Section R18-2-1019. Fleet Station Procedures and Permits  

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  • A.      The following requirements apply to issuance of fleet station permits:

    1.        An owner or lessee of a fleet of 25 or more nonexempt vehicles whose place of business is located in area A or B may apply to the Director for a permit to establish a fleet station. A dealer’s business inventory of vehicles held for

    Department of Environmental Quality Air Pollution Control

    resale, counted cumulatively over the previous 12 months at the time of application review by the Department shall be used to determine compliance with this subsection. A newly established dealer shall certify that it will comply with the 25 nonexempt vehicles requirement.

    2.        An application form for a fleet station permit shall be obtained from the Department. All completed applica- tions shall be submitted to the Department. An applica- tion shall be considered administratively complete when:

    a.         The Department receives a completed application form and fleet agent designation form;

    b.        The applicant or designated employee successfully completes the fleet agent examination; and

    c.         The Department conducts a site inspection.

    3.        Before an application for a fleet station permit may be approved, a state inspector shall inspect the premises to determine compliance with subsections (B) and (C).

    4.        A fleet station permit shall not expire.

    5.        A fleet station permit shall only be applicable to the fleet’s inspection facility located at the address shown on the fleet station permit. If a fleet owner or lessee requests a permit for inspection facilities at more than one address, the fleet owner or lessee shall apply for a permit for each facility.

    6.        A fleet station permit issued by the Director is non-trans- ferable.

    7.        If the  name or  address  of the permitted fleet  facility changes and the name or address change does not involve a change of ownership, the permit shall be returned to the Department for cancellation and a new permit application shall be submitted. The Director shall cancel the returned permit and issue a new permit.

    8.        In the event of loss, destruction, or mutilation of the per- mit, the person to whom it was issued may obtain a dupli- cate upon furnishing satisfactory proof of loss, destruction, or mutilation. If a fleet owner or lessee obtains a duplicate permit and then finds the original, the fleet owner or lessee shall immediately surrender the original permit to the Department.

    B.       A fleet station permit applicant or fleet station permit holder, or its employees, shall own or lease the following equipment for testing and repair of a fleet vehicle, and maintain the equip- ment in good working condition:

    1.        If the permit is for the inspection of a vehicle required to take an idle only, or an idle plus 2500 RPM unloaded test:

    a.         An NDIR CO and HC emissions analyzer that com- plies with the requirements of R18-2-1006(F)(8) to conduct the emissions inspection;

    b.        Pressure test equipment for the functional gas cap test that complies with the requirements of R18-2- 1006(E)(7)(a); and

    c.         An ignition-operated tachometer.

    2.        If the permit is for the inspection of a vehicle required to take a steady-state loaded test:

    a.         An NDIR CO and HC emissions analyzer that com- plies with the requirements of R18-2-1006(F)(8) to conduct the emissions inspection;

    b.        Pressure test equipment for the functional gas cap test that complies with the requirements of R18-2- 1006(E)(7)(a);

    c.         A dynamometer to operate the vehicle under load; and

    d.        An ignition-operated tachometer.

    3.        If the permit is for the inspection of a vehicle required to take a transient loaded test:

    a.         Equipment to perform a transient loaded emissions test as required in R18-2-1006(E)(2);

    b.        Equipment to perform the evaporative system pres- sure test as required in R18-2-1006(E)(2)(b);

    c.         Equipment to perform the maintenance and quality control requirements of R18-2-1006(E)(2) and “IM240 and Evap Technical Guidance;” and

    d.        Pressure test equipment for the functional gas cap test that complies with the requirements of R18-2- 1006(E)(7)(a).

    4.        If the permit is for the inspection of a vehicle required to take an OBD test:

    a.         A scan tool used to perform the OBD test that com- plies with the Society of Automotive Engineers Rec- ommended Practice J1979, September 1997, incorporated by reference and no future editions or amendments. A copy of this referenced material is on file with the Department and the Secretary of State and may be obtained at Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001; and

    b.        Pressure test equipment for the functional gas cap test that complies with the requirements of R18-2- 1006(E)(7)(a).

    5.        If the permit is for the inspection of a vehicle required to take a diesel test:

    a.         Opacity meter: A meter used in area A shall comply with the requirements of R18-2-1006(H) for the applicable test procedure. A meter used in area B shall comply with the requirements of R18-2- 1006(I)(6)(b); and

    b.        A dynamometer for testing any light-duty diesel vehicle in area A or for testing any diesel vehicle in area B.

