Section R9-6-1103. Local Health Agency Requirements  

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  • A.      For each STD case, a local health agency shall:

    1.        Comply with the requirements in:

    a.        R9-6-313(A)(1) and (2) for each chancroid case reported to the local health agency, and

    b.        R9-6-375(A)(2)(a) through (c) for each syphilis case reported to the local health agency;

    2.        Offer or arrange for treatment for each STD case that seeks treatment from the local health agency for symp- toms of:

    a.        Chancroid,

    b.        Chlamydia infection,

    c.        Gonorrhea, or

    d.        Syphilis;

    3.        Provide information about the following to each STD case that seeks treatment from the local health agency:

    a.        A description of the disease or syndrome caused by the applicable STD, including its symptoms;

    b.        Treatment options for the applicable STD;

    c.        A description of measures to reduce the likelihood of transmitting the STD to others and that it is neces- sary to continue the measures until the infection is eliminated; and

    d.        The confidential nature of the STD case’s test results; and

    4.        Inform the STD case that:

    a.        A chlamydia or gonorrhea case must notify each individual, with whom the chlamydia or gonorrhea case has had sexual contact within 60 days preced- ing the onset of chlamydia or gonorrhea symptoms up to the date the chlamydia or gonorrhea case began treatment for chlamydia or gonorrhea infec- tion, of the need for the individual to be tested for chlamydia or gonorrhea; and

    b.        The Department or local health agency will notify, as specified in subsection (B), each contact named by a chancroid or syphilis case.

    B.       For each contact named by a chancroid or syphilis case, the Department or a local health agency shall:

    1.        Notify the contact named by a chancroid or syphilis case of the contact’s exposure to chancroid or syphilis and of the need for the contact to be tested for:

    a.        Chancroid, if the chancroid case has had sexual con- tact with the contact within 10 days preceding the onset of chancroid symptoms up to the date the chancroid case began treatment for chancroid infec- tion; or

    b.        Syphilis, if the syphilis case has had sexual contact with the contact within:

    i.         90 days preceding the onset of symptoms of primary syphilis up to the date the syphilis case began treatment for primary syphilis infection;

    ii.        Six months preceding the onset of symptoms of secondary syphilis up to the date the syphilis case began treatment for secondary syphilis infection; or

    iii.      12 months preceding the date the syphilis case was diagnosed with syphilis if the syphilis case cannot identify when symptoms of primary or secondary syphilis began;

    2.        Offer or arrange for each contact named by a chancroid or syphilis case to receive testing and, if appropriate, treat- ment for chancroid or syphilis; and

    3.        Provide information to each contact named by a chan- croid or syphilis case about:

    a.        The characteristics of the applicable STD,

    b.        The syndrome caused by the applicable STD,

    c.        Measures to reduce the likelihood of transmitting the applicable STD, and

    d.        The confidential nature of the contact’s test results.

    C.      For each contact of a chlamydia or gonorrhea case who seeks treatment from a local health agency for symptoms of chla- mydia or gonorrhea, the local health agency shall:

    1.        Offer or arrange for treatment for chlamydia or gonor- rhea;

    2.        Provide information to each contact of a chlamydia or gonorrhea case about:

    a.        The characteristics of the applicable STD,

    b.        The syndrome caused by the applicable STD,

    c.        Measures to reduce the likelihood of transmitting the applicable STD, and

    d.        The confidential nature of the contact’s test results.

Historical Note

New Section made by final rulemaking at 14 A.A.R.

1502, effective April 1, 2008 (Supp. 08-2).