Section R18-2-1427. Criteria and Procedures: Interim Period Reduc- tions for PM10 and NO2 Areas (Project Not from a Plan and TIP)  

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  • A transportation project which is not from a conforming transporta- tion plan and TIP shall contribute to emission reductions or shall not increase emissions in PM10 and NO2 nonattainment areas. This criterion applies during the interim and transitional periods only. This criterion is met if a regional emissions analysis is performed

    which meets the requirements of R18-2-1425 and which includes the transportation plan and project in the Action scenario. If the project which is not from a conforming transportation plan and TIP is a modification of a project currently in the transportation plan or TIP, and R18-2-1425(B) is used to demonstrate satisfaction of this criterion, the Baseline scenario shall include the project with its original design concept and scope, and the Action scenario shall include the project with its new design concept and scope.

Historical Note

Adopted effective June 15, 1995 (Supp. 95-2).