    C.      A fleet’s inspection facility shall comply with the following requirements:

    1.        The facility shall include space devoted principally to maintaining or repairing the fleet’s motor vehicles. The space shall be large enough to conduct maintenance or repair of at least one fleet motor vehicle.

    2.        The facility shall be exclusively rented, leased, or owned by the permit applicant or permit holder.

    D.      A fleet owner or lessee shall employ the following personnel:

    1.        If the facility is for the repair of nondiesel-powered vehi- cles, at least one person to perform tune-ups of engines and replacement or repair of fuel system and ignition components.

    2.        If the facility is for the repair of diesel-powered vehicles, at least one person to perform tune-ups and replacement or repair of diesel fuel systems in the vehicle fleet.

    3.        A licensed vehicle emissions inspector who will perform the necessary inspections. This inspector may be  the same person required by subsection (D)(1) or (2).

    4.        A fleet agent, who shall be in charge of the day-to-day operation of the fleet and who demonstrates proficiency by passing a Department-administered examination annu- ally, with a score equal to or greater than 80%, on the stat- utes and rules governing the operation and administration of a fleet emissions inspection station. The fleet owner or lessee shall designate the fleet agent on a form obtained from the Department.

    E.       Unless inspected at a state station, a vehicle owned by or leased to a holder of a fleet emissions inspection station permit shall be inspected according to R18-2-1006(D) through (J), except as follows:

    Department of Environmental Quality Air Pollution Control


    A dealer fleet vehicle in area A held for resale and an area


    the last day of the month in which the inspection is


    B fleet vehicle, with a model year of 1981 or newer, and




    other than diesel-powered, shall be required to take and


    The  third  copy   of  each   completed  certificate  of


    pass   both    the   curb   idle   test    specified   in   R18-2-


    inspection, along with the original “Fleet Vehicle


    1006(F)(2)(b) and a 2,500 RPM unloaded fast idle test as


    Inspection  Report/Monthly   Summary,”  shall  be




    retained for two years from the date of inspection;


    a.      The vehicle’s engine shall be operated at 2,500, ±


    Vehicle  emissions   certificates  shall  be  purchased


    300 RPM, for no more than 30 seconds with the


    from the Department in lots of 25. Excess certifi-


    transmission in neutral.


    cates may be returned to the Department for refund


    b.     HC and CO exhaust emissions concentrations shall


    or may be used in subsequent years;


    be recorded after readings have stabilized or at the


    The fee for a certificate of inspection shall be fixed


    end of 30 seconds, whichever occurs first, and com-


    by the Director according to A.R.S. § 49-543, and


    pared to the loaded cruise standards in Table 2. The


    shall be based upon the Director’s estimated costs to


    curb idle test standards in Table 2 shall apply for the


    the state of administering and enforcing the provi-


    idle test.


    sions of this Article as they apply to issuance of a


    A dealer fleet vehicle in area A held for resale, and an


    certificate  of  inspection.  Payment  for  certificates


    area B vehicle, with a model year of 1980 or older and


    shall be included with an application for certificates.


    other than diesel-powered, shall be required to take and


    Checks shall be made payable to the Department of


    pass a curb idle test as specified in R18-2-1006(F)(1).


    Environmental Quality.


    The curb idle test standards in Table 2 shall apply.


    Only the Department shall sell or otherwise transfer


    A dealer fleet vehicle in area A held for resale with a


    a certificate of inspection. This subsection does not


    model year of 1975 or newer and other than diesel-pow-


    apply to the submission of a certificate of inspection


    ered,  shall  be   required  to  take  and   pass  a  tampering


    to MVD for the purpose of vehicle registration;


    inspection as specified in R18-2-1006(E)(7).


    The fleet station owner shall be responsible for the


    A dealer fleet vehicle in area B held for resale with a


    security and accountability of the fleet’s certificates


    model year of 1975 or newer and other than diesel-pow-


    and fleet vehicle emissions inspection records. Cer-


    ered,  shall  be   required  to  take  and   pass  a  tampering


    tificates  and  fleet  vehicle   emissions  inspection


    inspection as specified in R18-2-1006(F)(7).


    records shall be maintained at the fleet station and


    A consignment vehicle shall be tested at a state inspection


    shall be made available for review by a state inspec-


    station according to R18-2-1005(A)(3).


    tor during normal business hours of the fleet station;

    F.       The vehicle emissions inspector shall complete and process the forms for vehicle inspection as follows, except a govern- ment entity fleet shall issue and process each government vehicle certificate of inspection under R18-2-1017:

