Section R20-2-1007. Operation  

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  • A.      The owner or operator of a gasoline dispensing site with stage I vapor recovery shall not transfer or permit the transfer of gasoline into any gasoline storage tank subject to this Article unless stage I vapor recovery equipment is installed, maintai- ned, operating, and being used according to the requirements of A.R.S. Title 41, Chapter 15, Article 7, and this Article.

    B.       The owner or operator of a gasoline dispensing site with stage I vapor recovery shall  operate the  stage I vapor recovery system and associated components in compliance with the CARB certification or Department approval under A.R.S. § 41-2132 for that system and these rules.

    C.      The owner or operator of a gasoline dispensing site with stage I vapor recovery located in area A shall inspect the system and its components at least once every seven days. The inspections shall include all stage I fittings and spill containment.

    D.      The owner or operator of a gasoline dispensing site shall immediately stop using a stage I vapor recovery system or component if one or more of the following system or compo- nent defects occur:

    1.        Tank vent pipes are not the proper height or are not pro- perly capped with approved pressure and vacuum vent valves;

    2.        Vent pipes do not meet the CARB-specified paint color code specified in R20-2-1004(D)(13);

    3.        The stage I vapor recovery system is not properly instal- led or maintained as evidenced by the following:

    a.         Spill containment buckets are cracked, rusted, or not clean and empty of liquid; sidewalls are not attached or are otherwise improperly installed; and drain val- ves are non-functioning or do not seal;

    b.        A fill adaptor collar or vapor poppet (drybreak) is loose, damaged, or has a fill or vapor cap that is not installed or is missing, broken, not securely atta- ched, or missing gaskets;

    c.         Coaxial stage I is not equipped with a functioning CARB-approved poppeted fill tube or the coaxial cap is not installed or is missing, broken, not secu- rely attached, or missing gaskets; or

    d.        A fill tube is missing, broken, or not sealed; has holes or damaged overfill prevention; or the high point of the bottom opening is more than six inches above the tank bottom;

    4.        The tank rise cap with instrument lead wire for an electro- nic monitoring system is not installed tightly or any other tank riser is not sealed and capped securely;

    5.        An above-ground storage tank does not display a perma- nently attached UL approval plaque; or

    6.        Any other component identified in the diagrams, exhibits, attachments, or other documents and certified by CARB or required by the authority to construct permit for that system is missing, disconnected, or malfunctioning.

    E.       For proper operation of a stage I system under A.R.S. § 41- 2132(C)(4), the owner or operator of a gasoline dispensing site shall recover vapors during pump-out from a gasoline storage tank to a mobile transporter.

    F.       The owner or operator of a gasoline dispensing site shall ensure that any underground tightness test is conducted in a manner that prevents gasoline vapors being emitted to the atmosphere.

Historical Note

New Section made by final rulemaking at 21 A.A.R.

1693, effective October 3, 2015 (Supp. 15-3).