Arizona Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 17, 2016) |
Section R20-2-749. Definitions Applicable to Arizona CBG and AZRBOB
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The following definitions apply only to R20-2-750 through R20-2- 762, including Tables A, 1, and 2:
“Designated alternative limit” means a motor fuel prop- erty specification, expressed in the nearest part per mil- lion by weight for sulfur content, nearest 10th percent by volume for aromatic hydrocarbon content, nearest 10th percent by volume for olefin content, and nearest degree Fahrenheit for T90 and T50, that is assigned by a regis- tered supplier to a final blend of Type 2 Arizona CBG or AZRBOB for purposes of compliance with the Predictive Model Procedures.
“Downstream oxygenate blending” means combining AZRBOB and fuel ethanol to produce fungible Arizona CBG.
“Importer” means any person that assumes title or owner- ship of Arizona CBG or AZRBOB produced by an unreg- istered supplier.
“Oxygenate-blending facility” means any location (including a truck) where fuel ethanol is added to Arizona CBG or AZRBOB and the resulting quality or quantity of Arizona CBG is not altered in any other manner except for the addition of a deposit-control or similar additive registered under 40 CFR 79.
“Oxygenated Arizona CBG” means Arizona CBG with a maximum oxygen content of 4.0 wt. percent or another oxygen content approved by the Director under A.R.S. § 41-2124, that is produced and shipped to or within Ari- zona and sold or offered for sale for use in motor vehicles in the CBG-covered area from November 1 through March 31 of each year.
“Performance standard” means the VOC and NOx emis- sion reduction percentages in R20-2-751(A)(8) and Table 1.
“PM” or “Predictive Model Procedures” means the Cali- fornia Predictive Model and CARB’s “California Proce- dures for Evaluating Alternative Specifications for Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline Using the California Predictive Model,” as adopted April 20, 1995, which is incorporated by reference in R20-2-702.
“PM alternative gasoline formulation” means a final blend of Arizona CBG or AZRBOB that is subject to a set of PM alternative specifications.
“PM alternative specifications” means the specifications for the following fuel properties, as determined using a testing methodology in R20-2-759:
Maximum vapor pressure, expressed in the nearest 100th of a pound per square inch;
Maximum sulfur content, expressed in the nearest part per million by weight;
Maximum olefin content, expressed in the nearest 10th of a percent by volume;
Minimum and maximum oxygen content, expressed in the nearest 10th of a percent by weight; Maximum T50, expressed in the nearest degree Fahrenheit;
Maximum T90, expressed in the nearest degree Fahrenheit; and
Maximum aromatic hydrocarbon content, expressed in the nearest 10th of a percent by volume.
“PM averaging compliance option” means, with refer- ence to a specific fuel property, the compliance option for PM alternative gasoline formulations by which final blends of Arizona CBG and AZRBOB are assigned des- ignated alternative limits under R20-2-751(G), (H), and (I).
“PM averaging limit” means a PM alternative specifica- tion that is subject to the PM averaging compliance option.
“PM flat limit” means a PM alternative specification that is subject to the PM flat limit compliance option.
“PM flat limit compliance option” means, with reference to a specific fuel property, the compliance option that each gallon of gasoline must meet for that specified fuel property as contained in the PM alternative specifica- tions.
“Produce” means:
Except as otherwise provided, to convert a liquid compound that is not Arizona CBG or AZRBOB into Arizona CBG or AZRBOB.
If a person blends a blendstock that is not Arizona CBG or AZRBOB with Arizona CBG or AZRBOB acquired from another person, and the resulting blend is Arizona CBG or AZRBOB, the person con- ducting the blending produces only the portion of the blend not previously Arizona CBG or AZRBOB. If a person blends Arizona CBG or AZRBOB with other Arizona CBG or AZRBOB in accordance with this Article, without the addition of a blendstock that is not Arizona CBG or AZRBOB, that person is not a producer of Arizona CBG or AZRBOB.
If a person supplies Arizona CBG or AZRBOB to a refiner that agrees in writing to further process the Arizona CBG or AZRBOB at the refiner’s refinery and be treated as the producer of Arizona CBG or AZRBOB, the refiner is the producer of the Arizona CBG or AZRBOB.
If an oxygenate blender blends oxygenates into AZRBOB supplied from a gasoline production or import facility, and does not alter the quality or quantity of the AZRBOB or the quality or quantity of the resulting Arizona CBG certified by a regis- tered supplier in any other manner except for the addition of a deposit-control or similar additive, the producer or importer of the AZRBOB, rather than the oxygenate blender, is considered the producer or importer of the full volume of the resulting Arizona CBG.
“Registered supplier” means a producer or importer that supplies Arizona CBG or AZRBOB and is registered with the Director under R20-2-750.
“Third-party terminal” means an owner or operator of a gasoline storage tank facility that accepts custody, but not ownership, of Arizona CBG or AZRBOB from a regis- tered supplier, oxygenate blender, pipeline, or other third- party terminal and relinquishes custody of the Arizona CBG or AZRBOB to a transporter.
“Type 1 Arizona CBG” means a gasoline that meets the standards contained in R20-2-751(A) and Table 1.
“Type 2 Arizona CBG” means a gasoline that meets the standards contained in Table 2 or is certified using the PM according to the requirements of R20-2-751(G), (H), and (I), and meets the requirements in:
R20-2-751(A) beginning April 1 through October 31 of each year, and
R20-2-751(B) beginning November 1 through March 31 of each year.
“Winter” means November 1 through March 31.
Historical Note
New Section made by final rulemaking at 17 A.A.R. 190, effective March 12, 2011 (Supp. 11-1).