    1.        A certificate of inspection shall be processed as follows:

    a.         A certificate of inspection shall be completed and signed by the vehicle emissions inspector perform- ing the inspection at the time the vehicle passes inspection. The vehicle emissions inspector who performed the inspection may correct a certificate by drawing a single line through the mistake, writing the correct information directly above the mistake, and initialing and dating the correction. Each certifi- cate shall be issued in numerical order;

    b.        For an inspection that does not include a biennial test, the expiration date shall be one year from the date the vehicle passes the mandatory vehicle emis- sions inspection. For a vehicle required to pass a biennial test, the expiration date shall be two years after the pass date;

    c.         All copies of a certificate of inspection shall be legi- ble;

    d.        Unless inspection data is electronically transmitted under A.R.S. § 49-542(Q), the original completed certificate shall be presented to MVD for processing the vehicle’s application for title and registration or the Arizona registration card. MVD may accept a signed certificate of inspection as evidence that the vehicle is a fleet-inspected vehicle and meets the inspection requirements of this Article;

    e.         The vehicle emissions inspector shall forward the second copy of each completed certificate of inspec- tion, along with the second copy of the “Fleet Vehi- cle Inspection Report/Monthly Summary,” to the Department monthly, not later than two weeks after

    k.        If any certificate is discovered lost or stolen, the fleet station owner shall notify the Department in writing within 24 hours, indicating the number of certificates lost or stolen and each serial number. The Department may revoke a fleet station permit for refusal or failure to report a lost or stolen certifi- cate within 24 hours;

    l.         In the event of loss, destruction, or mutilation of an original completed certificate of inspection, a Direc- tor’s certificate may be obtained from the Depart- ment by hand-delivery of the following:

    i.         The second or third copy of the lost, destroyed, or mutilated certificate of inspection;

    ii.        The original of the “Fleet Vehicle Inspection Report/Monthly Summary;”

    iii.      A cover letter from the fleet agent explaining the situation that caused the loss, destruction, or mutilation of the original certificate of inspec- tion; and

    iv.       Payment of a fee to cover the cost of issuance of the Director’s certificate. The fee for a Director’s certificate shall be fixed by the Director according to A.R.S. § 49-543, and shall be based upon the Director’s estimated cost to the state of administering and enforcing the provisions of this Article as they apply to issuance of a Director’s certificate. Checks shall be made payable to the Department of Environmental Quality; and

    m.      If an original certificate of inspection is voided by a fleet station, the original of the voided certificate shall be matched to the corresponding third copy of the certificate and retained at the fleet station for two years from the date of inspection.

    2.        The fleet agent or vehicle emissions inspector shall obtain the “Fleet Vehicle Inspection Report/Monthly Summary”

    Department of Environmental Quality Air Pollution Control

    form from the Department. The vehicle emissions inspec- tor performing the inspection shall record the following information on the form at the time of inspection:

    a.         The VIN of the vehicle passing inspection;

    b.        The vehicle’s license number, if applicable;

    c.         The HC content of the undiluted exhaust recorded at idle, if applicable;

    d.        The CO content of the undiluted exhaust recorded at idle, if applicable;

    e.         The HC content of the undiluted exhaust recorded at 2,500 rpm, if applicable;

    f.         The CO content of the undiluted exhaust recorded at 2,500 rpm, if applicable;

    g.        Results of a tampering check, if applicable;

    h.        Liquid fuel leak inspection results;

    i.         The vehicle model year;

    j.         The vehicle make;

    k.        The GVWR for a vehicle certified under federal truck standards;

    l.         The date of inspection;

    m.       The license number of the vehicle emissions inspec- tor conducting the inspection;

    n.        The signature of the inspector making the entry;

    o.        The serial number of the certificate of inspection, recorded in numerical order;

    p.        For a vehicle required to take the transient loaded emissions test, the inspector shall record the total HC, CO, CO2 and NOx measured in grams/mile, and the evaporative system pressure test result, if applicable;

    q.        The registration number of the registered analyzer or opacity meter used to perform the inspection;

    r.         For a light-duty diesel vehicle, the inspector shall record opacity rather than undiluted HC and CO;

    s.         For a heavy-duty diesel vehicle, instead of undiluted HC and CO:

    i.         The time of the inspection;

    ii.        The ambient temperature;

    iii.      The corrected barometric pressure;

    iv.       The relative humidity at the time of inspection;

    v.        The engine year and cubic inch or liter dis- placement;

    vi.       The GVWR;

    vii.     The diameter of the exhaust stack; and

    viii.    The corrected opacity reading.

    t.         For vehicle required to  take an OBD  test, the inspector shall record the OBD results rather than HC, CO, and NOx.

