Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
Section R4-22-301. Registration to Dispense Required
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A. An osteopathic physician shall register with the Board annu- ally if the osteopathic physician:
1. Maintains a supply of controlled substances, as defined in
A.R.S. § 32-1901(13), prescription-only drugs, as defined in A.R.S. § 32-1901(76), or prescription-only devices, as defined in A.R.S. § 32-1901(75), excluding manufactur- ers' samples;
2. Prescribes the items listed in subsection (A)(1) to a
a. Designation of the persons who have access to the
patient of the osteopathic physician for use outside the
locked cabinet or room, and
office of the osteopathic physician; and
b. Procedures for recording requests for access to the
3. Obtains payment for the items listed in subsection (A)(1)
locked cabinet or room;
at a practice location in Arizona.
3. Make the written procedure required under subsection
To register with the Board to dispense, an osteopathic physi-
(C)(2) available on demand by the Board or its authorized
cian shall:
representative for inspection or copying;
1. Submit the form referenced in R4-22-201,
4. Store prescription-only drugs so they are not accessible to
2. Submit a copy of the osteopathic physician’s current
patients; and
Drug Enforcement Administration certificate of registra-
5. Store controlled substances and prescription-only drugs
tion for each location from which the osteopathic physi-
not requiring refrigeration in an area where the tempera-
cian will dispense a controlled substance, and
ture does not exceed 85° F.
3. Pay the fee authorized by A.R.S. § 32-1826(A)(11).
An osteopathic physician shall maintain a dispensing log for
An osteopathic physician who is registered with the Board to
all controlled substances and the prescription-only drug nalbu-
dispense shall renew the registration by December 31 of each
phine hydrochloride (Nubain) dispensed. The osteopathic phy-
year by complying with subsection (B). If an osteopathic phy-
sician shall ensure that the dispensing log includes the
sician submits a timely and complete application to renew a
following information on a separate inventory sheet for each
registration to dispense, the osteopathic physician may con-
controlled substance or prescription-only drug:
tinue to dispense until the Board approves or denies the
1. Date the drug is dispensed;
renewal application.
2. Patient's name;
If an osteopathic physician fails to submit a timely and com-
3. Name of controlled substance or prescription-only drug,
plete application to renew a registration to dispense, the osteo-
strength, dosage, form, and name of manufacturer;
pathic physician shall immediately cease dispensing.
4. Number of dosage units dispensed;
1. If the osteopathic physician wishes to resume dispensing,
5. Running total of each controlled substance or prescrip-
the osteopathic physician shall register with the Board by
tion-only drug dispensed; and
complying with subsection (B) and shall not dispense
6. Written signature of the osteopathic physician next to
until the osteopathic physician receives notice from the
each entry.
Board that the registration is approved.
An osteopathic physician may use a computer to maintain the
2. If the osteopathic physician does not wish to resume dis-
dispensing log required under subsection (D) if the log is
pensing, the osteopathic physician shall, as required by
quickly accessible through either on-screen viewing or print-
A.R.S. § 32-1871(F), submit to the Board an inventory
ing a copy.
disposal form, which is available from the Board office or
This Section does not apply to a prepackaged manufacturer
on its web site.
sample of a controlled substance or prescription-only drug
Historical Note
unless otherwise provided by federal law.
New Section made by final rulemaking at 20 A.A.R. 2654, effective November 8, 2014 (Supp. 14-3).