Section R3-11-108. Time-frames for Licensure, Certification, Permit, and Continuing Education Approvals  

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  • A.      The overall time-frame described in A.R.S. § 41-1072(2) for each type of approval granted by the Board is set forth in Table

    1.  The applicant and the Executive Director of the Board may agree in writing to extend the overall time-frame. The overall time-frame and the substantive time-frame may not be extended by more than 25% of the overall time-frame.

    B.       The administrative completeness review time-frame described in A.R.S. § 41-1072(1) for each type of approval granted by the Board is set forth in Table 1.

    1.        The   administrative   completeness   review    time-frame begins:

    a.        For approval or denial of a temporary permit, when the Board receives the written request for a tempo- rary permit required under R3-11-301(A)(4);

    b.        For approval or denial of a veterinary medical license, when the Board receives the application packet required under R3-11-201(A);

    c.        For approval or denial of a veterinary technician cer- tificate, when the Board receives the application packet required under R3-11-606(A);

    d.        For approval or denial of a veterinary medical prem- ises license, when the Board receives the application packet required under R3-11-707;

    e.        For approval or denial of continuing education, when the Board receives the written request required under R3-11-402(B);

    f.         For approval or denial of a waiver of the continuing education requirement, when the Board receives the written request required under R3-11-405(A);

    g.        For approval or denial of an animal crematory license, when the Board receives the application packet required under R3-11-1002(B); and

    h.        For approval or denial of a license or certificate renewal, when the Board receives a renewal applica- tion.

    2.        If an application packet or request submitted under sub- section (B)(1) is incomplete, the Board shall send the applicant a written notice specifying the missing docu- ment or incomplete information. The administrative com- pleteness review time-frame and the overall time-frame are suspended from the postmark date of the notice until the date the Board receives a complete application packet or request from the applicant.

    3.        If an application packet or request is complete, the Board shall send a written notice of administrative completeness to the applicant.

    4.        If the Board grants a license or approval during the time provided to assess administrative completeness, the Board shall not issue a separate written notice of adminis- trative completeness.

    C.      The substantive review time-frame described in A.R.S. § 41- 1072(3) is set forth in Table 1 and begins on the postmark date of the notice of administrative completeness.

    1.        During the substantive review time-frame, the Board may make one comprehensive written request for additional information or documentation. The time-frame for the Board to complete the substantive review is suspended from the postmark date of the comprehensive written request for additional information or documentation until the Board receives the additional information or docu- mentation.

    2.        The Board shall send a written notice granting a license or other approval to an applicant who meets the qualifica- tions and requirements in A.R.S. § 32-2201 through § 32- 2296 and this Chapter.

    3.        The Board shall send a written notice of denial to an applicant who fails to meet the qualifications in A.R.S. § 32-2201 through § 32-2296 or this Chapter.

    D.      The Board shall consider an application withdrawn if, within 360 days from the date on which the materials required under subsection (B)(1) are submitted, the applicant fails to supply the missing information under subsection (B)(2) or (C)(1).

    E.       An applicant who does not wish an application withdrawn under subsection (D) may request a denial in writing within 360 days from the application submission date.

    F.       If a time-frame’s last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or an official state holiday, the next business day will be considered the time-frame’s last day.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 11, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 3918, effective September 20, 2000 (Supp. 00-3). Amended by final

rulemaking at 11 A.A.R. 5455, effective February 4, 2005 (Supp. 05-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 12 A.A.R.

4070, effective December 4, 2006 (Supp. 06-4).

Amended by final rulemaking at 14 A.A.R. 3596, effec- tive November 8, 2008 (Supp. 08-3). Amended by final

rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 1886, effective October 7, 2013

(Supp. 13-3).