Section R9-10-1415. Environmental Standards  

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  • A.      An administrator shall ensure that:

    1.        The premises and equipment are sufficient to accommo- date the activities, treatment, and ancillary services stated in the substance abuse transitional facility’s scope of ser- vices;

    2.        The premises and equipment are:

    a.         Maintained in a condition that allows the premises and equipment to be used for the original purpose of the premises and equipment,

    b.        Clean, and

    c.         Free from a condition or situation that may cause a participant or other individual to suffer physical injury or illness;

    3.        A pest control program is implemented and documented;

    4.        Biohazardous waste and hazardous waste are identified, stored, used, and disposed of according to 18 A.A.C. 13, Article 14 and policies and procedures;

    5.        Equipment used at the substance abuse transitional facil- ity is:

    a.         Maintained in working order;

    b.        Tested and calibrated according to the manufac- turer’s recommendations or, if there are no manufac- turer’s recommendations, as specified in  policies and procedures; and

    c.         Used according to the manufacturer’s recommenda- tions;

    6.        Documentation of equipment testing, calibration, and repair is maintained for at least 12 months after the date of the testing, calibration, or repair;

    7.        Garbage and refuse are:

    a.         Stored in plastic bags in covered containers, and

    b.        Removed from the premises at least once a week;

    8.        Heating and cooling systems maintain the facility at a temperature between 70° F and 84° F at all times;

    9.        A space heater is not used;

    10.     Common areas:

    a.         Are lighted to assure the safety of participants, and

    b.        Have lighting sufficient to allow personnel members to monitor participant activity;

    11.     Hot water temperatures are maintained between 95° F and 120° F in the areas of the substance abuse transitional facility used by participants;

    12.     The supply of hot and cold water is sufficient to meet the personal hygiene needs of participants and the cleaning and sanitation requirements in this Article;

    13.     Soiled linen and soiled clothing stored by the substance abuse transitional facility are maintained separate from clean linen and clothing and stored in closed containers away from food storage, kitchen, and dining areas;

    14.     Oxygen containers are secured in an upright position;

    15.     Poisonous or toxic materials stored by the substance abuse transitional facility are maintained in labeled con- tainers in a locked area separate from food preparation and storage, dining areas, and medications and are inac- cessible to participants;

    16.     Combustible or flammable liquids and hazardous materi- als stored by the substance abuse transitional facility are stored in the original labeled containers or safety contain- ers in a locked area inaccessible to participants;

    17.     If a water source that is not regulated under 18 A.A.C. 4 by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality is used:

    a.         The water source is tested at least once every 12 months for total coliform bacteria and fecal coliform or E. coli bacteria;

    b.        If necessary, corrective action is taken to ensure the water is safe to drink; and

    c.         Documentation of testing is retained for at least 12 months after the date of the test; and

    18.     If a non-municipal sewage system is used, the sewage system is in working order and is maintained according to all applicable state laws and rules.

    B.       An administrator shall ensure that:

    1.        Smoking tobacco products is not permitted within a sub- stance abuse transitional facility; and

    2.        Smoking tobacco products may be permitted on the premises outside a substance abuse transitional facility if:

    a.         Signs designating smoking areas are conspicuously posted, and

    b.        Smoking is prohibited in areas where combustible materials are stored or in use.

Historical Note

Section made by exempt rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 2015, effective October 1, 2013 (Supp. 13-2). Section R9-10- 1415 renumbered to R9-10-1414; new Section R9-10- 1415 renumbered from R9-10-1416 and amended by exempt rulemaking at 20 A.A.R. 1409, pursuant to Laws

f. Nonporous surfaces for shower enclosures, clean usable shower curtains, and slip-resistant surfaces in tubs and showers;

4.        Each participant is provided a bedroom for sleeping; and

5.        A participant bedroom complies with the following:

a.         Is not used as a common area;

b.        Except as provided in subsection (D):

i.         Contains a door that opens into a hallway, com- mon area, or outdoors; and

ii.        In   addition   to   the   door   in   subsection (C)(5)(b)(i), contains another means of egress;

c.         Is constructed and furnished to provide unimpeded access to the door;

d.        Has window or door covers that provide participant privacy;

e.         Except as provided in subsection (D), is not used as a passageway to another bedroom or bathroom unless the bathroom is for the exclusive use of an individual occupying the bedroom;

f.         Has floor to ceiling walls:


2013, Ch. 10, § 13; effective July 1, 2014 (Supp. 14-2).

