Section R19-2-331. Greyhound Adoption Grants  

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  • A.      The purpose of the grants is to promote the adoption of racing greyhounds as domestic pets. A maximum of 25% of the

    license fees generated from A.R.S. § 5-104(F)(7) and (8) shall be distributed to nonprofit enterprises pursuant to A.R.S. § 5- 104(G).

    B.       Procedures.

    1.        The enterprise shall submit a Department-generated application form to the Commission by March 1 of each year the enterprise may desire to apply for a grant. The application form shall require the following information:

    a.         A written description of the enterprise and proposed use of the grant;

    b.        Proof of nonprofit status;

    c.         A  description   of  its  procedures  to  acclimate  the greyhounds required by A.A.C. R19-2-331(C)(6);

    d.        A description of its adoption procedures required by A.A.C. R19-2-331(C)(7);

    e.         A copy of the application form and the adoption agreement required by A.A.C. R19-2-331(C)(7)(a) and (c); and

    f.         A  copy  of  the   owner  release  form  required  by A.A.C. R19-2-331(C)(9).

    2.        The Commission shall decide which enterprise shall receive a grant, the amount of the grant, and the date of disbursement of such grant.

    3.        The recipients of the grants shall report quarterly to the Commission on a form provided by the Department to gather the following information:

    a.         The number of greyhounds the enterprise received;

    b.        The number of greyhounds adopted;

    c.         The number of greyhounds returned and reason for return;

    d.        The actual use of the grant; and

    e.         A list of people who adopted the greyhounds, or make available to the Department copies of the con- tracts between the agency and the adoptee.

    C.      Minimum qualifications.

    1.        The enterprise shall be nonprofit.

    2.        The enterprise shall not:

    a.         Allow the greyhounds to be used for racing, wager- ing, or hunting;

    b.        Place the greyhounds in a pound, humane society, or research facility;

    c.         Resell the greyhounds; or

    d.        Place the greyhounds for resale.

    3.        The enterprise shall not euthanize an adoptable grey- hound unless, as determined by a licensed veterinarian, it is medically necessary for humane reasons.

    4.        The enterprise shall be affiliated with a racetrack that conducts greyhound racing. Affiliation is satisfied when the general manager, or other executive from the race- track submits to the Commission a written recommenda- tion on behalf of the enterprise.

    5.        The enterprise shall require that a licensed veterinarian perform a complete check-up on each greyhound. Each greyhound shall be spayed, or neutered, and vaccinated as necessary.

    6.        The enterprise shall employ procedures for acclimating greyhounds, which include:

    a.         Exposure to the public;

    b.        Exposure to a household environment which may include stairs, couches, toys, mirrors, tables;

    c.         Exposure to cats; and

    d.        Exposure to a new diet.

    7.        The enterprise shall employ procedures for adopting-out greyhounds, which include:

    a.         An application process for prospective adoptees;

    b.        A visual check of each prospective adoptee’s home with written documentation;

    c.         A written adoption agreement between the enter- prise and adoptee;

    d.        At a minimum, follow-ups conducted by phone, or visit after seven days and 30 days with written docu- mentation; and

    e.         Procedures for the return of greyhounds.

    8.        The enterprise shall comply with the housing require- ments set forth in R19-2-324.

    9.        The enterprise shall have an owner release form for each greyhound in their care.

    10.     The enterprise shall make available a person to answer questions from a prospective, or current adoptee.

    11.     The enterprise shall keep a file on each greyhound. The file shall include:

    a.         The owner release form;

    b.        The vaccination record, health record, and spay, or neuter record;

    c.         The greyhound personality profile;

    d.        The written adoption agreement between the enter- prise and adoptee;

    e.         The written documentation of visits and follow-ups; and

    f.         The adoptee’s application form.

    12.     The enterprise shall make available to the adoptee an owner’s manual, or other packet of information.

    13.     Records required by A.A.C. R19-2-331(C)(11) shall be subject to inspection by representatives of the Depart- ment.

Historical Note

Adopted effective February 28, 1995; R19-2-331 recodi- fied from R4-27-331 (Supp. 95-1).