or
plained death with a history of fever, submit to the
reports, provide to the Department the following informa-
Department in a format specified by the Department:
a. The following information about the deceased indi-
a. The location of the outbreak or possible outbreak;
b. If known, the number of cases and suspect cases;
i. Name;
c. The date that the outbreak was reported or the dates
ii. Residential address;
that cases suggestive of an outbreak were reported;
iii. Date of birth;
d. The setting of the outbreak or possible outbreak;
iv. Race and ethnicity;
e. The name of the disease suspected or known to be
v. County of residence;
the cause of the outbreak or possible outbreak; and
vi. If the individual was living on a reservation at
f. The name and telephone number of an individual at
the time of the individual’s death, the name of
the local health agency who can serve as a point of
the reservation;
contact regarding the outbreak or possible outbreak;
vii. Gender;
viii. Whether the individual was pregnant and, if so,
2. Within 30 calendar days after receiving the last report or
the result of the pregnancy; and
reports associated with the outbreak, submit to the
ix. Occupation;
Department a written or electronic report, in a format
b. The date of onset of symptoms;
specified by the Department, of the epidemiologic inves-
c. The approximate date and time of death;
tigation conducted by the local health agency in response
d. A description of the setting where the death occurred
to the outbreak or possible outbreak, including:
and of the circumstances leading up to the time of
a. A description of the outbreak location and setting;
b. The date that the local health agency was notified of
e. The name, residential address, and telephone num-
the outbreak;
ber of a family member of the deceased individual
c. A description of how the local health agency veri-
who may be contacted;
fied the outbreak;
f. The name, address, and telephone number of the
d. The number of individuals reported to be ill during
individual making the report to the local health
the outbreak;
agency; and
e. The number of individuals estimated to be at risk for
g. The name and address of the:
illness as a result of the outbreak;
i. Health care provider required to report, if:
f. The specific case definition used;
(1) The unexplained death with a history of
g. A summary profile of the signs and symptoms;
fever was reported to the local health
h. An epidemiologic curve;
agency under R9-6-202(A), and
i. A copy of the laboratory evidence collected, includ-
(2) The health care provider is different from
ing all laboratory test results, for all specimens sub-
the individual specified in subsection
mitted for testing to a laboratory other than the
(E)(1)(f); or
Arizona State Laboratory;
ii. Health care institution or correctional facility, if
j. Hypotheses of how the outbreak occurred;
the unexplained death with a history of fever
k. A description of the control measures used and the
was reported to the local health agency under
dates the control measures were implemented;
R9-6-202(B); and
l. The conclusions drawn based upon the results of the
2. Within 30 calendar days after receiving the report of
epidemiologic investigation;
unexplained death with a history of fever, submit to the
m. Recommendations for preventing future outbreaks;
Department a written or electronic report of the epidemi-
ologic investigation required under Article 3, in a format
n. The name, address, and telephone number of the
provided by the Department, including:
individual making the report to the Department.
a. The name and date of birth of the deceased individ- ual;
b. The date of each specimen collection;
c. Identification of each type of specimen collected;
Historical Note
Section renumbered from R9-6-203 and amended by final rulemaking at 10 A.A.R. 3559, effective October 2, 2004 (Supp. 04-3). Amended by final rulemaking at 14 A.A.R.
1502, effective April 1, 2008 (Supp. 08-2).