Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
Article 3. EXPIRED |
Section R9-3-504. Fire Safety, Gas Safety, and Emergency Stan- dards
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A. A certificate holder shall ensure that:
1. The house number of the child care group home’s resi- dence is painted or posted on the premises so that it is vis- ible from the street;
2. A smoke detector is installed in each indoor area of the child care group home approved for providing child care services and in each hallway of the child care group home’s residence;
3. Each smoke detector required under subsection (A)(2):
a. Is maintained in an operable condition; and
b. Is either battery operated or, if hard-wired into the electrical system of the child care group home’s resi- dence, has a back-up battery;
4. The child care group home’s residence has at least two portable fire extinguishers:
a. One of which is labeled as rated at least 1A-10-BC by the Underwriters Laboratories and is mounted and maintained in the kitchen, and
b. One of which is labeled as rated at least 2A-10-BC by the Underwriters Laboratories and is maintained in a location accessible to staff members in an area of the child care group home approved for providing child care services;
5. Each electrical outlet in an area of the child care group home approved for providing child care services is cov- ered with a safety plug cover or insert when not in use;
6. An appliance, light, or other device with a frayed or spliced electrical cord is not used at the child care group home;
7. An electrical cord, including an extension cord, is not run under a rug or carpeting, over a nail, or from one room to another at the child care group home;
8. Each electrical, cable, or telephone outlet at the child care group home is covered with a face plate;
9. A wood-burning stove, the interior of a fireplace, or a chiminea is inaccessible to enrolled children when in use;
10. An unvented space heater or open-flame space heater is not used in the child care group home’s residence during hours of operation;
11. An electric portable heater is not used in the child care group home’s residence during hours of operation unless the electric portable heater:
a. Has:
i. Either a non-porous casing or a grill with a mesh small enough to prevent cloth or a child’s finger from entering the casing,
ii. A tilt switch that shuts off power to the electric portable heater if the electric portable heater tips over,
iii. An automatic shutoff control to prevent over- heating, and
iv. A thermostat control; and
b. Is plugged directly into a wall outlet;
12. A candle or incense is not burned in the child care group home’s residence during hours of operation; and
13. Smoking is not permitted in the residence during hours of operation or in the presence or sight of enrolled children.
B. A certificate holder shall ensure that a staff member:
1. Tests the battery for each smoke detector required under subsection (A)(2) each month,
2. Makes a record of each test performed,
3. Replaces a smoke detector battery that is no longer charged, and
4. Maintains the record of the test on the premises for 12 months after the date of the test.
C. A certificate holder shall:
1. Replace a disposable fire extinguisher when its indicator reaches the red zone; and
2. Ensure that each rechargeable fire extinguisher in the child care group home’s residence:
a. Is serviced at least once every 12 months, and
b. Has a tag attached to the fire extinguisher that speci- fies the date of the last servicing and the identifica- tion of the person who serviced the fire extinguisher.
D. If there are gas pipes that run from a gas meter to an appliance or location on the premises:
1. Before an applicant for a child care group home is issued a certificate by the Department, the applicant shall obtain a gas inspection report by a licensed plumber or individ- ual authorized by the local jurisdiction that verifies there are no gas leaks in the gas pipes that run from the gas meter to any appliance or location on the premises; and
2. A certificate holder shall ensure that:
a. Each unused natural gas outlet at the child care group home has its valves removed by and is capped at the wall or floor by a licensed plumber or individ- ual authorized by the local jurisdiction;
b. A licensed plumber or individual authorized by the local jurisdiction conducts a gas inspection that veri- fies there are no gas leaks in the gas pipes that run from the gas meter to any appliance or location on
the premises at least once every 12 months after the
vided leads to the ground level outside without passing
date of the certificate; and
through the ground floor.
c. A copy of a current gas inspection report, including
If the residence of a child care group home is a mobile home, a
documentation of any repairs or corrections required
manufactured home, or a factory-built building, as defined in
by the gas inspection report, is maintained on the
A.R.S. § 41-2142, the certificate holder shall ensure that:
1. The skirting around the mobile home, manufactured
A certificate holder shall:
home, or factory-built building is permanently attached
1. Prepare a fire and emergency plan, consisting of:
and surrounds the entire perimeter of the residence; and
a. The child care group home’s address and telephone
2. Each stairway or ramp to the mobile home, manufactured
home, or factory-built building has railings.
b. A list of emergency telephone numbers, including 9-
A certificate holder shall ensure that:
1-1 and a poison control center;
1. A stairway that leads to a floor or room outside of the
c. A document or documents that include the contact
areas of the child care group home approved for provid-
telephone number for a parent of each enrolled
ing child care services is separated from the areas of the
child; and
child care group home approved for providing child care
d. An evacuation plan for the child care group home,
services by either a door or gate that is kept closed during
including a floor plan of the child care group home’s
hours of operation;
residence on which lines have been drawn showing
2. A glass window, mirror, or other glass surface that is
the evacuation path from each area of the child care
located lower than 36 inches above the floor, a sliding
group home approved for providing child care ser-
glass door, or another type of glass partition that is
located lower than 36 inches above the floor:
2. Maintain the fire and emergency plan in a location acces-
a. Is made of safety glass that has been manufactured,
sible to staff members; and
fabricated, or treated to prevent the glass from shat-
3. Post a copy of the floor plan showing the evacuation
tering or flying when struck or broken;
paths from the residence in each indoor area of the child
b. Is shielded by a barrier to prevent impact by or phys-
care group home approved for providing child care ser-
ical injury to an enrolled child; or
c. Has conspicuous markings located at a child’s eye
A certificate holder shall ensure that:
1. An unannounced fire and emergency evacuation drill is
3. Firearms kept at the child care group home are unloaded,
conducted at least once each month;
out of the view of enrolled children, and stored in sepa-
2. During the fire and emergency evacuation drill, each staff
rate locked areas, locked cabinets, or locked containers
member and enrolled child at the child care group home
away from the locked areas, locked cabinets, or locked
is evacuated from the child care group home according to
containers in which ammunition is stored;
the evacuation plan;
4. The child care group home has at least one operable tele-
3. Each fire and emergency evacuation drill is conducted at
phone available for use by a staff member;
a different time of day than the previous fire and emer-
5. Except as provided in R9-3-503(C)(4) and subsection
gency evacuation drill;
(D)(6)(d), the following are stored in a labeled container
4. A record is made of each fire and emergency evacuation
separate from food storage areas and are inaccessible to
drill, including:
an enrolled child:
a. The date of the fire and emergency evacuation drill,
a. Materials and chemicals labeled as a toxic sub-
stance, and
b. The time of the fire and emergency evacuation drill;
b. Substances that have a child warning label and may
be a hazard to a child;
5. The record of the fire and emergency evacuation drill is
6. Flammable liquids are stored:
maintained on the premises for 12 months after the date
a. In an original container;
of the fire and emergency evacuation drill.
b. Separate from food storage areas;
Historical Note
New Section made by final rulemaking at 10 A.A.R. 1214, effective September 1, 2004 (Supp. 04-1). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 17 A.A.R. 1530, effective September 30, 2011 (Supp. 11-3).