    3.        A certificate of waiver may be issued by a fleet vehicle

    emissions inspector unless the fleet owner or lessee is an auto dealer licensed to sell used motor vehicles under

    A.R.S. Title 28. The certificate of waiver may be issued according to the following procedure if the requirements of R18-2-1008(A), R18-2-1009, and R18-2-1010 are met:

    a.         A certificate of waiver shall be completed and signed by the vehicle emissions inspector perform- ing the inspection after completion of a fleet inspec- tion waiver report. The report shall be forwarded to the Department within three business days from the date of issuance of the certificate of waiver. A fleet inspection waiver report shall be provided by the Department with the purchase of each certificate of waiver. The report shall contain a description of the vehicle, test results, and repairs performed.

    b.        The expiration date of the certificate of waiver shall be two years from the date that the waiver is issued

    for a vehicle required to take the transient loaded emissions test, and one year for all other vehicles.

    c.         All information required on the certificate of waiver shall be legible.

    d.        The vehicle emissions inspector issuing the certifi- cate of waiver shall initial all corrections.

    e.         Only the vehicle emissions inspector performing the inspection may sign or initial a certificate of waiver.

    f.         Unless inspection data is electronically transmitted under A.R.S. § 49-542(Q), the original completed certificate shall be presented to MVD for processing of either the vehicle’s application for title and regis- tration or the Arizona registration card. MVD may accept the signed certificate of waiver as evidence that the vehicle is a fleet inspected vehicle and meets the inspection requirements of this Article if the cer- tificate is complete and the expiration date has not passed.

    g.        The second copy of each completed certificate of waiver shall accompany the completed fleet inspec- tion waiver report.

    h.        The third copy of each completed certificate of waiver, along with a copy of the fleet inspection waiver report, shall be retained by the fleet station owner for two years from the date of inspection.

    i.         The fee for a certificate of waiver shall be fixed by the Director according to A.R.S. § 49-543, and shall be based upon the Director’s estimated cost to the state of administering and enforcing the provisions of this Article as they apply to issuance of a certifi- cate of waiver. Payment for certificates shall be included with an application for certificates. Checks shall be made payable to the Department of Environ- mental Quality.

    j.         Only the Department shall sell or otherwise transfer a certificate of waiver. This subsection does not apply to the submission of a certificate of waiver to MVD for the purpose of vehicle registration.

    k.        The fleet station owner shall be responsible for the security and accountability of the fleet’s certificates.

    l.         If a certificate is discovered lost or stolen, the fleet station owner shall notify the Department in writing within 24 hours and indicate the number of certifi- cates lost or stolen and each serial number. The Department may revoke a fleet station permit for refusal or failure to report a lost or stolen certificate within 24 hours of discovery.

    m.       In the event of loss, destruction, or mutilation of an original completed certificate of waiver, a Director’s certificate may be obtained from the Department by hand delivery of the following:

    i.         The second or third copy of the lost, destroyed, or mutilated certificate of waiver;

    ii.        The original of the “Fleet Vehicle Inspection Report/Monthly Summary;”

    iii.      A cover letter from the fleet agent explaining the situation that caused the loss, destruction, or mutilation of the original certificate of waiver; and

    iv.       Payment of a fee to cover the cost of issuance of the Director’s certificate. The fee for a Director’s certificate shall be fixed by the Director according to A.R.S. § 49-543, and shall be based upon the Director’s estimated cost to the state of administering and enforcing the provisions of this Article as they apply to

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    issuance of a Director’s certificate. Checks shall be made payable to the Department of Environmental Quality.

    n.        In the event an original certificate of waiver is voided by a fleet station, the original of the voided certificate shall be matched to the corresponding third copy of the certificate and retained by the fleet for two years from the date of inspection.

    4.        Upon request, a state inspector shall be allowed access to and shall be permitted to photocopy, on or off the prem- ises, any original “Fleet Vehicle Inspection Report/ Monthly Summary,” the second copy of a certificate of inspection, and any other related documents.

    G.      The fleet shall comply with the following general operating requirements:

    1.        The fleet station permit and the licenses of all inspectors employed at the station shall be prominently displayed at the fleet’s inspection facility.

