Section R18-7-501. Definitions  

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  • The following definitions shall apply in this Article, unless the con- text otherwise requires:

    “Applicant” means a person who participates in the Voluntary Remediation Program. Participation in the Voluntary Remedi- ation Program begins when the Department receives an appli- cation under A.R.S. § 49-173 and continues until any one of the following occurs:

    The Department grants the applicant’s request for a no further action determination.

    The applicant provides the Department with notice of the applicant’s intent to withdraw from the program.

    The Department terminates the applicant’s participation under A.R.S. § 49-178(B).

    “Department” means the Arizona Department of Environmen- tal Quality.

    “Voluntary Remediation Program” means the program autho- rized under A.R.S. Title 49, Chapter 1, Article 5.

Historical Note

New Section adopted as interim rules, under an exemp- tion from certain provisions of the Administrative Proce- dure Act pursuant to Laws 2000, Ch. 225, § 13, at 7

A.A.R. 814, effective February 9, 2001 (Supp. 01-1).