Section R9-10-1115. Emergency and Safety Standards  

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  • A.      An administrator shall ensure that:

    1.        A disaster plan is developed, documented, maintained in a location accessible to personnel members and employ- ees, and, if necessary, implemented that includes:

    a.         Procedures for protecting the health and safety of participants and other individuals on the premises;

    b.        Assigned responsibilities for each personnel mem- ber and employee;

    c.         Instructions for the evacuation of participants, including:

    i.         When, how, and where participants will be relocated; and

    ii.        A plan for notifying the emergency contact for each participant;

    d.        A plan to ensure each participant’s medications will be available to administer to the participant during a disaster; and

    e.         A plan for providing water, food, and needed ser- vices to participants present in the adult day health care facility or the adult day health care facility’s relocation site during a disaster;

    2.        The disaster plan required in subsection (A)(1) is reviewed at least once every 12 months;

    3.        Documentation of a disaster plan review required in sub- section (A)(2) is created, is maintained for at least 12 months after the date of the disaster plan review, and includes:

    a.         The date and time of the disaster plan review;

    b.        The name of each personnel member, employee, or volunteer participating in the disaster plan review;

    c.         A critique of the disaster plan review; and

    d.        If applicable, recommendations for improvement; and

    4.        A disaster drill for assigned personnel is conducted on each shift at least once every three months and docu- mented.

    B.       An administrator shall ensure that:

    1.        A participant receives orientation to the exits from the adult day health care facility and the route to be used when evacuating participants within two visits after the participant’s enrollment, and

    2.        A participant’s orientation is documented in the partici- pant's medical record.

    C.      An administrator shall ensure that:

    1.        An evacuation drill for employees and participants is con- ducted at least once every six months;

    2.        Documentation of an evacuation drill is created, is main- tained for at least 12 months after the date of the evacua- tion drill, and includes:

    a.         The date and time of the evacuation drill;

    b.        The amount of time taken for all employees and par- ticipants to evacuate to a designated area;

    d.        Any problems encountered in conducting the evacu- ation drill; and

    e.        Recommendations for improvement, if applicable; and

    3.        An evacuation path is conspicuously posted on each hallway of each floor of the adult day health care facility.

Historical Note

Adopted effective September 2, 1977 (Supp. 77-5).

Repealed effective July 22, 1994 (Supp. 94-3). New Sec- tion made by exempt rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 2015, effective October 1, 2013 (Supp. 13-2). Section R9-10- 1115 renumbered to Section R9-10-1116; new Section R9-10-1115 renumbered from Section R9-10-1114 and amended by exempt rulemaking at 20 A.A.R. 1409, pur- suant to Laws 2013, Ch. 10, § 13; effective July 1, 2014

(Supp. 14-2).