Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
Section R4-6-901. Appeal Process for Licensure Ineligibility
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A. An applicant for licensure may be found ineligible because of unprofessional conduct or failure to meet licensure require- ments.
B. If the ARC finds an applicant is ineligible because of failure to meet licensure requirements:
1. The ARC shall send a written notice of the finding of ineligibility to the applicant with an explanation of the basis for the finding.
2. An applicant who wishes to appeal the finding of ineligi- bility shall submit a written request for an informal review meeting to the ARC within 30 days after the notice of ineligibility is served. If an informal review meeting is not requested within the time provided, the ARC shall recommend to the Board that licensure be denied and the licensee’s file be closed with no recourse to appeal.
3. If a request for an informal review meeting is received within the 30 days provided under subsection (B)(2), the ARC shall schedule the informal review meeting and pro- vide at least 30-days’ notice to the applicant. At the infor- mal review meeting, the ARC shall allow the applicant to present additional information regarding the applicant’s qualifications for licensure.
4. When the review is complete, the ARC shall make a sec- ond finding whether the applicant is eligible for licensure. The ARC shall send written notice of this second finding to the applicant with an explanation of the basis for the finding.
If the ARC again finds the applicant is ineligible for
When the informal review meeting is complete, the
licensure, an applicant who wishes to appeal the second
Board shall make a second finding whether the licensee
finding of ineligibility shall submit a written request to
meets renewal requirements. The Board shall send writ-
the Board for a formal administrative hearing under the
ten notice of this second finding to the licensee with an
Administrative Procedure Act. A.R.S. Title 41, Chapter
explanation of the basis for the finding.
6, Article 10, within 30 days after the second notice of
If the Board again finds the licensee is ineligible for
ineligibility is served. The Board shall either refer the
licensure renewal, a licensee who wishes to appeal the
request for a formal administrative hearing to the Office
second finding of ineligibility shall submit a written
of Administrative Hearings or schedule the formal
request to the Board for a formal administrative hearing
administrative hearing before the Board. If a formal
under the Administrative Procedure Act, A.R.S. Title 41,
administrative hearing is not requested within 30 days,
Chapter 6, Article 10, within 30 days after the second
the ARC shall recommend to the Board that licensure be
notice of ineligibility is served. The Board shall either
denied and the applicant’s file be closed with no recourse
refer the request for a formal administrative hearing to the
to appeal.
Office of Administrative Hearings or schedule the formal
If the formal administrative hearing is held before the
administrative hearing before the Board. If a formal
Office of Administrative Hearings, the Board shall
administrative hearing is not requested within 30 days,
review the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and rec-
the Board shall deny licensure renewal and close the
ommendation and issue an order either to grant or deny
licensee’s file with no recourse to appeal.
If the formal administrative hearing is held before the
If the formal administrative hearing is held before the
Office of Administrative Hearings, the Board shall
Board, the Board shall issue the findings of fact and con-
review the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and rec-
clusions of law and shall issue an order either to grant or
ommendation and issue an order either to grant or deny
deny licensure.
licensure renewal.
The Board shall send the applicant a copy of the final
If the formal administrative hearing is held before the
findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order. An appli-
Board, the Board shall issue the findings of fact and con-
cant who is denied licensure following a formal adminis-
clusions of law and issue an order either to grant or deny
trative hearing is required to exhaust the applicant’s
licensure renewal.
administrative remedies as described in R4-6-1002 before
The Board shall send the licensee a copy of the final find-
seeking judicial review of the Board’s final administra-
ings of fact, conclusions of law, and order. A licensee
tive decision.
who is denied licensure renewal following a formal
C. If the Board receives a complaint against an applicant while the applicant is under review for licensure, the Board shall review the complaint in accordance with the procedures in R4- 6-1001. The Board shall not take final action on an application while a complaint is pending against the applicant.
Historical Note
New Section made by exempt rulemaking at 10 A.A.R. 2700, effective July 1, 2004 (Supp. 04-2). Amended by final exempt rulemaking pursuant to Laws 2015, Chapter 154, § 10, at 21 A.A.R. 2630, effective November 1,
2015 (Supp. 15-4).