Section R3-2-702. Livestock Self-inspection  

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  • A.      Definitions.

    “Description” means sex, breed, color, and markings, as appli- cable to the type of livestock.

    “Exhibition” means an event including a fair, show, or field day that has as its primary purpose the opportunity for a mem- ber of a youth livestock organization, including 4-H and FFA, to display an animal raised by the youth in a judged competi- tion.

    “Identification” means brand, back tag number, ear mark, tat- too, metal eartag, plastic eartag, and premises identification number, as applicable to the type of livestock.

    “Livestock” means cattle, sheep, and goats.

    “Range” means every character of lands, enclosed or unen- closed, outside of cities and towns, upon which livestock is permitted by custom,  license or  permit to  roam and  feed.

    A.R.S. § 3-1201(7)

    “Range cattle means cattle customarily permitted to roam upon the ranges of the state, whether public domain or in pri- vate control, and not in the immediate actual possession or control of the owner although occasionally placed in enclo- sures for temporary purposes. A.R.S. § 3-1201(8)

    B.       Application.

    1.        An owner of five or fewer head of livestock shall call the Department at (602) 542-6407 to request a self-inspection certificate. The owner shall provide answers to the ques- tions in subsections (B)(2)(a) through (B)(2)(f) to a Department employee before a certificate will be pro- vided.

    2.        An owner of six or more head of livestock and an owner or operator of a dairy or feedlot shall request a book of self-inspection certificates from the Department. The applicant shall submit a written application form obtained from the Department and provide the following informa- tion:

    a.         Name, mailing address, physical address, telephone number, and fax;

    b.        Name of ranch, dairy, or business and type of opera- tion;

    c.         Social security or business tax identification num- ber;

    d.        Whether the applicant has been convicted of a fel- ony under A.R.S. Title 3 within the past three years, and if so, the case number, court, charge, and sen- tence;

    e.         Recorded brand and brand location;

    f.         Individual designated to sign self-inspection certifi- cates, if applicable; and

    g.        Signature and date.

    3.        The holder of a self-inspection book shall advise the Department by phone within 30 days of any change to the information provided on an application form.

    4.        The holder of a self-inspection book shall renew registra- tion with the Department every two years from the date the initial or renewal application form is signed.

    C.      Self-inspection certificate.

    1.        An owner, agent, or operator shall provide the following information, as applicable, on a self-inspection certificate whenever livestock subject to self-inspection are moved or ownership is transferred:

    a.         Name, address, telephone number, and signature of the owner or agent;

    b.        Date of the shipment or transfer of ownership;

    c.         If moved, location from which and to which the live- stock are moved, including the name of the auction, feedlot, arena, slaughter establishment, pasture, or other premises, and physical location;

    d.        Name of transporter;

    e.         Number, description, and identification of each sheep or goat as prescribed in R3-2-413;

    f.         Number, description, and identification of each calf, cow, heifer, steer, or bull and back tag numbers of culled dairy cattle;

    g.        Brand number and expiration date, if available, and brand location;

    h.        Name, address, and telephone number of buyer or agent, and signature if present at sale;

    i.         Number of head of cattle sold for which Beef Coun- cil fees are payable under A.R.S. §§ 3-1236 and 3- 1238; and

    j.         Number of head of livestock for which an inspection fee is payable under A.R.S. § 3-1337(D).

    2.        The owner or owner’s agent of livestock or the owner or operator of a dairy or feedlot shall complete a self-inspec- tion certificate, except when livestock are subject to inspection by a Division employee under R3-2-701, and distribute copies of the certificate as follows:

    a.         One copy and any fees that are owed under subsec- tions (C)(1)(i) and (C)(1)(j) shall be sent to the Department within 10 days after the end of the month in which the livestock are moved or owner- ship is transferred;

    b.        If the livestock are shipped, the original certificate shall accompany the livestock whenever they are in transit and one copy shall be retained by the person transporting the livestock; or

    c.         If ownership of the livestock is transferred without shipment, two copies shall be provided to the new owner or agent; and one copy shall be retained by the seller.

    3.        A certificate may be used once to either transfer livestock ownership or to move livestock to a specific destination. If the livestock are diverted to a destination other than that stated on the self-inspection certificate, the certificate is void. The owner, agent, or operator shall complete a new certificate and send both the voided and new certifi- cates to the Department within 10 days after the end of the month in which the certificates are issued or voided.

    4.        An owner, agent, or operator shall use a self-inspection certificate only with a shipment of livestock matching the description for which the certificate is issued and only for the self-inspection issued date. If any of the information on the self-inspection certificate changes, the certificate is void and the owner, agent, or operator shall complete a new certificate.

    5.        An altered, erased, completed but unused, or defaced self-inspection certificate is void. A voided certificate shall be returned to the Department within 10 days after the end of the month in which it is voided.

    6.        Upon request, unused certificates shall be returned to the Department by the owner, agent, or operator. If a com- mercial operation licensed for self-inspection is sold, leased, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, the owner, agent, or operator shall notify the Department and return all self-inspection certificates to the Department within 30 days of the transaction.

    D.      Sale of livestock. A seller shall document a sale by completing a self-inspection certificate as prescribed in subsection (C) and providing a bill of sale to the purchaser as required under

    A.R.S. § 3-1291.

    E.       Feedlot receiving form.

    1.        The operator of a feedlot shall document receipt of in- coming cattle on a form obtained from the Department. The operator shall include the following information on the form:

    a.         Name of feedlot and location;

    b.        Month and year for which report is made;

    c.         Number of cattle received, date received, and name and address of owner;

    d.        Description of the cattle;

    e.         If not Arizona native cattle, the import permit and health certificate numbers;

    f.         If native Arizona cattle, self-inspection form number or Department inspection certificate number; and

    g.        Pen number to which cattle are initially assigned.

    2.        The operator shall return the completed form within 10 days after the end of the month of the reporting period.

    F.       Quarantine. Livestock under quarantine by the Department shall not be shipped or sold by use of a self-inspection certifi- cate.

    G.      Violations. The Department shall process violations of this Section as prescribed under A.R.S. § 3-1203(D).

Historical Note

Adopted effective August 19, 1983 (Supp. 83-4). Section R3-2-702 renumbered from Section R3-9-702 (Supp. 91- 4). Section R3-2-702 repealed; new Section R3-2-702 adopted effective February 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-1).

Amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 513, effective April 6, 2003 (Supp. 03-1).