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Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
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Section R3-2-612. Importation of Cattle and Bison
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A. The owner of cattle and bison entering Arizona or the owner’s agent shall comply with the requirements in R3-2-602 through R3-2-611 and the following conditions:
1. Pay the expenses incurred to quarantine, test, and retest the imported cattle or bison or return them to the state of origin.
2. For imported beef breeding cattle, breeding bison, and dairy cattle, ensure that an accredited veterinarian applies an official eartag to each animal.
B. Arizona shall not accept:
1. Cattle or bison from brucellosis infected, exposed, or quarantined herds regardless of their vaccination or test status, or both, except:
a. Steers and spayed females, and
b. Animals shipped directly for immediate slaughter to an official state or federal slaughter establishment;
2. Cattle or bison of unknown brucellosis exposure status, unless consigned for feeding purposes to a designated feedlot;
3. Dairy cattle from a state or region within a foreign coun- try without brucellosis status comparable to a Class-Free State, or without tuberculosis status comparable to an Accredited-Free State;
4. Dairy and dairy cross steers, and dairy and dairy cross spayed heifers from Mexico;
5. Beef breeding cattle or breeding bison from a state or region within a foreign country without brucellosis status comparable to a Class A State, or without tuberculosis status comparable to a Modified Accredited State.
C. Brucellosis testing requirements for beef breeding cattle, breeding bison, and dairy cattle imported into Arizona from other states.
1. The owner or owner’s agent shall ensure that an official calfhood vaccinate is tested negative for brucellosis within 30 days before entering Arizona if the official calf- hood vaccinate is:
a. 18 months or older,
b. Cutting the first set of permanent incisors, or
c. Parturient or postparturient.
2. The owner or owner’s agent shall ensure that bulls and non-vaccinated heifers test negative for brucellosis if 12 months of age or older, unless consigned for feeding pur- poses to a designated feedlot. All cattle or bison con- signed to a designated feedlot shall be branded with an “F” adjacent to the tail head before entry into Arizona unless the State Veterinarian grants permission to apply the “F” brand upon arrival. All “F” branded cattle or bison that leave the designated feedlot shall be shipped directly to:
a. An official state or federal slaughter establishment for immediate slaughter,
b. Another designated feedlot, or
c. Another state if shipping is permitted by the State Veterinarian in the state of destination.
3. If cattle or bison originate from a Certified Brucellosis- Free Herd and the herd certification number is docu- mented on the health certificate and import permit, no brucellosis test is required.
4. If native ranch cattle are from a brucellosis Class-Free State that does not have free-ranging brucellosis infected bison or wildlife, no brucellosis test is required as long as:
a. The native ranch cattle are moved directly from the ranch of origin to an Arizona destination and the official eartag numbers are listed on a health certifi- cate; or
b. The native ranch cattle are from a state that has a brand inspection program approved by the State Vet- erinarian and the owner’s brand is listed on a brand inspection certificate or health certificate.
5. Health and brand inspection certificates issued for the movement shall be forwarded to the State Veterinarian in Arizona within two weeks of issue.
6. The owner or owner’s agent:
a. Shall ensure that beef breeding cattle or breeding bison from a Class A State remain under import quarantine and isolation until the cattle test negative for brucellosis. The test shall be performed no ear- lier than 45 days and no later than 120 days after entry.
b. Shall retest dairy cattle if the State Veterinarian determines there is a potential risk of the introduc- tion of brucellosis in the state.
c. Is not required to quarantine or test for brucellosis official calfhood vaccinates less than 18 months of age, if permission is granted by the State Veterinar- ian.
7. The owner or owner’s agent:
a. Shall notify the State Veterinarian within seven days of moving cattle or bison that are under import quar- antine from the destination listed on the import per- mit and health certificate.
b. Shall notify the State Veterinarian at the time ani- mals are retested for brucellosis, if the animals are under import quarantine and are not moved from the destination listed on the import permit and health certificate.
c. Is not required to notify the State Veterinarian if the cattle or bison are shipped directly to an official state or federal slaughter establishment for immediate slaughter.
8. Beef breeding cattle, breeding bison, and dairy cattle meeting the criteria of subsections (C)(1) or (C)(2) and not meeting the criteria of subsection (C)(3) may be imported without a brucellosis test if moved to a specifi- cally approved stockyard and tested before sale or move- ment from the stockyard. The owner or owner’s agent shall not commingle these cattle or bison with other cattle or bison until these cattle or bison are tested and found to be brucellosis negative.
