Section R3-2-613. Swine  

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  • A.      The owner of swine entering Arizona, or the owner’s agent, shall comply with the requirements of Article 6 and the fol- lowing conditions:

    1.        Pay the expenses incurred to quarantine, test, and retest the imported swine; and

    2.        Obtain an official health certificate specified in R3-2-606 and permit specified in R3-2-607.

    B.       Brucellosis test requirements. Breeding swine imported into Arizona from other states shall:

    1.        Originate from a validated swine brucellosis-free herd or from a swine brucellosis-free state; or

    2.        Test negative for brucellosis within 30 days before entry.

    C.      Pseudorabies test requirements. Swine imported into Arizona from other states shall:

    1.        Be shipped directly from:

    a.         The farm of origin in a state recognized by USDA- APHIS as a pseudorabies Stage IV or Stage V state,

    b.        The farm of origin in a state recognized by USDA- APHIS as a pseudorabies Stage III state if the swine are:

    i.         Consigned directly to a terminal exhibition of only neutered swine,

    ii.        Tested negative within 15 days before entry, and

    iii.      Transported directly to a state or federally inspected slaughter facility immediately after the exhibition in a truck sealed by the State Vet- erinarian or agent;

    c.         A pseudorabies monitored feeder pig herd in a pseu- dorabies Stage II or Stage III state if the swine is consigned to a restricted swine feedlot; or

    d.        A sale in a state recognized by USDA-APHIS as a pseudorabies Stage IV or Stage V state if all swine entered in the sale are from a state recognized by USDA-APHIS as a pseudorabies Stage IV or Stage V state.

    2.        Except for feeder swine consigned to a restricted swine feedlot, swine moving directly to exhibition, and swine from a farm of origin in a state recognized by USDA- APHIS as a pseudorabies Stage V state, remain under import quarantine and isolation at the location specified on the import permit and health certificate, with the fol- lowing restrictions, until tested negative for pseudorabies no sooner than 15 days or later than 30 days after entry:

    a.         The isolation pen shall be at least 200 feet from straying pigs, other livestock, pets, or working dogs, and not be accessible to normal traffic flow;

    b.        Equipment, tools, and implements shall not be moved from an isolation pen and used at another pen;

    c.         Workers shall disinfect their shoes and clothing before working with  other livestock  or the  main herd; and

    d.        The distance between an isolation pen barrier and another swine pen barrier shall be at least 200 feet and the isolation pen shall be double-fenced to pre- vent exposure to accidental strays.

    e.         Imported quarantined swine testing positive after entry shall be shipped directly to a state or federal slaughter establishment within 15 days after the pos- itive identification and shall be accompanied by a USDA-VS Form 1-27. The remainder of exposed animals shall be quarantined until the herd is declared free of the disease, or all exposed animals are depopulated and the premises cleaned and disin- fected.

    3.        If swine move directly to exhibition from a herd in a Stage IV state, and remain in the state, the swine shall be held under import quarantine at a location disclosed by the exhibitioner. The exhibitioner shall disclose the loca- tion of the quarantine facility to the Department within three days of the end of the exhibition. The swine shall be quarantined according to the restrictions identified in sub- sections (C)(2)(a) through (C)(2)(e) until tested negative for pseudorabies no sooner than 15 days or later than 30 days after entry into the state.

Historical Note

Adopted effective August 19, 1983 (Supp. 83-4).

Amended effective June 29, 1984 (Supp. 84-3). Section R3-2-613 renumbered from Section R3-9-613 (Supp. 91- 4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 25, effec- tive December 8, 1999 (Supp. 99-4). Amended by final

rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 4812, effective December 7, 2000

(Supp. 00-4). December 8, 1999 effective date corrected to reflect what is on file in the Office of the Secretary of State; correct effective date is January 1, 2000 (Supp. 01- 1).