Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
Section R9-10-423. Food Services
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A. An administrator shall ensure that:
1. The nursing care institution has a license or permit as a food establishment under 9 A.A.C. 8, Article 1;
An infection control program is established, under the
2. A copy of the nursing care institution’s food establish-
direction of an individual qualified according to policies
ment license or permit is maintained;
and procedures, to prevent the development and transmis-
3. If a nursing care institution contracts with a food estab-
sion of infections and communicable diseases including:
lishment, as established in 9 A.A.C. 8, Article 1, to pre-
a. A method to identify and document infections
pare and deliver food to the nursing care institution:
occurring at the nursing care institution;
a. A copy of the contracted food establishment's
b. Analysis of the types, causes, and spread of infec-
license or permit under 9 A.A.C. 8, Article 1 is
tions and communicable diseases at the nursing care
maintained by the nursing care institution; and
b. The nursing care institution is able to store, refriger-
c. The development of corrective measures to mini-
ate, and reheat food to meet the dietary needs of a
mize or prevent the spread of infections and commu-
nicable diseases at the nursing care institution; and
4. A registered dietitian:
d. Documentation of infection control activities includ-
a. Reviews a food menu before the food menu is used
to ensure that a resident’s nutritional needs are being
i. The collection and analysis of infection control
b. Documents the review of a food menu, and
ii. The actions taken related to infections and
c. Is available for consultation regarding a resident’s
communicable diseases, and
nutritional needs; and
iii. Reports of communicable diseases to the gov-
5. If a registered dietitian is not employed full-time, an indi-
erning authority and state and county health
vidual is designated as a director of food services who
consults with a registered dietitian as often as necessary
Infection control documentation is maintained for at least
to ensure that the nutritional needs of a resident are met.
12 months after the date of the documentation;
A registered dietitian or director of food services shall ensure
Policies and procedures are established, documented, and
implemented that cover:
1. Food is prepared:
a. Handling and disposal of biohazardous medical
a. Using methods that conserve nutritional value, fla-
vor, and appearance; and
b. Sterilization, disinfection, and storage of medical
b. In a form to meet the needs of a resident such as cut,
equipment and supplies;
chopped, ground, pureed, or thickened;
c. Using personal protective equipment such as aprons,
2. A food menu:
gloves, gowns, masks, or face protection when
a. Is prepared at least one week in advance,
b. Includes the foods to be served on each day,
d. Cleaning of an individual's hands when the individ-
c Is conspicuously posted at least one day before the
ual's hands are visibly soiled and before and after
first meal on the food menu will be served,
providing a service to a resident;
d. Includes any food substitution no later than the
e. Training of personnel members, employees, and vol-
morning of the day of meal service with a food sub-
unteers in infection control practices; and
stitution, and
f. Work restrictions for a personnel member with a
e. Is maintained for at least 60 calendar days after the
communicable disease or infected skin lesion;
last day included in the food menu;
Biohazardous medical waste is identified, stored, and dis-
3. Meals and snacks for each day are planned and served
posed of according to 18 A.A.C. 13, Article 14 and poli-
using the applicable guidelines in
cies and procedures;
Soiled linen and clothing are:
4. A resident is provided:
a. Collected in a manner to minimize or prevent con-
a. A diet that meets the resident's nutritional needs as
specified in the resident's comprehensive assessment
b. Bagged at the site of use; and
and care plan;
c. Maintained separate from clean linen and clothing
b. Three meals a day with not more than 14 hours
and away from food storage, kitchen, or dining
between the evening meal and breakfast except as
areas; and
provided in subsection (B)(4)(d);
A personnel member, an employee, or a volunteer washes
c. The option to have a daily evening snack identified
hands or uses a hand disinfection product after a resident
in subsection (B)(4)(d)(ii) or other snack; and
contact and after handling soiled linen, soiled clothing, or
d. The option to extend the time span between the eve-
potentially infectious material.
ning meal and breakfast from 14 hours to 16 hours
i. A resident group agrees; and
ii. The resident is offered an evening snack that includes meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or other pro- tein, and a serving from either the fruit and veg- etable food group or the bread and cereal food group;
5. A resident is provided with food substitutions of similar nutritional value if:
a. The resident refuses to eat the food served, or
b. The resident requests a substitution;
6. Recommendations and preferences are requested from a resident or the resident's representative for meal planning;
7. A resident requiring assistance to eat is provided with assistance that recognizes the resident's nutritional, physi- cal, and social needs, including the use of adaptive eating equipment or utensils;
8. Tableware, utensils, equipment, and food-contact sur- faces are clean and in good repair;
9. A resident eats meals in a dining area unless the resident chooses to eat in the resident's room or is confined to the resident's room for medical reasons documented in the resident’s medical record; and
10. Water is available and accessible to residents.
C. If a nursing care institution has nutrition and feeding assis- tants, an administrator shall ensure that:
1. A nutrition and feeding assistant:
a. Is at least 16 years of age;
b. If applicable, complies with the fingerprint clear- ance card requirements in A.R.S. § 36-411;
c. Completes a nutrition and feeding assistant training course within 12 months before initially providing nutrition and feeding assistance;
d. Provides nutrition and feeding assistance where nursing personnel are present;
e. Immediately reports an emergency to a nurse or, if a nurse is not present in the common area, to nursing personnel; and
f. If the nutrition and feeding assistant observes a change in a resident’s physical condition or behav- ior, reports the change to a nurse or, if a nurse is not present in the common area, to nursing personnel;
2. A resident is not eligible to receive nutrition and feeding assistance from a nutrition and feeding assistant if the res- ident:
a. Has difficulty swallowing,
b. Has had recurrent lung aspirations,
c. Requires enteral feedings,
d. Requires parenteral feedings, or
e. Has any other eating or drinking difficulty that may cause the resident’s health or safety to be compro- mised if the resident receives nutrition and feeding assistance from a nutrition and feeding assistant;
3. Only an eligible resident receives nutrition and feeding assistance from a nutrition and feeding assistant;
4. A nurse determines if a resident is eligible to receive nutrition and feeding assistance from a nutrition and feed- ing assistant, based on:
a. The resident’s comprehensive assessment,
b. The resident’s care plan, and
c. An assessment conducted by the nurse when making the determination;
5. A method is implemented that identifies eligible residents that ensures only eligible residents receive nutrition and feeding assistance from a nutrition and feeding assistant;
6. When a nutrition and feeding assistant initially provides nutrition and feeding assistance and at least once every
three months, a nurse observes the nutrition and feeding assistant while the nutrition and feeding assistant is pro- viding nutrition and feeding assistance to ensure that the nutrition and feeding assistant is providing nutrition and feeding assistance appropriately;
7. A nurse documents the nurse’s observations required in subsection (C)(6); and
8. A nutrition and feeding assistant is provided additional training:
a. According to policies and procedures, and
b. If a nurse identifies a need for additional training based on the nurse’s observation in subsection (C)(6).
Historical Note
Adopted effective January 28, 1980 (Supp. 80-1). Section repealed by final rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 2785, effective October 1, 2002 (Supp. 02-2). New Section R9-10-423 made by exempt rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 2015, effective October 1, 2013 (Supp. 13-2). Amended by exempt
rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 3334, effective October 1, 2013 (Supp. 13-4). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 20
A.A.R. 1409, pursuant to Laws 2013, Ch. 10, § 13; effec- tive July 1, 2014 (Supp. 14-2).