Section R9-5-206. Licensure Fees  

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  • A.      Except as provided in subsection (B), the fees for an applicant submitting an application or a licensee submitting licensure fees are:

    1.        For a child care facility with a licensed capacity of five to 10 children, $1,000;

    2.        For a child care facility with a licensed capacity of 11 to 59 children, $4,000; and

    3.        For a child care facility with a licensed capacity of 60 or more children, $7,800.

    B.       If an applicant or licensee participates in a Department- approved program, the Department may discount the fee in subsection (A), based on available funding.

    C.      The fee for a licensee requesting an increase in a facility’s licensed capacity is the difference between the applicable fee in this Section for the new licensed capacity and the applicable fee in this Section for the current licensed capacity, prorated from the date the licensee submitted the request for the increase for the number of months remaining before the facil- ity’s license anniversary date specified in R9-5-205.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 12, 1986 (Supp. 86-6).

Amended effective July 7, 1988 (Supp. 88-3). Section repealed; new Section adopted effective October 17, 1997 (Supp. 97-4). Former Section R9-5-206 renumbered to R9-5-205; new Section R9-5-206 renumbered from R9-5- 207 and amended by final rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 4060, effective November 10, 2002 (Supp. 02-3). Former R9-5- 206 renumbered to R9-5-208; new R9-5-206 renumbered from R9-5-210 and amended by exempt rulemaking at 16

A.A.R. 1564, effective September 30, 2010 (Supp. 10-3). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 16 A.A.R. 2350,

effective December 1, 2010 (Supp. 10-4).