    2.        A fleet station shall only certify a vehicle owned by or leased to the holder of the fleet station permit.

    3.        The inspection equipment shall be operated, calibrated, and maintained as follows:

    a.         All test equipment and instrumentation shall be maintained in accurate working condition as required by the manufacturer. An instrument requir- ing periodic calibration shall be calibrated according to instructions and recommendations of the instru- ment or equipment manufacturer. An NDIR emis- sions analyzer shall be registered and calibrated according to  R18-2-1027. Calibration records for each instrument, except an NDIR emissions ana- lyzer, shall be maintained by the fleet station. The calibration records shall be signed and dated by the technician performing each calibration.

    b.        The instrument calibration records shall be available for review by the Department.

    c.         Working gases used by the fleet station shall be sub- ject to analysis and comparison to the Department’s standard gases at any time.

    d.        Fleet station equipment shall be subject to both scheduled and unscheduled checks for accuracy and condition by the Department.

    4.        A fleet emissions inspection station that is unable to test at least 25 vehicles according to R18-2-1006 and subsec- tion (A) shall surrender its permit.

    5.        A motor vehicle dealer with a fleet station permit shall comply with A.R.S. § 49-542.03.

    6.        If a fleet station fails to meet any requirement of subsec- tion (B), (C), or (D), it shall immediately cease operating as a fleet station until the requirement is met. If the fleet is cited for failure to have the necessary equipment under subsection (B), it shall not resume operation as a fleet emissions inspection station until compliance is verified by the Department.

    7.        A fleet station shall notify the Department in writing within seven days of the end or start of employment of any vehicle emissions inspector. The written notification shall include the name and license number of the vehicle emissions inspector, a statement declaring the employ- ment change, and the effective date of the employment change. A fleet station that does not employ a vehicle emissions inspector shall immediately cease operating as a fleet station and notify the Department immediately by telephone and within seven days in writing. All unused vehicle certificates of inspection shall be returned to the

    Department for a refund within seven days after opera- tions cease.

    8.        A fleet station that does not employ a fleet agent, as described in subsection (D)(4), shall immediately cease operating as a fleet station and shall notify the Depart- ment immediately by telephone and within seven days in writing. The written notification shall include the name and license number of the fleet agent, a statement declar- ing the employment change, and the effective date of the employment change. The fleet station may resume fleet station operation after the permit applicant or other desig- nated employee takes and passes the examination required in subsection (D)(4), if the responsibility of the day-to-day operation of the fleet station and a fleet agent designation form has been filed with the Department.

    H.      A fleet’s activities shall be governed by the following compli- ance and enforcement rules:

    1.        Subsections (B) through (G) apply at all times after the issuance of a fleet station permit. In addition, subsections (B), (C), and (D) apply before a permit can be issued or removed from suspension.

    2.        The Director may suspend or revoke a fleet station permit according to A.R.S. § 49-546(F) and A.R.S. Title 41, Chapter 6, if the permittee, or any person employed by the permittee:

    a.         Violates any provision of A.R.S. Title 49, Chapter 3, Article 5 or any provision of this Article;

    b.        Misrepresents a material fact in obtaining a permit;

    c.         Fails to make, keep, and submit to the Department records for a vehicle tested as a permittee; or

    d.        Does not provide  a  state  inspector   access  to the information required by this Article.

    3.        If a fleet station permit is surrendered, suspended or revoked, all unused vehicle certificates of inspection shall be returned to the Department for a refund.

    4.        A fleet vehicle is subject to inspection by a state inspec- tor.

    5.        Surrender of a permit under subsection (A)(8) or (G)(4) shall not prevent the Department from carrying out an investigative or disciplinary proceeding against the per- mit holder for a violation before surrender.

Historical Note

Adopted effective January 13, 1976 (Supp. 76-1).

Amended effective January 3, 1977 (Supp 77-1).

Amended effective March 2, 1978 (Supp. 78-2).

Amended effective January 3, 1979 (Supp. 79-1).

Amended effective February 20, 1980 (Supp. 80-1). Amended as an emergency effective January 2, 1981, pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1003, valid for only 90 days (Supp. 81-1). Former Section R9-3-1019 as amended effective February 20, 1980, and amended as an emer- gency effective January 2, 1981, now amended effective April 15, 1981 (Supp. 81-2). Amended effective January

1, 1986 (Supp. 85-6). Amended effective January 1,

1987, filed December 31, 1986 (Supp. 86-6). Former Sec- tion R9-3-1019 renumbered as Section R18-2-1019 and amended effective August 1, 1988 (Supp. 88-3).

Amended effective September 19, 1990 (Supp. 90-3).

Amended effective February 4, 1993 (Supp. 93-1).

Amended effective November 14, 1994 (Supp. 94-4).

Amended effective October 15, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 562, effective January 14, 2000 (Supp. 00-1). Amended by final

rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 90, effective January 1, 2002 (Supp. 01-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 14 A.A.R.

2834, effective July 1, 2008 (Supp. 08-3).

Department of Environmental Quality Air Pollution Control