Section R7-2-302. Minimum Course of Study and Competency Requirements for Graduation from High School  

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  • The Board prescribes the minimum course of study and compe- tency requirements as outlined in subsections (1) through (5) and receipt of a passing score on the reading, mathematics, and writing portions of the AIMS (Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards) assessment for the graduation of pupils from high school or issu- ance of a high school diploma, effective for the graduation class of 2013.

    1.        Subject area course requirements. The Board establishes 20 credits as the minimum number of credits necessary for high school graduation. Students shall obtain credits for required subject areas as specified in subsections (1)(a) through (f) based on completion of subject area course requirements or competency requirements. At the discretion of the local governing board, credits may be awarded for completion of elective subjects specified in subsection (1)(g) based on completion of subject area course requirements or competency requirements. The awarding of a credit toward the completion of high school graduation requirements shall be based on successful completion of the subject area requirements prescribed by the State Board and local governing board as follows:

    a.         Four credits of English or English as a Second Lan- guage, which shall include but not be limited to the following: grammar, writing, and reading skills, advanced grammar, composition, American litera- ture, advanced composition, research methods and skills and literature. One-half credit of the English requirement shall include the principles of speech and debate but not be limited to those principles.

    b.        One and one-half credits in instruction in the essen- tials, sources and history of the constitutions of the United States and Arizona and instruction in Ameri- can institutions and ideals and in the history of Ari- zona.

    c.         One credit of world history/geography.

    d.        Two credits of mathematics. Effective with the grad- uating class of 2004, mathematics credits shall be taken consecutively beginning with the 9th grade, and the course content of the mathematics credits shall include Number Sense; Data Analysis and Probability; Patterns, Algebra and Functions; Geom- etry; Measurement and Discrete Mathematics; and Mathematical Structure/Logic, in preparation for proficiency, at the high school level, on the AIMS test.

    e.         Two credits of science.

    f.         One credit of fine arts or vocational education.

    g.        Eight and one-half credits of additional courses pre- scribed by the local governing board subject to the approval of the State Board pursuant to A.R.S. § 15- 341(A)(7).

    2.        Credits earned through correspondence courses to meet graduation requirements shall be taken from an accred- ited institution as defined in R7-2-601. Credits earned

    thereby shall be limited to four, and only one credit may be earned in each of the following subject areas:

    a.         English as described in subsection (1)(a) of this rule.

    b.        Social Studies.

    c.         Mathematics.

    d.        Science.

    3.        Online and distance education courses may be offered by the local governing board or charter school if the course is provided through an Arizona Online Instruction Pro- gram established pursuant to A.R.S. §15-808.

    4.        Local governing boards may grant to vocational-techno- logical education program completers a maximum of 3 1/ 2 credits to be used toward the Board English, mathemat- ics, or science credit requirements for graduation, subject to the following restrictions.

    a.         The Board has approved the vocational-technologi- cal education program for equivalent credit to be used toward the Board English, mathematics, or sci- ence credit requirements for graduation.

    b.        Only one credit in each of English, mathematics or science may be granted.

    c.         For vocational-technological programs in which only one credit is offered, either vocational or English, mathematics or science credit may be granted.

    d.        For vocational-technological programs in which two or more credits are offered, only one credit may be used for English, mathematics or science.

    5.        Competency requirements.

    a.         The awarding of a credit toward the completion of high school graduation requirements shall be based on the successful completion of State Board-adopted academic standards for subject areas listed in sub- sections (1)(a) through (1)(f), the successful comple- tion of the competency requirements for the elective subjects specified in subsection (1)(g). Competency requirements for elective subjects as specified in subsection (1)(g) shall be the academic standards adopted by the State Board. If there are no adopted academic standards for an elective subject, the local governing board shall be responsible for developing and adopting competency requirements for the suc- cessful completion of the elective subject.

    b.        The determination and verification of student accomplishment and  performance  shall  be the responsibility of the subject area teacher.

    c.         Upon request of the student, the local governing board shall provide the opportunity for the student to demonstrate competency in the subject areas listed in subsections (1)(a) through (1)(g) above in lieu of classroom time.

    6.        The local governing board of each school district shall be responsible for developing a course of study and gradua- tion requirements for all students placed in special educa- tion programs in accordance with A.R.S. Title 15, Chapter 7, Article 4 and A.A.C. R7-2-401 et seq. Stu- dents placed in special education classes, 9-12, are eligi- ble to receive a high school diploma upon completion of graduation requirements, but reference to special educa- tion placement may be placed on the student’s transcript or permanent file.

Historical Note

Former Section R7-2-302 repealed, new Section R7-2- 302 adopted effective December 4, 1978 (Supp. 78-6).

Amended effective July 8, 1983 (Supp. 83-4). Amended

subsections (1) and (5) effective January 1, 1987 (Supp.

84-3). See R7-2-302.01 and R7-2-302.02 for minimum credits for graduating classes of 1987 forward (Supp. 86- 5). Repealed effective August 28, 1992; Inadvertently omitted from Supp. 92-3; corrected Supp. 93-4. Amended effective November 17, 1994 (Supp. 94-4). Repealed

effective February 20, 1997 (Supp. 97-1). New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 1255, effective February 20, 2001 (Supp. 01-1). Amended by final

rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 3893, effective August 21, 2002 (Supp. 02-3). Amended by final exempt rulemaking at 21

A.A.R. 1778, effective June 23, 2014 (Supp. 15-3).