Section R18-2-1435. Projects Exempt from Regional Emissions Analy- ses  

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  • Notwithstanding the other requirements of this subpart, highway and transit projects of the types listed in Table 3 are exempt from regional emissions analysis requirements. The local effects of these projects with respect to CO or PM10 concentrations shall be consid- ered to determine if a hot-spot analysis is required prior to making a project-level conformity determination. These projects may then

    proceed to the project development process even in the absence of a conforming transportation plan and TIP. A particular action of the type listed in Table 3 is not exempt from regional emissions analy- sis if the MPO in consultation with other agencies pursuant to R18- 2-1405, the EPA, and the FHWA (in the case of a highway project) or the FTA (in the case of a transit project) concur that it has poten- tial regional impacts for any reason.