Section R2-20-405. Final Audit Report  

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  • A.      Before voting on whether to approve and issue a final audit report, the Commission will consider any written legal and factual materials timely submitted by the candidate in accor- dance with R2-20-404. The Commission-approved final audit report may address issues other than those contained in the preliminary audit report.

    B.       The final audit report may identify issues that warrant referral for possible enforcement proceedings.

    C.      Addenda to the final audit report may be approved and issued by the Commission from time to time as circumstances war- rant and as additional information becomes available. Such addenda may be based on follow-up fieldwork conducted, or information ascertained by  the Commission in the normal course of carrying out its responsibilities. The procedures set forth in R2-20-404 and subsections (A) and (B) will be fol- lowed in preparing such addenda.

Historical Note

New Section made by exempt rulemaking at 11 A.A.R.

4518, effective May 28, 2005 (Supp. 05-4).