Section R2-7-F306. Timely and Late Modifications or Withdrawals of Offer  

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  • A.      An authorized representative of an offeror may withdraw an offer in writing if the written request for withdrawal is received by the agency chief procurement officer before the designated offer due date and time or the designated, continu- ous offer due day and time.

    B.       An offeror may withdraw or modify an offer at any time before the due date and time or designated, continuous day and time for offer opening and before contract award by submit- ting a written request to the agency chief procurement officer.

    C.      If a modification or a withdrawal is not received by the desig- nated offer due date and time or the designated, continuous day and time for offer opening, the agency chief procurement officer shall determine the modification or withdrawal as late. The agency chief procurement officer shall reject a late modi- fication or withdrawal unless:

    1.        The document is received before the contract award; and

    2.        The document would have been received by the desig- nated offer due date and time or the designated, continu- ous day and time for offer opening but for the action or inaction of state personnel directly serving the purchasing agency.

    D.      Upon receiving a late modification or withdrawal, the procure- ment officer shall:

    1.        If the document is hand delivered, refuse to accept deliv- ery; or

    2.        If the document is not hand delivered, record the time and date of receipt, and promptly send written notice of late receipt to the offeror. The agency chief procurement offi- cer may discard the document within 30 days after the date on the notice unless the offeror requests the docu- ment be returned.

    E.       The agency chief procurement officer shall document a refusal under (D)(1) and place this document or a copy of the notice required in (D)(2) in the procurement file.

Historical Note

New Section made by final rulemaking at 12 A.A.R. 508, effective April 8, 2006 (Supp. 06-1). Amended by final

rulemaking at 20 A.A.R. 3510, effective February 2, 2015

(Supp. 14-4).