R9-10-1416.   Physical Plant Standards

i.      Private bedroom that contains at least 60 square

feet of floor space, not including the closet; or


An administrator shall ensure that a substance abuse transi-


ii.     Shared bedroom  that, except  as provided  in


tional facility has:


subsection (D):


1.     A fire alarm system installed according to the National


(1)   Is shared by no more than eight partici-


Fire Protection Association 72: National Fire Alarm and




Signaling Code, incorporated by reference in A.A.C. R9-


(2)   Contains at least 60 square feet of floor


1-412, that is in working order; and a sprinkler system


space, not including a closet, for each indi-


installed according to the National Fire Protection Asso-


vidual occupying the bedroom; and


ciation 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Sys-


(3)   Provides at least three feet of floor space


tems, incorporated by reference in A.A.C. R9-1-412, that


between beds or bunk beds;


is in working order; or


h.     Except as provided in subsection (D), contains for


2.     An alternative method to ensure participant safety that is


each participant occupying the bedroom:


documented and approved by the local jurisdiction.


i.      A bed that is at least 36 inches wide and at least


An administrator shall ensure that:


72 inches long, and consists of at least a frame


1.     If a participant has a mobility, sensory, or other physical


and mattress and linens; and


impairment, modifications are made to the premises to


ii.     Individual storage space for personnel effects


ensure that the premises are accessible to and usable by


and clothing such as a dresser or chest; and


the participant; and


i.      Has sufficient lighting for participant occupying the


2.     A substance abuse transitional facility has:


bedroom to read.


a.      A room that provides privacy for a participant to


An administrator of a substance abuse transitional facility that


receive treatment or visitors; and


uses a building that was licensed as a rural substance abuse


b.     A common area and a dining area that:


transitional center before October 1, 2013 shall ensure that:


i.      Are  not  converted,  partitioned,  or  otherwise


1.     A bedroom has a door that allows egress from the bed-


used as a sleeping area; and




ii.     Contain furniture and materials to accommo-


2.     A shared bedroom contains enough space to allow each


date the recreational and socialization needs of


participant occupying the bedroom to freely move about


the  participants  and other  individuals  in  the


the bedroom,




3.     A bed is of a sufficient size to accommodate a participant


An administrator shall ensure that:


using the bed and provide space for all parts of the partic-


1.     For every six participants, there is at least one working


ipant’s body on the bed’s mattress, and


toilet that flushes and one sink with running water;


4.     A participant is provided storage space on a substance


2.     For every eight participants, there is at least one working


abuse transitional facility’s premises that is accessible to


bathtub or shower;


the participant.


Is a:

3.        A participant bathroom provides privacy when in use and contains:

a.         A shatter-proof mirror;

b.        Toilet tissue for each toilet;

c.         Soap accessible from each sink;

d.        Paper towels in a dispenser or a mechanical air hand dryer for a bathroom that is used by more than one participant;

e.         A window that opens or another means of ventila- tion; and

Historical Note

Section made by exempt rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 2015, effective October 1, 2013 (Supp. 13-2). Section R9-10- 1416 renumbered to R9-10-1415; new Section R9-10- 1416 renumbered from R9-10-1417 and amended by exempt rulemaking at 20 A.A.R. 1409, pursuant to Laws 2013, Ch. 10, § 13; effective July 1, 2014 (Supp. 14-2).