Section R4-24-205. Examination Scores  

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  • A.      To be licensed as a physical therapist, an applicant shall obtain:

    1.        A scaled score of 600 or more, based on a scale ranging from 200 to 800 on a national examination for physical therapists taken on or after March 14, 1996; or

    2.        A raw score that is no lower than 1.50 standard deviation below the national average for a national examination for physical therapists taken before March 14, 1996.

    B.       To be certified as a physical therapist assistant, an applicant for certification shall obtain:

    1.        A scaled score of 600 or more based on a scale ranging from 200 to 800 on a national examination for physical therapist assistants taken on or after March 14, 1996; or

    2.        A raw score that is no lower than 1.50 standard deviation below the national average for a national examination for physical therapist assistants taken before March 14, 1996.

    C.      In addition to the requirements in subsections (A) and (B), to be licensed as a physical therapist or certified as a physical therapist assistant, an applicant shall obtain a scaled score of 600 or more based on a scale ranging from 200 to 800 on a jurisprudence examination.

Historical Note

Adopted effective April 10, 1986 (Supp. 86-2). Former Section R4-24-205 renumbered to R4-24-206, new Sec- tion R4-24-205 renumbered from Section R4-24-204 and amended effective May 7, 1990 (Supp. 90-2). Section repealed; new Section adopted by final rulemaking at 5

A.A.R. 2988, effective August 12, 1999 (Supp. 99-3). Former Section R4-24-205 renumbered to R4-24-207; new Section R4-24-205 adopted by final rulemaking at 6

A.A.R. 2399, effective June 9, 2000 (Supp. 00-2). Former Section R4-24-205 repealed; new Section R4-24-205 renumbered from R4-24-204 and amended by final

rulemaking at 12 A.A.R. 2401, effective August 5, 2006

(Supp. 06-2).