Section R9-5-514. Accident and Emergency Procedures  

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  • A.      A licensee shall ensure that there is a first aid kit on facility premises that contains first aid supplies in a quantity sufficient to meet the needs of the enrolled children including the follow- ing:

    1.        Sterile bandages including:

    a.        Adhesive bandages of assorted sizes,

    b.        Sterile gauze pads, and

    c.        Sterile gauze rolls;

    2.        Antiseptic solution or sealed antiseptic wipes;

    3.        A pair of scissors;

    4.        Adhesive tape;

    5.        Single-use, non-porous gloves; and

    6.        Reclosable plastic bags of at least one-gallon size.

    B.       A licensee shall ensure that the first aid kit required in subsec- tion (A) is accessible to staff members but inaccessible to enrolled children.

    C.      A licensee shall:

    1.        Prepare and date a written fire and emergency plan that contains:

    a.        The location of the first aid kit;

    b.        The names of staff members who have the first aid training required by R9-5-403(E);

    c.        The names of staff members who have the CPR training required by R9-5-403(E);

    d.        The directions for:

    i.         Initiating verbal notification of an enrolled child’s parent by telephone or other equally expeditious means within 30 minutes of a fire or emergency, and

    ii.        Providing written notification to the enrolled child’s parent within 24 hours, and

    e.        The facility’s street address and the emergency tele- phone numbers for the local fire department, police department, ambulance service, and poison control center;

    2.        Maintain the plan required in subsection (C)(1) in a loca- tion on facility premises that has an operable telephone service or two-way voice communication system that connects the facility with an individual who has direct access to an in-and-out operable telephone service;

    3.        Post the plan required in subsection (C)(1) in any indoor activity area that does not have an operable telephone ser- vice or two-way voice communication system that con- nects the indoor activity area with an individual who has direct access to an in-and-out operable telephone ser- vices; and

    4.        Update the plan in subsection (C)(1) every 12 months after the date of initial preparation of the plan or when any information changes.

    D.      A licensee shall post, near an activity area or a room’s desig- nated exit, a building evacuation plan that details the desig- nated exits from the activity area or room and the facility.

    E.       A licensee shall maintain and use a communication system that contains:

    1.        A direct-access, in-and-out, operating telephone service at the facility; or

    2.        A two-way voice communication system that connects the facility with an individual who has direct access to an in-and-out, operating telephone service.

    F.       If while attending a facility an enrolled child has an accident, injury, or emergency that, based on an evaluation by a staff member, requires medical treatment by a health care provider, a licensee shall ensure that a staff member:

    1.        Notifies the enrolled child’s parent immediately after the accident, injury, or emergency;

    2.        Documents:

    a.        A description of the accident, injury, or emergency, including the date, time, and location of the acci- dent, injury, or emergency;

    b.        The method used to notify the enrolled child’s par- ent; and

    c.        The time the enrolled child’s parent was notified; and

    3.        Maintains documentation required in subsection (F)(2) on facility premises for 12 months after the date of the child’s disenrollment.

    G.      If an enrolled child’s parent informs a staff member at the facility that the enrolled child’s parent obtained medical treat- ment from a health care provider for an accident, injury, or emergency the enrolled child had while attending the facility, a licensee shall ensure that a staff member:

    1.        Documents any information about the enrolled child’s accident, injury, or emergency received from the enrolled child’s parent; and

    2.        Maintains documentation required in subsection (G)(1) on facility premises for 12 months after the date of the child’s disenrollment.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 12, 1986 (Supp. 86-6). Sec- tion repealed; new Section adopted effective October 17, 1997 (Supp. 97-4). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 16

A.A.R. 1564, effective September 30, 2010 (Supp. 10-3).