Section R9-33-201. Emergency Procedures and Evacuation Drills  

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  • A.      A licensee shall ensure that a written plan for emergencies:

    1.        Is developed and implemented;

    2.        Is available and accessible to staff and each resident at the facility;

    3.        Contains procedures for responding to fire, emergency, severe weather conditions, and other disasters, including:

    a.        Routes of evacuation, location of firefighting equip- ment, and evacuation devices identified on a floor plan of the facility;

    b.        Instructions on the use of fire alarm systems, fire- fighting equipment, and evacuation devices;

    c.        Procedures for evacuating each resident, including a resident who is not capable of self-preservation or who has a mobility, sensory, or other physical impairment; and

    d.        Procedures for notifying an emergency response team, law enforcement, and the licensee or the licensee’s designee; and

    4.        Includes procedures for when a resident is missing from the premises.

    B.       A licensee shall ensure that:

    1.        The facility’s street address is painted or posted against a contrasting background so that the group home’s street address is visible from the street; or

    2.        The local emergency response team, such as the local fire department, is notified of the location of the facility in writing at least once every 12 months. The licensee shall make the written notification available for review at the facility for at least two years from the date of the notifica- tion.

    C.      A licensee shall ensure that:

    1.        Except as described in subsection (D), an evacuation drill that includes all residents, except any residents otherwise specifically excluded from evacuation drills as indicated on documentation provided by the Division for the resi- dent, is conducted at least once every six months on each shift; and

    2.        Documentation of an evacuation drill is available for review at the facility for at least two years after the date of the evacuation drill that includes:

    a.        The date and time of the evacuation drill;

    b.        The length of time to evacuate or simulate the evac- uation of all residents from the facility;

    c.        A summary of the evacuation drill, including a list of the residents and staff who were present at the time of the drill, how the drill was performed, how


    long the drill took to complete, and, if applicable, a


    1.     A fire risk prevention level 1 group home license if the

    list of residents for whom evacuation was simulated;


    group home meets the requirements in subsections (B)



    through (G); and

    d.     Except  as  provided   in  subsection  (D)(2),   if  the


    2.     A fire risk prevention level 2 group home license if the

    length of time to evacuate all residents from the


    group home meets the requirements in subsections (B)

    facility exceeds three minutes, a plan of correction


    through (H).

    to bring the evacuation time to three minutes or less


    A licensee shall ensure that the premises are in compliance

    in case of an actual emergency requiring evacuation.


    with all applicable state and local fire safety regulations and


    If a group home provides services to a resident whom the Divi-




    sion has identified, through the assessment process used to


    1.     Before a license is issued or renewed, a fire inspection is


    determine the group home’s fire risk prevention level, as hav-


    conducted by the local fire department, the Department,


    ing a condition that could cause a resident to be harmed if the


    or an entity authorized by the Department;


    resident participated in an evacuation drill, a licensee shall


    2.     Any repair or correction stated in a fire inspection report


    ensure that:


    is made or corrected according to the requirements and


    1.     An evacuation drill:


    time in the fire inspection report; and


    a.     Does not include the resident, and


    3.     A current fire inspection report is available for review at


    b.     Simulates the evacuation of the resident according to


    the group home.


    the plan required in subsection (A)(3)(c), and


    A licensee shall ensure that the facility has at least one work-


    2.     The documentation of an evacuation drill required in sub-


    ing, portable, all-purpose fire extinguisher labeled as rated at


    section (C)(2) also includes, if the length of time to evac-


    least  2A-10-BC  by  Underwriters   Laboratories,  or  two   co-


    uate or simulate the evacuation of all residents exceeds


    located   working,   portable,   all-purpose   fire   extinguishers


    five minutes, a plan of correction to bring the evacuation


    labeled as rated at least 1A-10-BC by Underwriters Laborato-


    time to five minutes or less in case of an actual emer-


    ries, installed and maintained in the facility as prescribed by


    gency requiring evacuation.


    the manufacturer or the fire authority having jurisdiction.


    A licensee shall ensure that:


    A licensee shall ensure that a fire extinguisher:


    1.     A first aid kit is available in the facility that has the fol-


    1.     Is either:


    lowing items in a quantity sufficient to meet the needs of


    a.     Disposable  and   has  a   charge  indicator  showing


    residents and staff:


    green or “ready” status; or


    a.     Adhesive sterile bandages of assorted sizes,


    b.     Serviced at least once every 12 months by a fire


    b.     Sterile gauze pads,


    extinguisher technician certified by the National Fire


    c.     Sterile gauze rolls,


    Protection Agency, the International Code Council,


    d.     Adhesive or self-adhering tape,


    or Compliance Services and Assessments; and


    e.     Antiseptic solution or sealed antiseptic wipes,


    2.     If serviced, is tagged specifying:


    f.      Re-closable plastic bags of at least one-gallon size,


    a.     The   date  of   purchase  or  the  date   of  recharging,


    g.     Single-use non-porous gloves,


    whichever is more recent; and


    h.     Scissors,


    b.     The name of the organization performing the ser-


    i.      Tweezers, and


    vice, if applicable.


    j.      A  cardiopulmonary  resuscitation  mouth   guard  or


    A licensee shall ensure that smoke detectors are:


    mouth shield;


    1.     Working and audible at a level of 75db from the location


    2.     All stairways, hallways, walkways, and other routes of


    of each bed used by a resident in the facility;


    evacuation  are   free  of  any   obstacle  that  may   prevent


    2.     Capable of alerting all residents in the facility, including a


    evacuation of a resident in an emergency;


    resident with a mobility or sensory impairment;


    3.     If a window or door contains locks, bars, grills, or other


    3.     Installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions;


    devices that obstruct evacuation, each device contains a


    4.     Located in at least the following areas:


    release mechanism that is operable from the inside of a


    a.     Each bedroom;


    facility and that does not require the use of a key, special


    b.     Each room or hallway adjacent to a bedroom, except


    knowledge, or special effort;


    a bathroom or a laundry room; and


    4.     Each facility contains a working non-cellular telephone


    c.     Each  room  or   hallway  adjacent  to  the   kitchen,


    that is available and accessible to staff and each resident


    except a bathroom, a pantry, or a laundry room; and


    at all times; and


    5.     If the licensee has been cited more than once in the previ-


    5.     The following are posted at the location of a facility’s


    ous  four   years  under  subsections  (E)(1)  through  (4),






    a.     Instructions to dial 911 or the telephone number of


    a.     Hard-wired  to  the  electrical   system  of   the  group


    another local emergency response team, and


    home with a battery backup; or


    b.     The  address  and   telephone  number  of  the   group


    b.     Connected to an early-warning fire detection system




    required in subsection (H)(2), if applicable.


    Historical Note


    A licensee shall ensure that each bedroom has at least one


    New Section made by final rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 910,


    openable window or door to the outside for use as an emer-


    effective February 11, 2002 (Supp. 02-1). Amended by


    gency exit.




    A licensee shall ensure that:


    final rulemaking at 18 A.A.R. 3295, effective February 3,

    2013 (Supp. 12-4).