Section R20-5-737. Decision Upon Hearing by Commission  

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  • A.      A decision of the Commission to deny an initial or renewal application shall be based upon the grounds in R20-5-734(B) and shall be made by a majority vote of the quorum of Com- mission members present when the decision is rendered at a public meeting.

    B.       A decision of the Commission to revoke authority to self- insure shall be based upon the grounds in R20-5-739 and shall be made by a majority vote of the quorum of Commission members present when the decision is rendered at a public meeting.

    C.      A decision of the Commission to deny admission of an employer into a pool or deny authorization to add members without Commission approval shall be based upon the grounds in R20-5-721 and shall be made by a majority vote of the quo- rum of Commission members present when the decision is rendered at a public meeting.

    D.      After a decision is rendered at a public meeting, the Commis- sion shall issue a written decision upon hearing which shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law, separately stated.

    E.       A Commission decision is final unless an applicant or pool requests review under R20-5-738 no later than 15 days after the written decision is mailed to the parties.

Historical Note

Adopted effective September 9, 1998 (Supp. 98-3).