Section R20-5-658. Action on Applications  

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  • A.      Defective applications

    1.        If an application filed pursuant to rule R20-5-655, R20-5- 656, R20-5-657 and R20-5-658 does not conform to the applicable Section, the Commission may deny the appli- cation.

    2.        Prompt notice of the denial of an application shall be given to the applicant.

    3.        A notice of denial shall include, or be accompanied by, a brief statement of the grounds for denial.

    4.        A denial of an application pursuant to this subsection shall be without prejudice to the filing of another applica- tion.

    B.       Adequate applications

    1.        If an application has not been denied pursuant to subsec- tion (A) of this Section, the Commission shall cause to be published in statewide newspapers a notice of the filing of the application.

    2.        A notice of the filing of an application shall include:

    a.        The terms, or an accurate summary, of the applica- tion;

    b.        A reference to the Section of the Act under which the application has been filed;

    c.        An invitation to interested persons to submit within a stated period of time written data, views, or argu- ments regarding the application; and

    d.        Information to affected employers, employees, of any right to request a hearing on the application.

Historical Note

Adopted as an emergency effective October 29, 1980, pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1003, valid for only 90 days (Supp. 80-5). Former Section R4-13-660 adopted as an emergency effective October 29, 1980, renumbered and adopted as Section R4-13-658 effective March 2, 1981 (Supp. 81-2). R20-5-658 recodified from R4-13-658 (Supp. 95-1).