9. Within seven days after importation, the owner or owner’s agent shall ensure that the individual official eartag identification for imported dairy cattle is the same as that listed on the health certificate and. The owner or the owner’s agent shall report any discrepancies between the official eartag and the health certificate to the State Veterinarian. Any dairy cattle shipped into Arizona not documented on the health certificate shall be tested for brucellosis and tuberculosis by the receiver within one week of arrival.
D. Brucellosis testing requirements for beef breeding cattle, breeding bison, and dairy cattle imported into Arizona from Mexico.
1. Before entry into Arizona, beef breeding cattle, breeding bison, or dairy cattle from Mexico shall meet the require- ments of 9 CFR 93.424 through 93.427, January 1, 2007, edition. This material is incorporated by reference, does not include any later amendments or editions of the incor- porated matter, and is on file with the Department at 1688
W. Adams St., Phoenix, AZ 85007.
2. The owner or owner’s agent shall ensure that beef breed- ing cattle, breeding bison, and dairy cattle from Mexico remain under import quarantine and isolation until tested negative for brucellosis. The test shall not be performed earlier than 60 days nor later than 120 days after entry into Arizona. The test shall be performed again on breed-
ing cattle and breeding bison 30 days after calving, unless the animals were consigned to a designated feedlot. All cattle or bison consigned to a designated feedlot shall be branded with an “F” adjacent to the tail head before entry into Arizona unless the State Veterinarian grants permis- sion to apply the “F” brand on arrival. Unless neutered, all beef breeding cattle, breeding bison, and dairy cattle leaving the designated feedlot shall go directly to an offi- cial state or federal slaughter establishment for immediate slaughter or to another designated feedlot. The owner of the designated feedlot shall ensure that official eartag identification records are kept on all incoming consign- ments and then submit the records monthly to the State Veterinarian. An accredited veterinarian shall identify, on a form approved by the State Veterinarian, all cattle and bison leaving the designated feedlot. A copy of the form shall accompany the cattle or bison to slaughter and a copy shall be submitted to the State Veterinarian.
E. Except for the following, all female dairy cattle four months of age or older, imported into Arizona, shall be official calfhood vaccinates, properly identified, certified, and legibly tattooed:
1. Show cattle for exhibition,
2. Cattle from a Certified Brucellosis-Free Herd with per- mission of the State Veterinarian,
3. Cattle from a brucellosis-free state or country with per- mission of the State Veterinarian,
4. Cattle consigned directly to an official state or federal slaughter establishment for immediate slaughter, and
5. Cattle consigned for feeding purposes to a designated feedlot under import permit.
F. When imported breeding cattle, breeding bison, or dairy cattle under import quarantine and isolation are sold at a specifically approved stockyard, the owner or owner’s agent shall, at the time of the sale, identify those cattle to the new owner as being under import quarantine. If market cattle identification testing for brucellosis is conducted at the auction, the owner or owner’s agent shall ensure that the cattle or bison are tested before the sale. The new owner shall segregate the cattle or bison and retest for brucellosis 45 to 120 days after the animals entered the state.
G. Tuberculosis testing requirements for beef breeding cattle, breeding bison, and dairy cattle imported into Arizona from other states.
1. No tuberculosis test is required for:
a. Beef breeding cattle, breeding bison, or dairy cattle from an accredited herd if the herd accreditation number is documented on the health certificate and import permit;
b. Native commercial and purebred beef breeding cat- tle from an Accredited-Free State if its accredited- free status is documented on the health certificate; and
c. Steers and spayed heifers.
2. Unless from an accredited herd, prescribed in subsection (G)(1), the owner or owner’s agent shall ensure that pure- bred beef breeding cattle from modified accredited states, breeding bison, dairy females, and bulls for breeding dairy cattle test negative for tuberculosis within 60 days before entry into Arizona.
H. Tuberculosis testing requirements for cattle and bison imported into Arizona from Mexico.
1. Before entry into Arizona, cattle and bison from Mexico shall meet the requirements of 9 CFR 93.424 through 93.427, incorporated by reference in subsection (D)(1).
2. Steers and spayed heifers from states or regions in Mex- ico shall not enter the state if they have not been deter-
mined by the State Veterinarian to have fully implemented the Control, Eradication, or Free Phase of the bovine tuberculosis eradication program of Mexico.
3. Steers and spayed heifers from states or regions in Mex- ico determined by the State Veterinarian to have fully implemented the Control Phase of the bovine tuberculosis eradication program of Mexico shall not be imported into Arizona without permission of the State Veterinarian.
