Section R7-2-407. Special Education Standards and Assistance for Providing Educational Services and Materials for Visually Impaired Students  

Latest version.

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  • A.      All requirements in this Section are in addition to the general special education standards in R7-2-401 for public education agencies providing special education.

    B.       For the purposes of this rule, the following definitions apply:

    1.        “Accessible Electronic File” means, until the effective date of a nationally adopted file format, a digital file in a mutually agreed upon electronic file format that has been prepared using a markup language that maintains the structural integrity of the information and can be pro- cessed by Braille conversion software. Upon the effective date of a nationally adopted file format, such as the Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (IMAS), “Accessible Electronic File” shall mean an electronic file conforming to the specifications of the nationally adopted file format, including future technical revisions and ver- sions of this nationally adopted file format.

    2.        “Individualized Braille literacy assessment” means the Learning Media Assessment or other standardized or individualized assessments that pertain to the child’s reading medium.

    3.        “Non-printed instructional materials” means non-printed textbooks and related core materials, including those that require the availability of electronic equipment in order to be used as a learning resource, that are written and pub- lished primarily for use in elementary school and second- ary school instruction and are required by a state educational agency or a local educational agency for use by pupils in the classroom. These materials shall be avail- able to the  extent technologically available, and may include software programs, CD-ROMs and internet- based materials.

    4.        “Printed instructional materials” means textbooks and related printed core materials, that are written and pub- lished primarily for use in elementary school and second- ary school instruction and are required by a state educational agency or a local educational agency for use by pupils in the classroom. This may include workbooks, practice tests, and tests.

    5.        “Publisher” means an individual, firm, partnership or cor- poration that publishes or manufactures printed instruc- tional materials for students attending public schools in Arizona, including an on-line service, a software devel- oper, or a distributor of an electronic textbook.

    6.        “Specialized format” means Braille, audio or digital text which is exclusively for use by blind or other persons with disabilities.

    7.        “Structural integrity” means the structure of all parts of the printed instructional material will be kept intact to the extent feasible and as mutually agreed upon by the pub-

    lisher and the local educational agency. This may include appropriate representation of graphic illustrations.

    C.      Upon determination of a student having a visual impairment as assessed by a full and initial evaluation defined in R7-2- 401(E)(6)(i), a visually impaired student who is determined to be blind as defined by A.R.S. § 15-214(B) shall receive an individualized Braille literacy assessment.

    D.      Individualized Education Programs (IEP) for blind students. In addition to the requirements for establishing and implementing an IEP consistent with R7-2-401(F) for a student determined to have a disability, each IEP for a student determined to be “blind”  as  assessed   by  R7-2-401(E)(6)(i)  and   defined  by

    A.R.S. § 15-214(B), shall presume that proficiency in Braille is essential in achieving academic success unless otherwise determined by the IEP team established consistent with the regulations for the most recent reauthorization of the Individu- als with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and in the manner provided by the most recent reauthorization of the IDEA Act for developing an IEP. An IEP developed under this Section for a student determined to be blind shall include all required provisions of A.R.S. § 15-214(A)(3), including the following:

    1.        The results of the individualized Braille literacy assess- ment.

    2.        The date on which Braille instruction will begin, the methods to be used and the frequency and duration of the Braille instruction.

    3.        The level of competency expected to be achieved within specified time-frames and the objective measures to be used for evaluation.

    4.        The Braille materials and equipment necessary to achieve the stated expected competency gains, including ordering instructional materials to achieve the IEP-stated goals.

    5.        The rationale for not providing Braille instruction if Braille is not determined to be an appropriate medium by the IEP team and is not included in the IEP.

    E.       The Arizona Department of Education shall designate a central repository for publishers to, upon request, provide accessible electronic files for instructional materials used by public schools in Arizona as defined in subsection (B)(1). The central repository shall be responsible for maintaining a complete list of available accessible electronic files for instructional materi- als and instructional materials in specialized formats, process- ing requests from PEAs for instructional materials in specialized formats and providing access to these materials in specialized formats to schools throughout Arizona that are providing services to blind or other students with disabilities.

    1.        Upon receipt of a written request certifying to the require- ments set forth in subsections (E)(1)(a) through (c) pub- lishers shall deliver to the repository, at no additional cost and consistent with the time-frame for providing materi- als for students without disabilities, accessible electronic files for printed instructional materials and non-printed instructional materials. Certification shall include all of the following:

    a.         The PEA purchased a copy of the printed instruc- tional material or non-printed instructional material for use by a student who is blind or has a visual impairment in a course that the student is attending or registered to attend;

    b.        The student who will utilize the instructional materi- als in a specialized format has an IEP stating that such materials and/or equipment are necessary for the student to achieve stated expected competency gains; and

    c.         The instructional materials are for use by the student in connection with a course in which he or she is

    enrolled, as verified by the person overseeing the education of students who are blind or visually impaired.

    2.        A PEA may access the materials maintained by the cen- tral repository, upon written request, for instructional use with a student with a visual impairment, as identified by R7-2-401(E)(6)(i), who requires the use of instructional materials in a specialized format pursuant to the student’s IEP.

    3.        Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit the central repository from assisting a student with a disabil- ity by using the electronic format version of instructional material provided pursuant to this Section solely to tran- scribe or arrange for the transcription of the printed instructional material into Braille or large print. In the event a Braille transcription is made, the central reposi- tory has the right to share the Braille copy of the printed instructional material with other eligible students with disabilities. The PEA will be required to return the spe- cialized format version of the instructional material to the central repository when the student no longer needs the instructional material. The central repository may share the copies of the specialized format of the instructional material with other PEAs who have met the requirements of subsections (B) and (D) of this Section to provide ser- vices to students who require such services pursuant to R7-2-401(F)(5).

Historical Note

New Section made by final rulemaking at 10 A.A.R.

2399, effective July 23, 2004 (Supp. 04-2).