Section R18-2-1436. Special Provisions for Nonattainment Areas Which are Not Required to Demonstrate Reasonable Further Progress and Attainment  

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  • A.      This Section applies in the following areas:

    1.        Rural transport ozone nonattainment areas,

    2.        Marginal ozone areas,

    3.        Submarginal ozone areas,

    4.        Transitional ozone areas,

    5.        Incomplete data ozone areas,

    6.        Moderate CO areas with a design value of 12.7 ppm or less,

    7.        Not classified CO areas.

    B.       The criteria and procedures in R18-2-1422 through R18-2- 1424 will remain in effect throughout the control strategy period for transportation plans, TIPs, and projects (not from a conforming plan and TIP) in lieu of the procedures in R18-2- 1418 through R18-2-1420, except as otherwise provided in subsection (C).

    C.      The state or  MPO may  voluntarily develop an attainment demonstration and corresponding motor vehicle emissions budget like those required in areas with higher nonattainment classifications. In this case, the state shall submit an imple- mentation plan revision which contains that budget and attain- ment demonstration. Once EPA has approved this implementation plan revision, the procedures in R18-2-1418 through R18-2-1420 apply in lieu of the procedures in R18-2- 1422 through R18-2-1424.

Historical Note

Adopted effective June 15, 1995 (Supp. 95-2).

Department of Environmental Quality Air Pollution Control