4. Steers and spayed heifers from states or regions in Mex- ico determined by the State Veterinarian to have fully implemented the Eradication Phase of the bovine tuber- culosis eradication program of Mexico may be imported into Arizona, if they have either:
a. Tested negative for tuberculosis in accordance with procedures equivalent to the Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication – Uniform Methods and Rules within 60 days before entry into the United States, or
b. Originated from a herd that is equivalent to an accredited herd in the United States and are moved directly from the herd of origin across the border as a single group and not commingled with other cattle or bison before arriving at the border.
5. Steers and spayed heifers from states or regions in Mex- ico determined by the State Veterinarian to have achieved the Free Phase of the bovine tuberculosis eradication pro- gram of Mexico may move directly into Arizona without testing or further restrictions if they are moved as a single group and not commingled with other cattle before arriv- ing at the border.
6. Beef breeding cattle and breeding bison from states or regions in Mexico may be imported into Arizona if the State Veterinarian determines the Eradication or Free Phase of the bovine tuberculosis eradication program of Mexico has been fully implemented and the breeding cat- tle and breeding bison remain under import quarantine and isolation until retested negative for tuberculosis in accordance with the Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication - Uniform Methods and Rules. The test shall be performed not earlier than 60 days but not later than 120 days after entry unless consigned to a designated feedlot for feeding purposes only. Unless neutered, all beef breeding cattle or breeding bison consigned to a designated feedlot shall be branded with an “F” adjacent to the tail head before entry into Arizona, unless permission is granted by the State Veterinarian to apply the “F” brand on arrival. All beef breeding cattle or breeding bison leaving the designated feedlot shall go directly to an official state or federal slaughter establishment for immediate slaughter or to another designated feedlot. The owner of the designated feedlot shall ensure that official eartag identification records are kept on all incoming consignments and sub- mit the records monthly to the State Veterinarian. An accredited veterinarian shall identify, on a form approved by the State Veterinarian, all beef breeding cattle and breeding bison leaving the designated feedlot. A copy of the form shall accompany the cattle and bison to slaugh- ter and a copy shall be submitted to the State Veterinar- ian.
I. Bovine scabies requirements.
1. The owner or owner’s agent shall ensure that no cattle or bison affected with or exposed to scabies is shipped, trailed, driven, or otherwise transported or moved into Arizona except cattle or bison identified and moving under permit number and seal for immediate slaughter at an official state or federal slaughter establishment.
2. The owner or owner’s agent of cattle or bison from an official state or federal scabies quarantined area shall comply with the requirements of 9 CFR 73, Scabies in Cattle, January 1, 2007, edition, before moving the cattle or bison into Arizona. This material is incorporated by reference, does not include any later amendments or edi- tions of the incorporated matter, and is on file with the Department.
3. The State Veterinarian may require that breeding and feeding cattle and bison from known scabies infected areas and states be dipped or treated even if the animals are not known to be exposed. The State Veterinarian shall require that dairy cattle be dipped only if the animals are known to be exposed; otherwise a veterinarian’s exam- ination and certification shall be sufficient.
J. Trichomoniasis requirements for bulls imported into Arizona from other states.
1. The owner or owner’s agent shall ensure bulls:
a. Test negative for Tritrichomonas foetus within 30 days prior to shipment using a polymerase chain reaction test or three cultures collected at intervals of no less than seven days apart, except for bulls:
i. Less than one year of age,
ii. Consigned directly to a state or federal licensed slaughter facility,
iii. Consigned directly to a dairy,
iv. Consigned directly to an exhibition or rodeo,
v. Consigned directly to a licensed feedlot for cas- tration on arrival,
vi. Branded with an “F” adjacent to the tailhead and consigned directly to a designated feedlot for feeding and later movement directly to slaughter, and
b. Have no breeding activity during the interval between the collection of a sample and the date of shipment.
2. An accredited veterinarian approved to collect samples for Tritrichomonas foetus testing by the state animal health official in the state of origin shall collect the Tritrichomonas foetus test samples.
3. A laboratory approved to conduct tests for Tritricho- monas foetus by the state animal health official in the state of origin shall perform the test for Tritrichomonas foetus.
Historical Note
Adopted effective August 19, 1983 (Supp. 83-4). Section R3-2-612 renumbered from Section R3-9-612 (Supp. 91- 4). Amended effective March 5, 1997 (Supp. 97-1).
Amended effective February 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-1).
Amended by final rulemaking at 14 A.A.R. 884, effective May 3, 2008 (Supp. 08-1). Amended by final rulemaking
at 14 A.A.R. 876, effective May 3, 2008 (Supp. 08-1).