Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
Section R9-16-111. Prohibited Practice; Transfer of Care
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A. A midwife shall not provide midwifery services in a location that has the potential to cause harm to the client or the client’s child.
B. A midwife shall not accept for midwifery services or continue midwifery services for a client who has or develops any of the following:
1. A previous surgery that involved:
a. An incision in the uterus, except as provided in R9- 16-108(B)(1); or
b. A previous uterine surgery that enters the myome- trium;
2. Multiple fetuses;
3. Placenta previa or placenta accreta;
4. A history of severe postpartum bleeding, of unknown cause, which required transfusion;
5. Deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism;
6. Uncontrolled gestational diabetes;
7. Insulin-dependent diabetes;
8. Hypertension;
9. Rh disease with positive titers;
10. Active:
a. Tuberculosis;
b. Syphilis;
c. Genital herpes at the onset of labor;
d. Hepatitis until treated and recovered, following which midwifery services may resume; or
e. Gonorrhea until treated and recovered, following which midwifery services may resume;
11. Preeclampsia or eclampsia persisting after the second tri- mester;
12. A blood pressure of 140/90 or an increase of 30 millime- ters of Mercury systolic or 15 millimeters of Mercury dia- stolic over the client's lowest baseline blood pressure for two consecutive readings taken at least six hours apart;
13. A persistent hemoglobin level below 10 grams or a hema- tocrit below 30 during the third trimester;
14. A pelvis that will not safely allow a baby to pass through during labor;
15. A serious mental illness;
16. Evidence of substance abuse, including six months prior to pregnancy, to one of the following, evident during an assessment of a client:
a. Alcohol,
b. Narcotics, or
c. Other drugs;
17. Except as provided in R9-16-108(B)(2), a fetus with an abnormal presentation;
18. Labor beginning before the beginning of 36 weeks gesta- tion;
19. A progression of labor that does not meet the require- ments of R9-16-108(J)(4), if applicable;
20. Gestational age greater than 34 weeks with no prior pre- natal care;
21. A gestation beyond 42 weeks;
22. Presence of ruptured membranes without onset of labor within 24 hours;
23. Abnormal fetal heart rate consistently less than 120 beats per minute or more than 160 beats per minute;
24. Presence of thick meconium, blood-stained amniotic fluid, or abnormal fetal heart tones;
25. A postpartum hemorrhage of greater than 500 milliliters in the current pregnancy; or
26. A non-bleeding placenta retained for more than 60 min- utes.
C. A midwife shall not perform a vaginal delivery after prior Cesarean section for a client who:
1. Had:
a. More than one previous Cesarean section;
b. A previous Cesarean section:
i. With a classical, vertical, or unknown uterine incision;
ii. Within 18 months before the expected delivery;
iii. With complications, including uterine infec- tion; or
iv. Due to failure to progress as a result of cephalo- pelvic insufficiency; or
c. Complications during a previous vaginal delivery after a Cesarean section; or
2. Has a fetus:
a. With fetal anomalies, confirmed by an ultrasound; or
b. In a breech presentation.
D. A midwife shall not perform a vaginal delivery of a fetus in a breech presentation for a client who:
1. Had a previous:
a. Unsuccessful vaginal delivery or other demonstra- tion of an inadequate maternal pelvis, or
b. Cesarean section; or
2. Has a fetus:
a. With fetal anomalies, confirmed by an ultrasound;
b. With an estimated fetal weight less than 2500 grams or more than 3800 grams; or
c. In an incomplete breech presentation.
E. If the client has any of the conditions in subsections (B) through (D), a midwife shall:
1. Document the condition in the client record, and
2. Initiate transfer of care.
F. A midwife shall not perform any operative procedures except as provided in R9-16-113.
G. A midwife shall not:
1. Use any artificial, forcible, or mechanical means to assist birth; or
2. Attempt to correct fetal presentations by external or inter- nal movement of the fetus.
H. A midwife shall not administer drugs or medications except as provided in R9-16-108(I)(5)(f), (K)(1)(g), (K)(2)(c), or R9-16- 113.
I. Except as provided in R9-16-113, a midwife shall:
1. Discontinue midwifery services and transfer care of a newborn in which any of the following conditions are present:
a. Birth weight less than 2000 grams;
b. Pale, blue, or gray color after 10 minutes;
c. Excessive edema;
d. Major congenital anomalies; or
e. Respiratory distress; and
2. Document the condition in subsection (I)(1) in the new- born record.
Historical Note
Adopted effective March 14, 1994 (Supp. 94-1). R9-16- 111 renumbered to R9-16-116; new Section R9-16-111 renumbered from R9-16-108 and amended by exempt rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 1805, effective July 1, 2013
(Supp. 13-2).