Section R9-10-1412. Medication Services  

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  • A.      If a facility provides medication administration or assistance in the self-administration of medication, an administrator shall ensure that policies and procedures for medication services:

    1.        Include:

    a.         A process for providing information to a participant about medication prescribed for the participant including:

    i.         The prescribed medication’s anticipated results,

    ii.        The prescribed medication’s potential adverse reactions,

    iii.      The  prescribed   medication’s  potential  side effects, and

    iv.       Potential  adverse  reactions  that  could  result from not taking the medication as prescribed;

    b.        Procedures for preventing, responding to, and reporting:

    i.         A medication error,

    ii.        An adverse reaction to a medication, or

    iii.      A medication overdose;

    c.         Procedures to ensure that a participant’s medication regimen is reviewed by a medical practitioner to ensure the medication regimen meets the partici- pant’s needs;

    d.        Procedures for documenting medication administra- tion and assistance in the self-administration of med- ication;

    e.         Procedures for assisting a participant in obtaining medication; and

    f.         If applicable, procedures for providing medication administration or assistance in the self-administra- tion of medication off the premises; and

    2.        Specify a process for review through the quality manage- ment program of:

    a.         A medication administration error, and

    b.        An adverse reaction to a medication.

    B.       If a substance abuse transitional facility provides medication administration, an administrator shall ensure that:

    1.        Policies and procedures for medication administration:

    a.         Are reviewed and approved by a medical practi- tioner;

    b.        Specify the individuals who may:

    i.         Order medication, and

    ii.        Administer medication;

    c.         Ensure that medication is administered to a partici- pant only as prescribed;

    d.        Cover the documentation of a participant’s refusal to take prescribed medication in the participant’s medi- cal record;

    2.        Verbal  orders  for  medication  services  are  taken   by  a nurse, unless otherwise provided by law; and

    3.        A medication administered to a participant:

    a.         Is administered in compliance with an order, and

    b.        Is documented in the participant’s medical record.

    C.      If a substance abuse transitional facility provides assistance in the self-administration of medication, an administrator shall ensure that:

    1.        participant’s  medication  is  stored  by  the   substance abuse transitional facility;

    2.        The following assistance is provided to a participant:

    a.         A reminder when it is time to take the medication;

    b.        Opening the medication container for the partici- pant;

    c.         Observing the participant while the participant removes the medication from the container;

    d.        Verifying that the medication is taken as ordered by the participant’s medical practitioner by confirming that:

    i.         The participant taking  the medication is the individual stated on the medication container label,

    ii.        The participant is taking the dosage of the med- ication stated on the medication container label or according to an order from a medical practi- tioner dated later than the date on the medica- tion container label, and

    iii.      The participant is taking the medication at the time stated on the medication container label or according to an order from a medical practi- tioner dated later than the date on the medica- tion container label; or

    e.         Observing the participant while the participant takes the medication;

    3.        Policies and procedures for assistance in the self-adminis- tration of medication are reviewed and approved by a medical practitioner or registered nurse;

    4.        Training for a personnel member, other than a medical practitioner or registered nurse, in assistance in the self- administration of medication:

    a.         Is provided by a medical practitioner or registered nurse or an individual trained by a medical practi- tioner or registered nurse;

    b.        Includes:

    i.         A demonstration of the personnel member’s skills and knowledge necessary to provide assistance in the self-administration of medica- tion,

    ii.        Identification of medication errors and medical emergencies related to medication that require emergency medical intervention, and

    iii.      The process for notifying the appropriate enti- ties when an emergency medical intervention is needed;

    5.        A personnel member, other than a medical practitioner or registered nurse, completes the training in subsection (C)(4) before the personnel member provides assistance in the self-administration of medication; and

    6.        Assistance in the self-administration of medication pro- vided to a participant:

    a.         Is in compliance with an order, and

    b.        Is documented in the participant’s medical record.

    D.      An administrator shall ensure that:

    1.        A current drug reference guide is available for use by per- sonnel members, and

    2.        A current toxicology reference guide is available for use by personnel members.

    E.       When medication is stored at the substance abuse transitional facility, an administrator shall ensure that:

    1.        Medication is stored in a separate locked room, closet, or self-contained unit used only for medication storage;

    2.        Medication is stored according to the instructions of the medication container; and

    3.        Policies and procedures are established, documented, and implemented for:

    a.         Receiving, storing, inventorying, tracking, dispens- ing, and discarding medication, including expired medication;

    b.        Discarding or returning prepackaged and sample medication to the manufacturer if the manufacturer requests the discard or return of the medication;

    c.         A medication recall and notification of participants who received recalled medication;

    d.        Storing, inventorying, and dispensing controlled substances; and

    e.         Documenting the maintenance of a medication requiring refrigeration.

    F.       An administrator shall ensure that a personnel member immediately reports a medication error or a participant’s adverse reaction to a medication to the medical practi- tioner who ordered the medication and the registered nurse required in R9-10-1405(I)(6).

Historical Note

Adopted effective February 1, 1994 (Supp. 94-1). Section repealed; new Section made by exempt rulemaking at 19

A.A.R. 2015, effective October 1, 2013 (Supp. 13-2). Section R9-10-1412 renumbered to R9-10-1411; new Section R9-10-1412 renumbered from R9-10-1413 and amended by exempt rulemaking at 20 A.A.R. 1409, pur- suant to Laws 2013, Ch. 10, § 13; effective July 1, 2014

(Supp. 14-2).