Section R9-17-108. Expiration of a Registry Identification Card or a Dispensary Registration Certificate  

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  • A.      Except as provided in subsection (B), a registry identification card issued to a qualifying patient, designated caregiver, or dispensary agent is valid for one year after the date of issu- ance.

    B.       If the Department issues a registry identification card to a qualifying patient, designated caregiver, or dispensary agent based on a request for a replacement registry identification card or an application to change or amend a registry identifica- tion card; the replacement, changed, or amended registry iden- tification card shall have the same expiration date as the registry identification card being replaced, changed, or amended.

    C.      Except as provided in subsection (D), a dispensary registration certificate is valid for one year after the date of issuance.

    D.      If the Department issues an amended dispensary registration certificate based on a change of location or an addition of a cultivation  site,  the  dispensary   registration  certificate  shall

    have the same expiration date as the dispensary registration certificate previously held by the dispensary.

    E.       An approval to operate a dispensary shall have the same expi- ration date as the dispensary registration certificate associated with the approval to operate the dispensary.

Historical Note

New Section made by exempt rulemaking at 17 A.A.R.

734, effective April 14, 2011 (Supp. 11-2).