Section R2-15-203. Operator Responsibilities  

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  • A.      Fueling facilities.

    1.        An operator shall use an approved fueling facility when- ever available. If an approved fueling facility is not avail- able, an operator shall use a fueling facility that accepts the Fleet Management-issued credit card, if possible.

    2.        An operator assigned an alternative fuel vehicle shall use alternative fuel whenever available.

    3.        An operator shall use fuel from regular unleaded self-ser- vice pumps.

    4.        Except in the case of emergency, operators within the Capitol area shall use the ADOA Fleet Management facility to refuel Fleet Management vehicles.

    B.       Purchases and repairs.

    1.        An operator shall use the Fleet Management-issued credit card for purchases and repairs only on Fleet Management vehicles.

    2.        An operator shall obtain authorization from the mainte- nance provider before making a purchase or repair for a Fleet Management vehicle that costs more than $50.00.

    C.      Accident reporting.

    1.        An operator shall report a fleet management vehicle acci- dent to the police and shall make a written report to Fleet Management within 24 hours after the accident using the automobile loss report form contained in the accident reporting packet. If the operator is incapacitated, the operator’s supervisor shall make the report.

    2.        The operator and the operator’s supervisor shall sign the automobile loss report and give it to Fleet Management within 24 hours after the accident.

    3.        If another driver is involved, the operator shall request that the other driver fill out the witness information card located in the accident reporting packet. The operator shall obtain the name and telephone number of any wit- ness.

    4.        The operator shall submit the police report regarding the accident to Fleet Management within 10 calendar days after the accident.

    D.      Traffic citations.

    1.        An operator is personally responsible for the prompt pay- ment of any fine for a moving or non-moving traffic cita- tion, other than for mechanical failure, received while driving a Fleet Management vehicle.

    2.        If a citation is received for mechanical failure, the opera- tor shall, as soon as possible, deliver the vehicle, with the citation, to Fleet Management for repair.

    3.        An operator who receives a traffic citation while driving a Fleet Management vehicle and fails to resolve the matter within 90 calendar days of the citation shall lose the priv- ilege of operating a Fleet Management vehicle. The oper- ator’s privilege shall be reinstated when the operator provides Fleet Management with verification that the operator paid the fine, successfully contested the traffic citation, or attended traffic school and possesses a valid driver’s license.

    E.       Vehicle operation.

    1.        The operator and all passengers shall wear seat belts while the vehicle is in motion.

    2.        An operator is responsible for the safe and careful opera- tion of a Fleet Management vehicle and for observing all directives issued by the Governor.

    F.       Care of vehicles. An operator shall ensure that:

    1.        A Fleet Management vehicle is properly warmed as pre- scribed in the vehicle operation manual before operation;

    2.        A Fleet Management vehicle is kept clean and free of lit- ter;

    3.        Any defect or malfunction is promptly reported to Fleet Management. If the Fleet administrator determines that the operator is negligent and fails to safeguard the Fleet Management vehicle, the cost of any resulting damage shall be billed to the using agency;

    4.        The vehicle maintenance schedule is followed. Fleet Management vehicles not brought in for scheduled ser- vice are subject to recall; and

    5.        Smoking does not occur in a Fleet Management vehicle.

    a.         If Fleet Management determines that smoking occurred in a Fleet Management vehicle, the opera- tor’s agency shall be billed for the cleaning expense.

    b.        A subsequent incident of smoking in a Fleet Man- agement vehicle shall result in the operator losing the privilege to operate a Fleet Management vehicle.

    G.      Taxi return. An operator shall return a taxi to Fleet Manage- ment on the return date specified, unless an extension of the return date is approved by the Fleet Administrator.

    H.      Loaning vehicles to other state employees. An operator to whom a Fleet Management vehicle is dispatched is responsible for proper use of the vehicle. Before allowing another state employee to drive the vehicle, the operator to whom the vehi- cle is dispatched shall verify that the other state employee is properly licensed and instructed in the proper use of Fleet Management vehicles.

Historical Note

Adopted effective July 27, 1983 (Supp. 83-4). Section repealed, new Section adopted effective February 7, 1990 (Supp. 90-1). Transferred from R2-1-203 (Supp. 91-3). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 4265, effective October 20, 2000 (Supp. 00-4).