Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
Section R9-10-406. Personnel
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2. A personnel member’s skills and knowledge are verified and documented:
a. Before the personnel member provides physical health services or behavioral health services, and
b. According to policies and procedures; and
3. Sufficient personnel members are present on a nursing care institution’s premises with the qualifications, skills, and knowledge necessary to:
a. Provide the services in the nursing care institution’s scope of services,
b. Meet the needs of a resident, and
c. Ensure the health and safety of a resident.
C. Except as provided in R9-10-415, an administrator shall ensure that, if a personnel member provides social services that require a license under A.R.S. Title 32, Chapter 33, Arti- cle 5, the personnel member is licensed under A.R.S. Title 32, Chapter 33, Article 5.
D. An administrator shall ensure that an individual who is a licensed baccalaureate social worker, master social worker, associate marriage and family therapist, associate counselor, or associate substance abuse counselor is under direct supervi- sion as defined in 4 A.A.C. 6, Article 1.
E. An administrator shall ensure that a personnel member or an employee or volunteer who has or is expected to have direct interaction with a resident for more than eight hours a week provides evidence of freedom from infectious tuberculosis:
1. On or before the date the individual begins providing ser- vices at or on behalf of the nursing care institution, and
2. As specified in R9-10-113.
F. An administrator shall ensure that a personnel record is main-
An administrator shall ensure that:
tained for each personnel member, employee, volunteer, or
1. A behavioral health technician is at least 21 years old,
student that includes:
1. The individual’s name, date of birth, and contact tele-
2. A behavioral health paraprofessional is at least 21 years
phone number;
2. The individual’s starting date of employment or volunteer
An administrator shall ensure that:
service and, if applicable, the ending date; and
1. The qualifications, skills, and knowledge required for
3. Documentation of:
each type of personnel member:
a. The individual’s qualifications, including skills and
a. Are based on:
knowledge applicable to the individual's job duties;
i. The type of physical health services or behav-
b. The individual’s education and experience applica-
ioral health services expected to be provided by
ble to the individual's job duties;
the personnel member according to the estab-
c. The individual’s compliance with the requirements
lished job description, and
in A.R.S. § 36-411;
ii. The acuity of the residents receiving physical
d. Orientation and in-service education as required by
health services or behavioral health services
policies and procedures;
from the personnel member according to the
e. The individual’s license or certification, if the indi-
established job description; and
vidual is required to be licensed or certified in this
b. Include:
Article or policies and procedures;
i. The specific skills and knowledge necessary for
f. If the individual is a behavioral health technician,
the personnel member to provide the expected
clinical oversight required in R9-10-115;
physical health services and behavioral health
g. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, if required
services listed in the established job descrip-
for the individual according to R9-10-403(C)(1)(e);
h. First aid training, if required for the individual
ii. The type and duration of education that may
according to this Article or policies and procedures;
allow the personnel member to have acquired
i. Evidence of freedom from infectious tuberculosis, if
the specific skills and knowledge for the per-
required for the individual according to subsection
sonnel member to provide the expected physi-
(E); and
cal health services or behavioral health services
j. If the individual is a nutrition and feeding assistant:
listed in the established job description, and
i. Completion of the nutrition and feeding assis-
iii. The type and duration of experience that may
tant training course required in R9-10-116, and
allow the personnel member to have acquired
ii. A nurse’s observations required in R9-10-
the specific skills and knowledge for the per-
sonnel member to provide the expected physi-
An administrator shall ensure that personnel records are:
cal health services or behavioral health services
1. Maintained:
listed in the established job description;
a. Throughout the individual's period of providing ser-
vices in or for the nursing care institution, and
b. For at least 24 months after the last date the individ- ual provided services in or for the nursing care insti- tution; and
2. For a personnel member who has not provided physical health services or behavioral health services at or for the nursing care institution during the previous 12 months, provided to the Department within 72 hours after the Department's request.
H. An administrator shall ensure that:
1. A plan to provide orientation specific to the duties of a personnel member, an employee, a volunteer, and a stu- dent is developed, documented, and implemented;
2. A personnel member completes orientation before pro- viding physical health services or behavioral health ser- vices;
3. An individual’s orientation is documented, to include:
a. The individual’s name,
b. The date of the orientation, and
c. The subject or topics covered in the orientation;
4. A plan to provide in-service education specific to the duties of a personnel member is developed, documented, and implemented;
5. A personnel member’s in-service education is docu- mented, to include:
a. The personnel member's name,
b. The date of the training, and
c. The subject or topics covered in the training; and
6. A work schedule of each personnel member is developed and maintained at the nursing care institution for at least 12 months after the date of the work schedule.
I. An administrator shall designate a qualified individual to pro- vide:
1. Social services, and
2. Recreational activities.
Historical Note
New Section R9-10-406 made by exempt rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 2015, effective October 1, 2013 (Supp. 13-2). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 3334, effective October 1, 2013 (Supp. 13-4). Amended by exempt rulemaking at 20 A.A.R. 1409, pursuant to Laws 2013, Ch. 10, § 13; effective July 1, 2014 (Supp. 14-2).