Section R18-9-1014. Reporting  

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  • A.      A person who prepares biosolids for application shall provide the applicator with the necessary information to comply with this Article including the concentration of pollutants listed in R18-9-1005 and the concentration of nitrogen in the biosolids.

    B.       A transporter shall report spills to the Department under R18- 9-1011(D).

    C.      A bulk applicator of biosolids other than exceptional quality biosolids shall provide the land owner and lessee of land appli- cation sites with information on the concentrations of the pol- lutants listed in R18-9-1005 and loading rates of biosolids applied to that site, and any applicable site restrictions under R18-9-1009.

    D.      A bulk applicator of biosolids other than exceptional quality biosolids shall report to the Department if 90% or more of any cumulative pollutant loading rate has been used at a site.

    E.       On or before February 19 of each year, any person land-apply- ing bulk biosolids that are not exceptional quality biosolids shall, by letter or on a form provided by the Department, report to the Department the following applicable information for the previous calendar year:

    1.        The actual sites used; and

    2.        For each site used, the following information:

    a.         The amount of biosolids applied (in tons or kilo- grams per acre or hectare);

    b.        The application loading rates (in tons or kilograms per acre or hectare, and gallons per acre for domestic septage);

    c.         The concentrations of the pollutants listed in R18-9- 1005 (in milligrams per kilogram of biosolids on a dry-weight basis);

    d.        The pathogen treatment methodologies used during the year and the results; and

    e.         The vector attraction reduction methodologies used during the year and the results.

    F.       On or before February 19 of each year, a person preparing bio- solids in a Class I Sludge Management Facility, POTW with a design flow rate equal to or greater than one million gallons per day, or POTW that serves 10,000 people or more, that are applied to land, shall, by letter or on a form provided by the Department, report to the Department all the following appli- cable information regarding their activities during the previous calendar year:

    1.        The amount of biosolids received if the preparer pur- chased or received the biosolids from another preparer or source;

    2.        The amount of biosolids produced (tons or kilograms);

    3.        The amount of biosolids distributed;

    4.        The concentrations of the pollutants listed in R18-9-1005 (in milligrams per kilogram of biosolids on a dry-weight basis);

    5.        The pathogen treatment methodologies used during the year, including the results; and

    6.        The vector attraction reduction methodologies used during the year, including the results.

    G.      All annual self-monitoring reports shall contain the following certification statement signed by a responsible official:

    “I certify, under penalty of law, that the information and descriptions, have been made under my direction and supervision and under a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine whether the applicable biosolids requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.”

Historical Note

New Section recodified from R18-13-1514 at 7 A.A.R. 2522, effective May 24, 2001 (Supp. 01-2). Former Sec- tion R18-9-1014 renumbered to R18-9-1015; new Sec- tion R18-9-1014 renumbered from R18-9-1013 and amended by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. 5879, effective December 7, 2001 (Supp. 01-4). Amended by final

rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 4923, effective January 5, 2003

(Supp. 02-4).